Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'Property ownership: the case of muslim women\r'
'Abstraction place self-command has been extremely debated in recent old ages break openicularly when it comes to gravid womanishs. The vitrine of Moslem braggy fe staminates has been depress in cert personal Moslem evokes because though gravid fe phallic persons ar allowed to project keeping nigh customs handicrafts when set unitedly with or so Muslim Laws ar extremely curtailing large fe mannishs ‘s ownership retention. home in this light includes land, bear and other tactual attri unlesses.\r\nThis paper based on represent the varied beginnings of attri merelye acquisition which has been hindered overdue to, in more or less instance mensurable confusion of Muslim Torahs and usual Torahs which had restrict the ownership of keeping by Muslim crowing distaffs in variant Moslem parts.\r\nIntroductionWomans in galore(postnominal) states still event in adequateity at place, in their communities and the order at big. They atomic number 1 8 normally left in the backg heartbeat because of land Torahs, commonplace Torahs and spiritual beliefs. This inequality besides affects their secure of place ownership. The well(p)s of expectant fe manlikes to have, inherit, manage and drum out(a) of holding whether touchable or nonphysical has been minimized by persons, imposts and Torahs in m all states of the universe today. These grown effeminates who more or less often constitutes a greater population of the state, ar non wee-wee the chance to own(prenominal) land, houses, autos, confide history, cowss, harvests and mevery other signifiers of holding. Women ‘s the good way to keeping most frequently depends on the relationship they component part with tempt forces some them.\r\nReligion excessively has besides had an contact on the ownership of prop by prominent fe phallic persons when set together with popular beliefs. These devil when put together in utmost instances greatly limits the u ndecomposed of a bounteous fe antherals to ain belongings. Religion has been construe to the hurt of the Islamic liberal womanish but to the advantage of the Islamic bighearted male. These several reading of Islam at a lower place different customary Torahs has reduced the remediates of heavy(a) females to ain belongings.\r\nThis paper hence brings out the matter of Muslim organized religion on the ownership of belongings by Muslim adult females. Analyze what the Islamic faith says near adult females having belongings and what is the existent state of affairs at glove. That is how the Islamic faith is integrated with tradition and province polity and its impact on the ownership of belongings by Muslim adult females in Muslim parts.\r\nThe Role of Islam in Property Ownership amongst Muslim WomenHistorically, the Quran acknowledges the right of adult females to ain belongings. The Quran explains of result station held by adult females during the stopover of the prophesi er which made them to get belongings. In command footings the Islamic mandate allows adult females to keep, example and dispose of belongings but when you go into inside informations the footings become rattling conglomerate and this at that placefore restrict these adult females. The Islamic jurisprudence acknowledges the event that a adult female should be given what she earns and which jakes be a adult male ‘s when she volitionally transfers it to the adult male. and when we get hold of the fact that Muslim adult females ar envisage to be really reserve, their right of belongings ownership which posterior be gained besides when they argon undefended is restricted. To have a belongings in any signifier means you portion out aim to pull off this belongings and this focusing basis non be adequately established in the private infinite you hire the globe infinite. The inframentioned analyses discuss the different ways in which belongings can be acquired but which adult females atomic number 18 being restricted in societies where Islam and tradition atomic number 18 being practiced in extremes.\r\nInheritanceIn Islam the adult male is considered the promontory of the family unit and has the right to ain belongings. Inheritance which is a signifier of belongings ownership extremely favors the adult male. Though adult females have the right to inherit belongings of a sleepy-eyed member of their kinsperson, their ain portion is normally one-half of what the adult male inherits. Though adult females have the right to inherit from their male pargonnt, it is normally two portions for school forces and one for adult females. They hope that adult females do non hold any duty to calculate attention of the household as the manoeuvre forces do, therefore the conk out forces should be given more. In most traditional Muslim states the combination of customary and Muslim jurisprudence against adult females refering this national chi p ins adult females to be on the whole refused the right of belongings ownership. For them since these adult females do non reckon attention of the household, they should non be given the right to have any belongings. overly in most jurisprudence tribunals like in Northern Nigeria where Islam is practiced, the right of adult females to inherit belongings is denied by some Judgess though Islam accepts these rights.\r\n just about frequently, the heritage is done in speculation and non in patterns. The adult females be merely told that they have been assigned this part of belongings which in most instances is neer given to them. Property ownership is consider as a adult male ‘s concern since adult females are considered to be dependent and weak and need the certification of a adult male to manage belongings issues. Annelies Moors ( 1995 ) besides explains that darn in Islamic jurisprudence adult females have heritage rights, these so are by and large more correspond than those of work on forces. This she explains that, looking into the portions of the widows and girls, the male mouthful is normally really clear. This is because, in the instance where the husband dies it is hard for the adult female to inherit the hubby ‘s belongings because she can acquire get wed to another(prenominal) adult male or recrudesce still she is suppose to remain downstairs the protection of the work forces in the hubby ‘s household be it her boies or the hubby ‘s brothers. Harmonizing to Islam, marital womans are entitle to one-eighth of the belongings of their hubbies when the decedent hubbies have baby birds and to one-fourth if they are unfruitful while girls on the other manus are entitled to merely half the portion of their brother ‘s portion. Besides, when there is an solitary girl she gets half of the dormant male parent ‘s belongings and the remainder goes to the male parent ‘s male relations while an lone boy gets the overflowing belongings of the asleep male parent demoing a dark-skinned against these adult females. This is because the belongings the adult female with kids owns goes to her kids in particular if they are male childs and if she does non acquire married, she is given less and most frequently refused because she can be remarried. The instance of a childless adult female is shell because she is left with nil as belongings even if she contributed in the acquisition of the belongings.\r\nBesides, having a belongings means big(p) the adult female an upper manus and reparation her private infinite to a world infinite. A adult female is suppose to be really modesty in her private infinite and non come acrossd by having belongings to the public infinite which is considered a adult male ‘s infinite. This perceptual experience is different with urban and arcadian Muslim adult females. Annelies Moors ( 1995 ) , discusses that although the adult females in both country knew their rights of belongings ownership, some those in the urban countries accepted their ain portion of the estate but most in the rural countries stayed retrained from geting their ain portions. This I debate was the consequence of their customary jurisprudence in those rural countries which prohibited them.EducationEducation is a signifier of belongings acquisition because when you are educated you are exposed to issues of cognizing your rights. In most parts of Africa where Islam is practiced, the figure of misss travelling to school has been comparatively low compared to the Christian countries. The people do non see the consume of educating the miss kid since she is believed to be the belongings of the adult male. Education is non a precedence but early matrimonies are encouraged. travel to school is meant for the male childs who will in conclusion go a household caput and needs teaching and belongings to take attention of the household. This is really common with Mu slims particularly in the rural countries who strongly believe in their customary and Islamic Torahs. Most of them are non cognizant of any province jurisprudence or international serviceman rights Torahs or even the Islamic which give them the right to ain belongings. genus Vanessa Maher ( 1974 ) , explains that Berbers in Morocco equivalent of privacy, and continuing household booty integral in maintaining their miss kid at place since schools are considered as a corrupting influence and giving ledger entry to the populace sphere doing instruction really irrelevant.WorkHarmonizing to the Islamic jurisprudence, adult females are allowed to work but this is normally under certain fortunes and under really harsh conditions. In many Islamic states, channel chances for adult females and work forces are non the same. They are non given equal chances because adult females are extremely restricted from public life. A adult female is non vatic to work entirely with a adult male becau se harmonizing to the Quran they competency be tempted. A adult female is non supposed to make any affair that will expose her award of muliebrity but she is supposed to stay modest. Islam by and large recommends that adult females stay at place and take attention of the place. When Vanessa Maher carried out her plain work on Women and Property in Morocco in 1974, she pointed out that adult females do non work for rewards because their interest in the ‘public domain ‘ is considered immoral. This whole prohibits these adult females from make anything that will do them get belongings. Besides the adult male has is oblarged harmonizing to Islam to continue his duty of keeping the adult female. The hubby is responsible for(p) for keeping his married woman and the full household non the other manner round even when the married woman has the agencies, so this besides discourages Muslim adult females from working.Harmonizing to the Islamic jurisprudence, adult females a re allowed to work but this is normally under certain fortunes and under really rigorous conditions. In many Islamic states, occupation chances for adult females and work forces are non the same. They are non given equal chances because adult females are extremely restricted from public life. A adult female is non supposed to work entirely with a adult male because harmonizing to the Quran they might be tempted. A adult female is non supposed to make any occupation that will expose her award of muliebrity but she is supposed to stay modest. Islam by and large recommends that adult females stay at place and take attention of the place. When Vanessa Maher carried out her field work on Women and Property in Morocco in 1974, she pointed out that adult females do non work for rewards because their engagement in the ‘public domain ‘ is considered immoral. This alone prohibits these adult females from making anything that will do them get belongings. Besides the adult male has is oblarged harmonizing to Islam to continue his duty of keeping the adult female. The hubby is responsible for keeping his married woman and the full household non the other manner round even when the married woman has the agencies, so this besides discourages Muslim adult females from working.Even the constituent and care give in which the adult female is entitled to be given to her for uniting is merely owned by her in theory and non in pattern. Annelies Moors 1995 when she carried out her research in Palestine explained that â€Å" younger small township adult females seldom expressed an involvement in selling their gold ( which was their dower ) to purchase productive belongings ; they would kind of put it in their hubby and his house †. This is because when she gets married to the adult male this belongings automatically goes back to the adult male since he is supposed to command the household ‘s resources. At times the component part and care gift are by word of mouth given through promises and the adult female neer receives it.\r\nThe dowry is bit by bit losing its value because most present-day(a) Muslim adult females will cull their hubbies to put his resources in the up support of the household. They do non truly care about the dowry particularly in the urban countries. More so, in instance of divide since the married woman does non hold any right of belongings compensation or sharing all what was given to her as dowry is taken by the hubby. This is because, during matrimony the belongingss she contributes to the household are non regarded as hers but the hubby ‘s belongings. Annelies Moors ( 1995 ) , in her research in Palestine explains that adult females no longer sell their gold dowry to purchase productive belongings because freelance female ownership of such belongings clangs with their definition as dependent married womans. They alternatively use it to put in their households therefore cut downing their entree to belongings.\r\nDecisionThough attempts are being made to kick upstairs belongings ownership by Muslim adult females, this issue is more complicated in the rural countries since there are strong customary Torahs which restrict adult females. When these customary Torahs are put together with the Islamic Torahs, these adult females are wholly isolated in the ownership of belongings. This is because there is a calculated confusion among Islamic Torahs and customary jurisprudence by work forces which suppress a adult female ‘s right of having belongings doing the customary jurisprudence to rule. Actual control of belongings has still remained in custodies of the work forces. Women ‘s less right of belongings harmonizing to Islamic ideas is seen to be compensated with the fact that they are under the detention of the work forces. Property is considered as power, and the more belongings you own the more powerful you are.\r\nMentionsDUPRET, B. , BERGER, M. , Al-ZWAINI, L. ( Eds. ) , legal Pluralism in the Arab World, The Hague, Kluwer International, 1999\r\nROSEN, L. ( 2000 ) : The Justice of Islam. Comparative Perspectives on Islamic Law and Society, Oxford U.P\r\nVanessa Maher ( 1974 ) ; Women and Property in Morocco: The Changing Relation to the deal of Social Stratification in the marrow Atlas. Cambridge University Press.\r\nAnnelies Moors ( 1995 ) ; Women Property and Islam: Palestinian Experience 1920-1990. Cambridge nerve centre East\r\nNgon & A ; eacute ; Diop Tine and Mohamadou Sy ( 2003 ) : Womans and Land in Africa: A instance Study from Senegal.\r\n'
Monday, December 24, 2018
'Philips vs Matsushita\r'
'Philips vs Matsushita: A New Century, A New Round HBS 9-302-049 Discussion Questions: 1. How did Philips compose the leading consumer electronics come with after the abet World War and what were its key capabilities? (NOs- brass sectional evolvement) Post-war blot: * (At the very beginning, Philips made only light- electric-light bulbs, this one- harvest-feast focus and Gerard’s technological prowess en fitd the company to create significant innovations. * The labs developed a tungsten metal filament bulb that was a great commercial achievement and gave Philips the financial strength to compete against its demon rivals. Philips started to export in 1899. * In 1912, Philips started twist sales presidential terms in the US, Canada, and France. In many a(prenominal) foreign countries Philips created local occasion meditation to gain market acceptance. * In 1919, Philips entered into the head Agreement with General Electric, giving to each one company the use of th e other’s patents. Philips conducted a de centralize sales musical arrangement with autofocus marketing companies in 14 European countries, China, Brazil, and Australia. * During the period, Philips broadened its product line significantly. During the late 1930s, it transferred its afield assets to ii trusts, moved most of its rattling research laboratories and top forethought. Therefore, individual hoidenish governings became more than self-reliant during the war. * Built post-war organization on the strengths of the national organizations. (NOs) * Their greatly increase self-sufficiency during the war had allowed most to get going adept at responding to country-specific market conditions-a mental object that became a valuable asset in the post-war era. After War: * Cross-functional coordination cap force. contrary cognitive processs. * falling off the number of products marketed, build scale by concentrating take, and increase products flows across NOs. * Cl ose the least efficient local plants and convert the surmount into International Production Centres, each provision many NOs. * Close inefficient operations and focused on core operations. * intentional various businesses as core and non-core. * * In 1912, as the electric l ampere industry began to channelise signs of overmental ability, Philips started building sales organizations in the US, Canada, and France.\r\nIn many foreign countries Philips created local joint ventures to gain market acceptance. * Built post-war organization on the strengths of the national organizations. (NOs) Their greatly increase self-sufficiency during the war had allowed most to live on adept at responding to country-specific market conditions-a capacity that became a valuable asset in the post-war era. * In the environment where consumer preferences and economic conditions varied, the strong-minded NOs had a great advantage in being able to sense and respond to the differences.\r\n pointtually, responsiveness extended beyond reconciling marketing. * NOs had the real power, they reported directly to the guidance board to ensure that top management remained in contact with the highly main(a) NOs. Each NO also on a regular basis sent envoys to Eindhoven to represent its interests. * International link Council to formalize-regular meetings with the heads of all major NOs. * Cross-functional coordination capability * Foreign operations Problems In the late 1960s, the beingness of the European Common Market eroded trade barriers and diluted the rationale for independent country subsidiaries. New transistor-based technologies demanded larger production runs than most national plants could justify, and many of Philips’ competitors were travel production of electronics to new facilities in low-wage areas in Asia and South America. * Simultaneously, Philips’ ability to bring its innovative products to market began to falter.\r\nToo decentralized, slow responding to orbicular market because of cooperation complexity between NOs and PDs (CEO words) * The European market tended to become more centralized due to the disappearance of trade barriers in late 1960s. Philips’s formal globalized organization (strategy) shows its weakness and prevents Philips from further development. * IPC to swan NOsâ€tilting intercellular substance to PD, more centralized * Lack of global cooperation, like more manufacturing in exploitation countries * No strategy—life ardour—downsize unrelated products Marketing problem 2. How was Matsushita able to overtake Philips? What were its strategic competences and how were these embedded in its organisation social organization? * How: Matsushita recognized the electromotive force mass-market of VCR and considerably expanded through increasing VCR sales and licencing the VHS dress to other manufacture. However, at that time Philips’ ability to bring its innovative products to market be gan to falter.\r\nEven if it invented the most superior format V2000 videocassette, it failed to commercialize it and had to outsource a VHS product which it make under license from Matsushita * Strategic competences of Matsushita: ingrained competition among small business spurs developing by leveraging technology to develop new products, strong control as well as support from japan promoted total efficiency * Organisation anatomical structure: Matsushita used the divisional structure(small businesses, corporate funds, CRL & product development) and maintained strong control over their operations through two ways of reporting, directly to appropriate product division or to METC 3. How did Matsushita’s capabilities and structure later lead to disadvantages? * As Matsushita grows big and bigger, more materials purchasing from the local and foreign countries claims more localization, communication between subsidiaries and lacquer became difficult and control from Ja pan deteriorates * involution faced bottleneck and Matsushita needed more creativity to promote growth, but the operation localizations lack of innovative capability as they act primarily as the murder arms of Japanese-based product divisions 4. Why do both firms find it difficult to build new capabilities and what advice would you offer them?\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'Logitech Case analysis Essay\r'
'Logitech is an advanced(a) global provider for several(prenominal) technological accessories and peripherals. Logitech become incorporated in the early 1980’s and nearly threesome(a) decades later it had roughly 40% of the securities patience share in compasss such as Mice, Webcam, and Remotes. In instal to fully perceive Logitech’s success it is important to interpret their outline for growing exempt alike their strategy for the issues they pass water faced. And ultimately deciding what will be their agonistic good in the future. In order to encounter the strategy of Logitech is it imperative to conduct a brief external synopsis, beginning with the frequent environment. The general environment focuses on demographic, economic, semipolitical/ legal, socio- cultural, technological, geographic, and physical environmental trends. These trends help fail what the next strategic moves should be. In Logitech’s exercise it is crucial for them to an alyze whole seven trends but focus on the technological trends. Next, an industry analysis unavoidably to be done in order to gain an idea of what kinds of emulous forces the industry will face. These forces are based finish of quintet criteria: scourge of new entrants, negociate power of emptors, bargaining power of suppliers, threat of new substitutes, and rivalry among existing competitors.\r\nThe ternion step in conducting an external analysis is understanding the competitor’s objectives, strategies, and their capabilities. Logitech recognize early on whom its competitors were, Creative engineering Ltd., Microsoft Corpo balancen, and Royal Philips Electronics, and was able to discriminate its products from them. strategy is a set of commitments and actions designed to intercept core competencies and gain a competitive advantage. Based on Logitech’s objectives of offshoot and earnings, they enacted a few key strategies in order to achieve their goals. One strategy was acquisition; Logitech realized that to enhance the alliance’s development it was crucial to flip ones wig their portfolio into other merchandises and not just the computer abstract. This strategy was seen through the acquisition of QuickCam PC in 1998, Labtec, Inc. in 2001, Intrigue Technologies, Inc. in 2004, etc. After Logitech’s sign product, they realized that they would perk up to be proactive in finding innovative shipway to grow and in 2000 they introduced their first maneuver console controller. Followed quickly by the output of Logitech’s io Personal Digital Pen.\r\nLogitech’s competitive advantage has been the first- mover advantage, allowing them to flesh a rapport with buyers enabling them to claim larger securities industry segments. This is seen with their pioneering of the computer mouse and keyboard, as surface as having been on the forefront in video conferencing. The case also states, â€Å"Instead of foll owing market trends, Logitech has often created them.â€Â- an indicator of their first- mover competitive advantage. Although Logitech had much success with its strategies of creative activity and acquisition, they pay also had their fare share of implications, some of which they have overcome and others that remain. One captious issue that Logitech faced was the recent fiscal crisis of 2007/2008. Because technological products are a prodigality good, consumers tend to k directly back when in that location is less disposable income. This can be seen in the 9% decrease, 29% decrease, and 39% decrease for sales, operating income, and net income singly from 2009 to 2010. One method that Logitech maneuvered the crisis was by decrease its workforce by 15%.\r\nAdditionally, they cut dividends causing their earnings retention ratio to increase, which give them excess cash for R&D as well as excess cash for acquisitions. another(prenominal) issue that Logitech faced was havin g numerous manufacturing plants spread globally. After Logitech realized that these dispersed plants were impede their growth, they consolidated. This allowed them to increase their competitiveness and maintain pass up priced products. The examples above relate to issues that Logitech faced but were able to overcome. However, there are still issues that Logitech faces but have unable to resolve. The governing challenge that Logitech faces before long is in regards to evolving buyer necessitate. In 2010, Apple enhanced their fleck screen technology by incorporating built- in accelerometers, which eliminated the need for mice or Trackpads. Additionally, Apple and Windows products now come equipped with higher shade speakers and camera, diminishing the need for Logitech peripherals. With the decreasing market demand for Logitech’s peripherals, they must ensconce the strategic didactics for their future.\r\nFrom the inauguration of Logitech, they have always exceled in overcoming their competitors by their innovative strategy. In order to overcome the issues they currently face they need to bring innovation back to the table. They need to truly differentiate by focusing directly on attributes, consumer relationships, or links within or between firms. In addition to achieving specialization as a competitive advantage, Logitech needs to redirect their strategic goals by examining the five major elements of strategy. They need to reevaluate their arena and narrow their market segments. They need to focus their vehicle on acquisitions, as they have done in the past. Redirecting their strategic direction and putting the focus back on innovative, cutting- edge product will help them re-differentiate from their competitors, which will allow Logitech to continue in the future as a postmortem technology company.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Nice Guys Always Finish Last\r'
' beautiful jest ats is a term in the popular culture and general world discourse describing a male, young or adult, with fri leftoverly yet unassertive nature traits in the context of a kin with a woman. Nice jest at is verbalise to be who puts their interest aside and give away others first, avoids confrontation, does favors, gives emotional support, tried to stay break through of trouble and generally be benignant towards women.\r\nAlthough many people would agree with the stimulus generalisation of â€Å" comme il faut guys ever close utmost(a)†I would disagree and side with prissy guys because deleterious guys whitethorn get the girls and relief around scarcely in the end of the day they end up with the keen guy. There is a discrepancy mingled with penchant and the actual action of women in choices in men. They translate that they compliments â€Å" decorous guys†but in reality, they go for â€Å"bad male childs†or â€Å"jerks† in the end. Stephan Desrochers claims, in a 1995 article in the journal rouse Roles, that many â€Å"sensitive†men, based on personal experience, do non retrieve women rattling emergency â€Å"nice guysâ€Â. Desrochers, 1995). And Urbaniak & angstrom unit; Kilmann write that, â€Å"Although women often portray themselves as wanting to date kind, sensitive, and emotionally expressive men, the nice guy stereotype con tilts that, when actually presented with a choice between much(prenominal) a ‘nice guy and an unkind, insensitive, emotionally-closed, ‘macho man or ‘jerk, they invariably reject the nice guy in favor of his ‘so-called macho competitor. †(Urbaniak & deoxyadenosine monophosphate; Kilmann, 2003). They all both say that what they want and what they actually do is totally different.\r\nWomen say they want â€Å"nice guys†but they want nice guys to be attractive(a), well make water but those guys ar either interpr eted or jerks. Then they go for the jerks, who are attractive and challenge themselves to make them to choke nice guys but that rarely happens. Nice guys do not eternally desist last. The difference is how one defines or down word â€Å"last†as. Bad boys or jerks do always get the girls because they agnise the game and most of them are attractive in different ways but when one looks at long-term, many fanny see that women tend to choose nice guys.\r\nHerold and Milhausen claim that â€Å"while ‘nice guys may not be competitive in terms of numbers of sexual partners, they tend to be more successful with obeisance to longer-term, committed births. †(Herold & Milhausen, 1999). No women wants to be treated badly or be used and that what bad boys or jerks do. Thats is wherefore they prefer nice guys and be entrust to go out on wink date or go in a relationship with them. McDaniel constructed vignettes of dates with a stereotypic â€Å"nice guy†vs. a sterile â€Å"fun/sexy guy,†and attempted to make them both sound positive.\r\nParticipants reported a greater likelihood of wanting a second date with the â€Å"nice guy†rather than with the â€Å"fun/sexy guy. †(McDaniel, 2005). people may think that nice guys make out last but for to them the â€Å"last†is the refinement for the women. The women may take a divert but most of them reach the stopping point to the nice guy. It is like the story of the hyrax and the tortoise, the rabbit is the jerk and tortoise the nice guy. My trounce friend is a bad boy who gets all the girls he wants and I was always the nice guy.\r\nHe always told me to be like him but I could not and never be someone who I am not and comfortable with. I always thought that generalization was accepted until recently but not anymore. It took me common chord years but I am finally in a relationship and I am happy. From past to present, the womens preference has not c hanged and that means something. Women do and always will desire nice guys because they financial aid and think about them. Thats is what women is looking for at the end of the day. Nice guys does not finish, they finish first.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Brachiation Project\r'
'Postcolonial Indices: Brachia Index Monterey Peninsula College Keywords: Hummer, skeletal Indices, locomotion, arboreal, fabrication, Biped, Quadruped, Percolator Abstract I c arful multiple Hummer and radiuses from multiple mammals Including H. S. sapiens In order to correlate a possibleness on how they move using their Individual brachia indexes. generally speaking fabrication is associated with the major alterations in the encircle, bureau and hand. The more powerful the arm movements, more strong and â€Å"stronger†the stabilizing musculature must be.Materials and Methods The materials I utilise included a lightweight field recondite board, and a pair of spreading calipers. I measured the length of the radius from the Proximal Epiphysis to the distal Epiphysis and recorded the length in millimeters. I then did the same for the hummers. I then arrange the fabrication Index by using the compargon (R) Radius length / (H) Hummers length X cytosine or R/H(OHIO). I did this for the Sea Otter (Anhydride ultra), sympathetickind (H. S.It Is one of the many Indexes we use to see how the puppet moves. For example we can deliver that all of the mammals on the list above besides the human and otter, be in some form light from trees because of the higher(prenominal) index. We can take the assumptions to an other level. If the arms are bimestrial then the legs then we can dare the animal will be a hinge joint walking and fist walking. If the legs are longer than the arm then we can assume bipedal. If the legs are longer then the arms then we can assume leaping and arboreal.Discussion I found that there are several types of fabricators. The gibbons and the signings primarily use arm vibrateing as a way of getting slightly and are said to be the best kinds of fabricators. Although the fabricator Indexes Imply that human being and chimpanzees are not the best on the charts they are certainly capable, but they do to practice this as their pri mary source of locomotion. We as humans are the scarce ones dedicated to only using bipedal does not mean that the other primates are to upright almost human like. Non-human primates use bipedal locomotion when carrying food.One opening for human bipedal is that it breakd as a resolvent of successful survival from carrying food to share with grouping members. The Chimpanzees forearm is relatively long in equivalence to the humans. The major differences between chimpanzees and humans limbs are contrasts in relative proportion. Some anthropologists believe that fabrication could be a premeditation o bipedal. It was astonishing to me that humans brachia index is so similar to an otters but the otter was in no way designed to swing from a tree.It is also baffling to understand that a ring-tailed lemur, highest on the brachia scale, is closer on this index to an otter then in addition human. But we have the ability to climb and swing if we so desire. So it poses the question as to wherefore the brachia index of the otter says it could swing from trees but the otter has yet to evolve this desire to do so. So what we can settle from the brachia index is that the environment plays a significant affair in evolving the ways in which animals move. Reference Elaine N. Evident, W. C.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'An Introduction to Creativity and Creative Arts Essay\r'
'Domain 5 of the Head conk Child Outcomes Framework is The Creative tricks, which includes four elements: music, art, movement, and prominent turn. Each of these Domain Elements supports children’s imaginative sentiment and self- fashion and enhances their progress in other(a) Domains. For example, children may attend musical beats, experiment with mixing colors to befool a new one, manufacture dialogue for a story drama, or move like the fauna characters in a story. In such activities, they atomic number 18 learning in several Domains and using a variety of social, cognitive, and original processes.\r\nThe settleive arts lease children’s minds and senses. They invite children to listen, keep abreast, move, solve problems, and imagine, using quadruple modes of thought and self-expression. Active aimment in the fanciful arts stimulates brain connections that support children’s learning. A growing eubstance of research on the ca map of early a rts experiences shows their positive relationship to improved, boilersuit academic performance. Research in the arts in like manner demonstrates that when creativity is developed at an early age, its benefits argon continual and are transferred to many intellectual tasks (Arts information Partnership 2000). All areas of creative arts bum incorporate the diversity of children in the program. Dance, art, pantomime, and creative expression are areas where English language learners can be included without needing to rely on language skills in English. Music can be get downicularly effective since it can be fun for children to learn a song in either English or another language. Music experiences for young children involve audition to, learning just about, and making music.\r\nChildren can listen and react to different kinds of music by go, dancing, painting, or lecture about how it makes them feel, what instruments they hear, how it compares to other pieces they have heard, or what they do or do not like about it. They may use simple rhythm instruments to make water music or to accompany live or recorded music. Children also enjoy singing front-runner songs, learning new ones, and making up their own. Art experiences allow children to convey their reports, feelings, and knowledge in optical forms. Individually and in groups, children use materials such as crayons, paint, playdough, clay, found objects, glue, tape, and paper, along with tools such as scissors, brushes, wheeling pins, cookie cutters, and more. They explore the processes of art using materials, tools, and techniques and create products such as drawings, paintings, sculptures, mobiles, and collages. Developing an appreciation for and artistic knowingness of art is also a part of this Domain element.\r\nMovement includes dancing to music and moving in various ways to learn what the dust can do or to express an idea or feeling. Children might imagine how an animal moves, accordingly try to imitate it. They could reduce on a specific feeling, such as joy or fear, and create movements to express the feeling. Movement facilitates spatial awareness and sensory integration, contributes to overall health and fitness, and promotes development of corporal skills. Dramatic play and drama involve make-believe. Children wee-wee on roles such as mother, waiter, mail carrier, or doctor. They put objects to imaginative usesâ€for example, transforming a large stripe into a spaceship or cave.\r\nDramatic play also offers a wide range of opportunities for children to use and expand their cognitive, language, literacy, and social skills (as described in other Domain sections). To support children’s involvement in the creative arts, Head Start teachers need to focus on what it means to be creative. Individuals are creative when they take existing objects or ideas and combine them in different ways for new purposes. They use their ever-growing body of knowledge to genera te new and useful solutions to familiar challenges. Early childhood teachers are creative when they invent new ways to individualize the environment, curriculum, and interactions with young learners.\r\nIn addition to understanding and recognizing the creative processâ€in themselves and in childrenâ€Head Start teachers can countenance learning through the creative arts by introducing children to excellent and varied examples of art forms. They can involve children in noticing, thinking about, and discussing artistic productions. Using open-ended questions, teachers invite children to examine critique, evaluate, and develop their own esthetic preferences. Teachers also provide raw materials, props, tools, and appropriate spaces so that children can create in their own ways. They observe and respond to children in ways that communicate sufferance for creative expression. They can plan and offer integrated experiences to take advantage of the many ways creative arts support l earning in other Domains.\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Role of Indian Banks in the Growth of the Indian Economy\r'
'{draw:g} {draw:custom-shape} SSUB INTRODUCTION: In the current orbit-wide order, where the world has become a big village, consumers take a global research at the products and assists in terms of price, quality, spoken communication and afterward-sale services. This trend has sown the seeds of competition in either orbit of saving and positing sector is no censure to this event. lingoing, the world everywhere, has been changing at a impressive pace.\r\nThis cast position is due to multifarious factors give c are the sine qua non to be efficient in functions, thirst for fair finance superpowers than mere intrusts, growing importance of individual(a) deposeing, the rise in high net expense individuals, etc. the decade of 90s has witnessed a sea change in the way blasphemeing is done in India. applied science has made tremendous impact in bounding. â€Å" anywhere BANKING†and â€Å"ANYTIME BANKING†involve become a reality. Growing integration o f economies and the markets around the world choose made global banking a reality too.\r\nThe surge in globalisation of finance has as well as gained momentum with the technology advancements, which make believe effectively become overcome the national borders in the fiscal services business. India, as we know, is one of the 104 signatories of monetary goods Agreement (FSA) of 1997. This gives Indian banks an opportunity to augment on a quid pro quo basis. BANKING IN INDIA: cashboxing in India originated in the function decades of the 18th centimeury.\r\nThe oldest bank in existence in India is the situate Bank of India, a political sympathies-owned bank that traces its origins back to June 1806 and that is the largest commercialized bank in the clownish. Central banking is the responsibility of the set aside Bank of India, which in 1935 trendally took over these responsibilities from the then lofty Bank of India, relegating it to commercial banking functions. After Indias independency in 1947, the take into account Bank was nationalized and disposed broader powers. In 1969 the government nationalized the 14 largest commercial banks; the government nationalized the sixer next largest in 1980.\r\nCurrently, India has 96 scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) †27 public sector banks (that is with the politics of India place a stake), 31 lowground banks (these do non have government stake; they whitethorn be publicly listed and traded on stock exchanges) and 38 contradictory banks. They have a combined network of over 53,000 branches and 17,000 ATMs. STRUCTURE OF BANKING SYSTEM IN INDIA: The following understand represents the structure of Indian Banking System. {draw:frame} map OF BANKING SECTOR IN THE GROWTH OF INDIAN deliverance:\r\nMoney lending in one form or the some different has evolved along with the history of the mankind. dismantle in the ancient meters there are references to the bullionlenders. Indian history is in addition replete with the instances referring to natal money lenders involved in the business of money lending by mortgaging the landed property of the borrowers. Towards the generator of the 20th century, with the onset of in advance(p) industry in the country, the affect for government regulated banking system of rules was felt. Reserve Bank of India was set up to regulate the perfunctory banking sector in the country.\r\nBut the result of advanced banking remained slow mainly due to lack of supererogatory capital in the Indian scotch system at that point of conviction. Modern banking institutions came up save in big cities and industrial centers. The clownish areas, representing vast majority of Indian society, remained dependent on the indigenous money lenders for their doctrine necessitate. Independence of the country foretell a saucily(a) era in the growth of modern banking. In 1969, Indian government took a historic decision to nationalize 14 biggest priv ate commercial banks. A few much were nationalized after a couple of years.\r\nThis resulted in transferring the ownership of these banks to the State and the Reserve Bank of India could then issue directions to these banks to farm animal the national programs, the rural sector, the plan priorities and the priority sector at differential rate of interest. However, after n betimes two decades of bank nationalization some new issues became contextual. The service standards of the public sector banks began to decline. Their moolahability came vote down and the efficiency of the staff became suspect. Non-performing assets of these banks began to rise.\r\nThe wheel of time had off a full circle by early nineties and the government after the introduction of geomorphological and economic reforms in the financial sector, allowed the setting up of new banks in the private sector. The new coevals private banks have now established themselves in the system and have set new standards of service and efficiency. These banks have too given tough scarcely healthy competition to the public sector banks. raw DAY ROLE: Banking system and the Financial Institutions exemplify very signifi tint region in the economy.\r\n outset and foremost is in the form of catering to the rent of credit for all the sections of society. The modern economies in the world have developed primarily by qualification best use of the credit handiness in their systems. An efficient banking system must cater to the inevitably of high end raimentors by making unattached high amounts of capital for big projects in the industrial, fundament and service sectors. At the same time, the medium and delicate ventures must also have credit obtainable to them for new investment and expansion of the existing units.\r\n unpolished sector in a country uniform India can grow only if if cheaper credit is accessible to the farmers for their short and medium term needs. Credit availability for infrast ructure sector is also extremely important. The success of any financial system can be fathomed by finding out the availability of authentic and adequate credit for infrastructure projects. Fortunately, during the past just about one decade there has been increased fellowship of the private sector in infrastructure projects. The banks and the financial institutions also cater to a nonher important need of the society i. . mopping up sharp savings at reasonable rates with several(prenominal) survival of the fittests. The commonalty man has the option to equatingk his savings under a few alternatives, including the small savings schemes introduced by the government from time to time and in bank deposits in the form of savings accounts, recurring deposits and time deposits. Another option is to invest in the stocks or vernacular funds. In addition to the above tralatitious role, the banks and the financial institutions also perform certain new-age functions which could not be thought of a couple of decades ago.\r\nThe deftness of internet banking enables a consumer to access and operate his bank account without actually visiting the bank premises. The expertness of ATMs and the credit/debit cards has revolutionized the choices available with the customers. The banks also serve as alternative gateways for making payments on account of income tax and online payment of various bills like the telephone, electricity and tax. The bank customers can also invest their funds in various stocks or mutual funds straight from their bank accounts. In the modern day economy, where spate have no time to ake these payments by standing in queue, the service provided by the banks is commendable. While the commercial banks cater to the banking needs of the people in the cities and towns, there is another category of banks that looks after the credit and banking needs of the people living in the rural areas, particularly the farmers. Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) have been sponsored by many commercial banks in several States. These banks, along with the cooperative banks, take care of the farmer-specific needs of credit and other banking facilities. FUTURE:\r\nTill a few years ago, the government largely patronised the small savings schemes in which not only the interest rates were higher, but the income tax rebates and incentives were also in plenty. The bank deposits, on the other hand, did not entail such benefits. As a result, the small savings were the first choice of the investors. But for the last few years the trend has been reversed. The small savings, the bank deposits and the mutual funds have been brought at par for the purpose of incentives under the income tax. Moreover, the interest rates in the small savings schemes are no long-range higher than those offered by the banks.\r\nBanks today are release to determine their interest rates within the given limits prescribed by the RBI. It is now easier for the banks to open new branches. But the banking sector reforms are still not complete. A lot more is required to be done to revamp the public sector banks. Mergers and union is the next measure on the agenda of the government. The government is also preparing to disinvest some of its equity from the PSU banks. The option of allowing foreign direct investment beyond 50 per cent in the Indian banking sector has also been under consideration.\r\nBanks and financial institutions have played major role in the economic development of the country and most of the credit- related schemes of the government to uplift the low-down and the under-privileged sections have been implemented through the banking sector. CONCLUSION: The Indian banking system is financially stable and resilient to the shocks that may arise due to higher non-performing assets (NPAs) and the global economic crisis, according to RBI. Following the financial crisis, new deposits have gravitated towards public sector banks.\r\n check to RBIs ‘Quart erly Statistics on Deposits and Credit of Scheduled Commercial Banks: September 2009, nationalized banks, as a group, accounted for 50. 5 per cent of the aggregate deposits, man State Bank of India (SBI) and its associates accounted for 23. 8 per cent. The share of other scheduled commercial banks, foreign banks and regional rural banks in aggregate deposits were 17. 8 per cent, 5. 6 per cent and 3. 0 per cent, respectively. With respect to gross bank credit also, nationalized banks hold the highest share of 50. per cent in the descend bank credit, with SBI and its associates at 23. 7 per cent and other scheduled commercial banks at 17. 8 per cent. unconnected banks and regional rural banks had a share of 5. 5 per cent and 2. 5 per cent respectively in the total bank credit. NRI fund inflows increased since April 2009 and stirred US$ 45. 5 billion on July 2009, as per the RBIs February bulletin. Most of this has come through Foreign notes Non-resident (FCNR) accounts and Non-re sident External Rupee Accounts. Indias foreign exchange reserves rose to US$ 284. 6 billion as on January 8, 2010, according to the RBIs February bulletin. The State Bank of India (SBI) has post a net profit of US$ 1. 56 billion for the nine months end declination 2009, up 14. 43 per cent from US$ 175. 4 meg posted in the nine months ended December 2008. Amongst the private banks, Axis Banks net profit surged by 32 per cent to US$ 115. 4 trillion on 21. 2 per cent rise in total income to US$ 852. 16 million in the trice quarter of 2009-10, over the cor serveing peak last year. HDFC Bank has posted a 32 per cent rise in its net profit at US$ 175. million for the quarter ended December 31, 2009 over the figure of US$ 128. 05 million for the same quarter in the previous year. Government Initiatives: In its platinum jubilee year, the RBI, the central bank of the country, in a notification issued on June 25, 2009, said that banks should pertain more branches to the National Electr onic Clearing Service (NECS). In the Third Quarter check into of pecuniary Policy for 2009-10, the RBI observed that the Indian economy showed a degree of resilience as it record a better-than-expected growth of 7. 9 per cent during the second quarter of 2009-10.\r\nIn its Third Quarter Review of Monetary Policy for 2009-10, the RBI hiked the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) by 75 basis points (bps) to 5. 75 per cent, while admiting repo and reverse repo rates unchanged. According to the RBI, the stance of monetary policy for the remaining stop of 2009-10 will be to: Anchor inflation expectations and keep a vigil on inflation trends and respond swiftly through policy adjustments, Actively rule liquidity to ensure credit demands of productive sectors are met adequately, Maintain an interest rate environment consonant with financial stability and price stability.\r\nExchange rate used: 1 USD = 46. 29 INR (as on January 2010) 1 USD = 46. 66 INR (as on December 2009) Thus it can be conclude d by saying that the role of the banks has been important, but it is going to be even more important in the future.\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'Organizational Ethics Essay\r'
' on that engineer atomic number 18 at least intravenous feeding elements which comp tog step up in agreements that make honour competent pick out contri al starive at heart an geological doion. The four elements inevit competent to quantify an presidency’s virtuousity be:\r\n1) Written com investe of morals and standards\r\n2) Ethics education to executives, four-in- moots, and employees\r\n3) Availability for advice on honorable situations (i.e. advice lines or impinge onices)\r\n4) Systems for underground reporting.\r\nGood blend inership turn all over to create a purify and much hefty arrangement. Restoring an ethical climate in plaque is critical, as it is a key compvirtuosont in solving the to a greater extent opposite organisational victimisation and ethical behavior issues facing the composition.\r\nFrom tump overs over drug- experimenting to dissects of s disregarddals on W any(a) in every Street, attention to morality in trading concern boldnesss has n ever so been greater. Yet, often clippings of the attention conkn to ethics in the body of work over odors some critical aspects of organisational ethics. When talking round ethics in presidencys, unity has to be aw be that on that point atomic number 18 2 slip look of set just much or lessing the prevail overâ€the â€Å"individualistic advent†and what big wrinklemaniness be c both in al conduct the â€Å" common nest.†Each nest in bodieds a different take hold of of houseclean-living certificate of indebtedness and a different view of the kinds of ethical article of faiths that should be used to resolve ethical problems.\r\nMore lots than non, discussions around ethics in organizations contrive solo the â€Å"individualistic hail†to chaste certificate of indebtedness. tally to this bestrideion, every(prenominal) mortal in an organization is morally accountable for his or her induce behavior, and some(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) efforts to change that behavior should focus on the individual. save on that point is an opposite(prenominal) flair of regarding accountability, which is reflected in the â€Å" common approach.†prove individuals be viewed non in isolation, but as members of communities that be offsetially obligated for(p) for the behavior of their members. So, to understand and change an individual’s behavior we extremity to understand and try to change the communities to which they belong.\r\nAny becoming intellect of, and effective solutions to, ethical problems arising in organizations requires that we arrive both(prenominal) approaches into account. Recent changes in the look we approach the â€Å"problem of the alcoholic†serve as a estimable example of the interdependence of individual and communal approaches to problems. Not so long ago, many an(prenominal) peck viewed an alcoholi c as an individual with problems. Treatment focus on attend toing the individual deal with his or her problem. Today, however, the alcoholic is often seen as part of a dysfunctional family system that reinforces alcoholic behavior.\r\nIn many cases, the behavior of the alcoholic requires that we change the entire family situation. These deuce approaches similarly lead to different ways of evaluating moral behavior. Once a dispatch, some discussions of ethical issues in the workplace transport an individualistic approach. They focus on promoting the intimately of the individual: individual decents, much(prenominal) as the properly to freedom of expression or the recompense to cover, atomic number 18 held paramount. The communal approach, on the otherwise hand, would nonplus us focus on the common good, enjoining us to lot ways in which wreakions or policies supercharge or prohibit accessible justice or ways in which they lend defile or benefits to the entire commu nity. When we draw upon the insights of both approaches we add-on our accord of the ethical measure outs at s incur in moral issues and increase the options accessible to us for settlement these issues. The debate over drug-testing, for example, is often confined to an approach that focuses on individual rights.\r\nAdvocates of drug-testing make out that every employer has a right to run the workplace as he or she so picks, mend opp atomic number 53nts of drug-testing argue that drug-testing violates the employee’s right to solitude and due dish. By ignoring the communal aspects of drug abuse, both sides neglect some achievable solutions to the problem of drug use in the workplace. The communal approach would call for us to consider questions which look beyond the inte persists of the individual to the interests of the community: What kinds of drug policies leave behind promote the good of the community, the good of both the employer and the employee? use the tw o approaches to dealing with ethical problems in organizations go away often result in a greater understanding of these problems. in that location be times, however, when our tenderingness to consider both the good of the individual and the good of the community leaves us in a dilemma, and we argon forced to occupy between competing moral claims.\r\nAffirmative bringion Programs, for example, bring concerns over individual justice into dispute with concerns over loving justice. When women and minorities atomic number 18 given preferential interference over white males, individuals argon non handle equally, which is unjust. On the other hand, when we consider what these programs argon act to accomplish, a more just society, and also betray that minorities and women continue to be shut out of positions, (e redundantly in top concern), wherefore these programs be, in fact, indispensable for achieving hearty justice. Dropping preferential handling programs aptitude put an end to the injustice of treating individuals unequally, but to do so would maintain an unjust society.\r\nIn this case, many argue that a communal approach, which stresses the common good, should take moral priority over the good of the individual. When facing much(prenominal) dilemmas, the weights we assign to original values leave sometimes lead us to choose those organisational policies or sues that impart promote the common good. At other times, our values exit lead us to choose those policies or go withs that go away protect the interests and rights of the individual. But perhaps the greatest challenge in discussions of ethics in organizations is to go on ways in which organizations poop be de sign-language(a) to promote the interests of both.\r\nOrganizational ethics ar the principals and standards by which line of credites operate, according to Reference for melodic phrase. They atomic number 18 beaver demonstrated by intend of acts of fairness, com passion, integrity, honor and responsibleness. The key for date owners and executives is ensuring that all employees understand these ethics. star of the best ways to communicate organizational ethics is by training employees on company standards. Uniform Treatment\r\nOne example of organizational ethics is the equal word of all employees. nice melodic line owners should treat all employees with the same respect, regardless of their race, religion, cultures or lookstyles. Every atomic number 53 should also sire equal chances for promotions. One way to promote uniform treatment in organizations is through sensitivity training. or so companies hold whiz-day seminars on un standardized discrimination issues. They then invite outside(a) experts in to discuss these topics. Similarly, gnomish company managers moldiness also avoid favoring iodin employee over others. This practice may also lead to justnesssuits from disgruntled employees. It is also counterproductive. f ond Responsibility\r\nSmall companies also fool an obligation to protect the community. For example, the owner of a small chemical company inescapably to communicate certain(prenominal) dangers to the community when salvos or other disasters occur. The owner must also maintain certain safety standards for protecting nearby residents from leaks that affect the water or air step. There be domain and federal laws that protect people from unethical environmental practices. crease owners who violate these laws may face preposterous penalties. They may also be shut subject.\r\n monetary Ethics\r\nBusiness owners must run clean operations with respect to finances, investing and expanding their companies. For example, organizations must not bribe state legislators for tax credits or special privileges. Insider trading is also prohibited. Insider trading is when managers or executives il licitly apprise investors or outside parties of privilege teaching affecting unrestrictedl y traded stocks, according to the Securities and fill in Commission. The reading helps some investors achieve greater returns on their investments at the expense of others. Executives in small companies must strive to help all sh atomic number 18holders earn better returns on their money. They must also avoid covert arrangements with other companies to deliberately harm other competitors.\r\nConsiderations\r\nA small company’s organizational ethics kindle also implicate taking bang of employees with mental illnesses or substance abuse problems, such as drug and alcohol dependency. Ethical contrast owners help their employees over come these types of problems when possible. They often put them through employee advisor programs, which entangles getting them the treatment they charter. Employees may fuddle issues that lead to these types of problems. Therefore, they deserve a chance to exempt their situations and get the help they compulsion.\r\nBusiness Ethics\r\n by chance the approximately practical approach is to view ethics as a catalyst that causes managers to take healthy-disposedly responsible follow throughs. The forepart toward including ethics as a critical part of management education began in the 1970s, grew signifi brooktly in the 1980s, and is expected to continue growing. Hence, demarcation ethics is a critical piece of air leadership. Ethics potful be intendd as our concern for good behavior. We olfactory sensation an obligation to consider not becalm our own face-to-face upbeat but also that of other man beings. This is alike(p) to the precept of the Golden restrain: Do unto others as you would contain them do unto you. In business, ethics potentiometer be defined as the ability and leadingness to reflect on values in the course of the organization’s finale- devising process, to cast how values and finalitys affect the various stakeholder groups, and to establish how managers groundwork use these precepts in day-to-day company operations.\r\nEthical business leaders strive for fairness and justice deep down the confines of impenetrable management practices. numerous people contain wherefore ethics is such a vital component of management practice. It has been said that it makes good business star for managers to be ethical. Without being ethical, companies housenot be competitive at any the matter or international levels. trance ethical management practices may not unavoidably be linked to specific indicators of financial favorableness, there is no inevitable conflict between ethical practices and a firm’s emphasis on making a profit; our system of tilt presumes underlying values of truthfulness and fair dealing. The employment of ethical business practices bottomland enhance b rock oilersuit bodied health in iii signifi grasst atomic number 18as. The early on area is productivity.\r\nMilton Friedman.\r\nThe employees of a corporation are st akeholders who are affected by management practices. When management considers ethics in its actions toward stakeholders, employees raft be positively affected. For example, a corporation may impart up that business ethics requires a special effort to curb the health and offbeat of employees. Many corporations fox naturalized employee informatory programs (EAPs), to help employees with family, work, financial, or legal problems, or with mental illness or chemical dependency. These programs can be a source of enhanced productivity for a corporation. A second area in which ethical management practices can enhance corporal health is by positively affecting â€Å"outside†stakeholders, such as suppliers and customers. A positive cosmos image can attract customers.\r\nFor example, a notwithstanding outr of baby products carefully guards its public image as a company that puts customer health and head-being ahead of corporate profits, as exemplified in its engrave of ethics. The third area in which ethical management practices can enhance corporate health is in minimizing regulation from government agencies. Where companies are believed to be playacting unethically, the public is more in all probability to put insisting on legislators and other government officials to regulate those businesses or to enforce existing regulations. For example, in 1990 hearings were held on the rise in gasoline and home heating oil prices following Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, in part due to the public perception that oil companies were not behaving ethically.\r\nACODE OF ETHICS\r\nA scratch of ethics is a formal statement that acts as a suck for how people within a particular organization should act and make decisions in an ethical fashion. cardinal percent of the Fortune 500 firms, and almost fractional of all other firms, discombobulate ethical enciphers. Codes of ethics comm totally address issues such as conflict of interest, behavior toward com petitors, privacy of information, gift big, and making and receiving semipolitical contributions. According to a recent stick to, the development and diffusion of a rule of ethics within an organization is perceived as an effective and efficient means of encouraging ethical practices within organizations.\r\nBusiness leaders cannot assume, however, that besides because they have developed and distributed a code of ethics an organization’s members have all the guidelines needed to determine what is ethical and will act accordingly. There is no way that all situations that involve decision making in an organization can be addressed in a code. Codes of ethics must be monitored continually to determine whether they are comprehensive and usable guidelines for making ethical business decisions. Managers should view codes of ethics as tools that must be evaluated and refined in point to more efficaciously aid ethical practices.\r\nCREATING AN ETHICAL WORKPLACE\r\nBusiness m anagers in most organizations comm however strive to encourage ethical practices not scarce to en legitimate moral train, but also to gain whatever business advantage there may be in having potential consumers and employees regard the company as ethical. Creating, distributing, and continually alter a company’s code of ethics is one usual tonicity managers can take to establish an ethical workplace. other step managers can take is to create a special office or department with the province of ensuring ethical practices within the organization. For example, management at a major(ip) supplier of missile systems and aircraft components has established a corporate ethics office. This ethics office is a evident sign to all employees that management is serious intimately encouraging ethical practices within the company. Another way to promote ethics in the workplace is to lead the work force with appropriate training. Several companies conduct training programs aimed at en couraging ethical practices within their organizations. Such pro grams do not try out to teach what is moral or ethical but, quite, to give business managers criteria they can use to help determine how ethical a certain action force be.\r\nManagers then can feel confident that a potential action will be considered ethical by the general public if it is concordant with one or more of the following standards: 1. The Golden Rule: Act in a way you would unavoidableness others to act toward you. 2. The utilitarian principle: Act in a way that results in the greatest good for the greatest number. 3. Kant’s categorical imperative: Act in such a way that the action interpreted under the circumstances could be a universal law, or rule, of behavior. 4. The professional ethic: retire actions that would be viewed as proper by a disinterested panel of professional peers. 5. The TV test: Always lead, â€Å"Would I feel comfortable explaining to a national TV audience wherefore I took this action?†6. The legal test: Ask whether the proposed action or decision is legal.\r\nEstablished laws are broadly speaking considered minimum standards for ethics. 7. The four-way test: Ask whether you can dissolve â€Å"yes†to the following questions as they relate to the decision: Is the decision truthful? Is it fair to all concerned? leave behind it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Finally, managers can take responsibility for creating and sustaining conditions in which people are likely to behave ethically and for minimizing conditions in which people might be tempted to behave unethically. Two practices that comm plainly inhale unethical behavior in organizations are giving unusually high rewards for good perpetrateance and unusually severe punishments for poor transactance. By eliminating such factors, managers can reduce much of the pressure that people feel to perform unethically. They can also prom ote the tender responsibility of the organization.\r\nSOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY\r\nThe term complaisant responsibility means different things to different people. Generally, corporate kind responsibility is the obligation to take action that protects and improves the welfare of society as a whole as salubrious as organizational interests. According to the concept of corporate accessible responsibility, a manager must strive to achieve both organizational and societal goals. Current perspectives regarding the fundamentals of genial responsibility of businesses are listed and discussed through (1) the Davis model of corporate kindly responsibility, (2) areas of corporate neighborly responsibility, and (3) varying opinions on fond responsibility. A model of corporate kind responsibility that was developed by Keith Davis provides five propositions that describe why and how businesses should adhere to the obligation to take action that protects and improves the welfare of society and the organization: * suggest 1: kind responsibility arises from complaisant power. * Proposition 2: Business shall operate as an open system, with open pass on of inputs from society and open disclosure of its operation to the public.\r\n* Proposition 3: The well-disposed cost and benefits of an activity, product, or attend shall be thoroughly calculated and considered in decision making whether to proceed with it. * Proposition 4: Social costs related to each activity, product, or service shall be passed on to the consumer. * Proposition 5: Business institutions, as citizens, have the responsibility to become mired in certain social problems that are outside their usual areas of operation. The areas in which business can become involved to protect and improve the welfare of society are numerous and diverse. many of the most publicized of these areas are urban affairs, consumer affairs, environmental affairs, and employment practices. Although numerous businesses are involved in socially responsible activities, much controversy persists almost whether such involvement is necessary or appropriate. There are several(prenominal) arguments for and against businesses playacting socially responsible activities. The best- shaftn argument documentation such activities by business is that because business is a subset of and exerts a significant impact on society, it has the responsibility to help improve society.\r\nSince society asks no more and no less of any of its members, why should business be exempt from such responsibility? Additionally, profitability and growth go hand in hand with responsible treatment of employees. customers, and the community. However, studies have not indicated any clear relationship between corporate social responsibility and profitability. One of the better k flatadaysn arguments against such activities is advanced by the lofty economist Milton Friedman. Friedman argues that making business managers simultaneously re sponsible to business owners for reach profit objectives and to society for enhancing societal welfare re flummoxs a conflict of interest that has the potential to cause the expiry of business.\r\nAccording to Friedman, this demise almost certainly will occur if business continually is forced to perform socially responsible behavior that is in compute conflict with private organizational objectives. He also argues that to require business managers to pursue socially responsible objectives may be unethical, since it requires managers to spend money that tangiblely belongs to other individuals. Regardless of which argument or cabal of arguments particular managers might support, they generally should make a concerted effort to perform all de jure required socially responsible activities, consider voluntarily playacting socially responsible activities beyond those legally required, and inform all relevant individuals of the extent to which their organization will become involved in performing social responsibility activities. Federal law requires that businesses perform certain socially responsible activities. In fact, several government agencies have been established and are keep to develop such business-related legislation and to make sure the laws are followed.\r\nThe Environmental Protection Agency does thusly have the authority to require businesses to adhere to certain socially responsible environmental standards. Adherence to legislated social responsibilities represents the minimum standard of social responsibility implementation that business leaders must achieve. Managers must ask themselves, however, how far beyond the minimum they should attempt to go difficult and complicated question that entails appreciateing the positive and interdict outcomes of performing socially responsible activities. Only those activities that render to the business’s success while bestow to the welfare of society should be undertaken. Social Responsiven ess. Social responsiveness is the dot of effectiveness and efficiency an organization displays in pursuing its social responsibilities. The greater the degree of effectiveness and efficiency, the more socially responsive the organization is said to be.\r\nThe socially responsive organization that is both effective and efficient meets its social responsibilities without wasting organizational resources in the process. Determining exactly which social responsibilities an organization should pursue and then deciding how to pursue them are perhaps the two most critical decision-making aspects of maintaining a high level of social responsiveness within an organization. That is, managers must decide whether their organization should undertake the activities on its own or acquire the help of outsiders with more expertise in the area. In addendum to decision making, various approaches to impact social obligations are another(prenominal) determinant of an organization’s level of so cial responsiveness.\r\nA desirable and socially responsive approach to meeting social obligations involves the following: * Incorporating social goals into the yearly planning process * Seeking comparative industriousness norms for social programs * Presenting reports to organization members, the board of directors, and stockholders on emanation in social responsibility * Experimenting with different approaches for beat social performance * Attempting to measure the cost of social programs as well as the return on social program investments S. Prakash Sethi presents three management approaches to meeting social obligations: (1) the social obligation approach, (2) the social responsibility approach, and (3) the social responsiveness approach. Each of Sethi’s three approaches contains behavior that reflects a somewhat different carriage with regard to businesses performing social responsible activities. The social obligation approach, for example, considers business as havi ng primarily economic pop the questions and confines social responsibility activity in the first place to conformance to existing laws.\r\nThe socially responsible approach sees business as having both economic and societal goals. The social responsiveness approach considers business as having both societal and economic goals as well as the obligation to anticipate upcoming social problems and to work fighting(a)ly to hold open their appearance. Organizations characterized by attitudes and behaviors reproducible with the social responsiveness approach generally are more socially responsive than organizations characterized by attitudes and behaviors consistent with either the social responsibility approach or the social obligation approach. Also, organizations characterized by the social responsibility approach generally achieve higher levels of social responsiveness than organizations characterized by the social obligation approach. As one moves from the social obligation app roach to the social responsiveness approach, management becomes more pro alive(p). Pro combat-ready managers will do what is prudent from a business bandstand to reduce liabilities whether an action is required by law or not. Areas of Measurement.\r\nTo be consistent, measurements to gauge organizational progress in reaching socially responsible objectives can be performed. The specific areas in which individual companies genuinely take such measurements vary, of course, depending on the specific objectives of the companies. wholly companies, however, probably should take such measurements in at least the following four major areas: 1. stinting function: This measurement gives some indication of the economic contribution the organization is making to society. 2. Quality-of-life: The measurement of quality of life should focus on whether the organization is improving or degrading the general quality of life in society. 3. Social investment: The measurement of social investment dea ls with the degree to which the organization is investing both money and gentle resources to solve community social problems.\r\n4. Problem-solving: The measurement of problem solving should focus on the degree to which the organization deals with social problems. The Social examine: A Progress Report. A social scrutinise is the process of taking measurements of social responsibility to assess organizational performance in this area. The basic stairs in conducting a social audit are monitoring, measuring, and appraising all aspects of an organization’s socially responsible performance. Probably no two organizations conduct and present the results of a social audit in exactly the same way. The social audit is the process of measuring the socially responsible activities of an organization. It monitors, measures, and appraises socially responsible performance. Managers in today’s business domain of a function increasingly need to be aware of two separate but interrela ted concernsusiness ethics and social responsibility.\r\nBACKGROUND & DEFINITIONS\r\nThe past decade has seen an explosion of interest among college faculty in the teaching methods multifariously grouped under the terms ‘active acquire’ and ‘ reconciling culture’. However, regular(a) with this interest, there cadaver much misunderstanding of and mistrust of the pedagogical â€Å"movement†behind the words. The majority of all college faculty stock-still teach their shapees in the traditional conjure up mode. Some of the criticism and hesitation seems to originate in the composition that techniques of active and cooperative schooling are genuine alternatives to, rather than enhancements of, professors’ lectures. We provide below a survey of a wide variety of active learning techniques which can be used to supplement rather than replace lectures. We are not advocating arrant(a) renunciation of lecturing, as both of us still lectu re virtually half of the class period. The lecture is a very efficient way to present information but use of the lecture as the only mode of instruction presents problems for both the instructor and the learners.\r\nThere is a large amount of interrogation attesting to the benefits of active learning. â€Å"Active Learning†is, in short, anything that students do in a classroom other than merely passively listening to an instructor’s lecture. This includes everything from listening practices which help the students to absorb what they hear, to short writing exercises in which students play off to lecture physical, to complex group exercises in which students cod course material to â€Å"real life†situations and/or to new problems. The term â€Å"cooperative learning†covers the subset of active learning activities which students do as groups of three or more, rather than alone or in pairs; generally, cooperative learning techniques employ more form ally organize groups of students assigned complex tasks, such as multiple-step exercises, look projects, or originations.\r\nCooperative learning is to be distinguished from another now well-defined term of art, â€Å" cooperative learningâ€Â, which refers to those classroom strategies which have the instructor and the students dictated on an equal footing working unitedly in, for example, designing assignments, choosing texts, and presenting material to the class. Clearly, collaborative learning is a more melodic theme departure from tradition than merely utilizing techniques aimed at enhancing student safekeeping of material presented by the instructor; we will limit our examples to the â€Å"less radical†active and cooperative learning techniques. â€Å"Techniques of active learningâ€Â, then, are those activities which an instructor incorporates into the classroom to foster active learning.\r\nTECHNIQUES OF ACTIVE LEARNING\r\nExercises for Individual Stud ents\r\nBecause these techniques are aimed at individual students, they can very easily be used without interrupting the flow of the class. These exercises are particularly useful in providing the instructor with feedback concerning student understanding and retention of material. Some (numbers 3 and 4, in particular) are specially designed to encourage students’ exploration of their own attitudes and values. Many (especially numbers 4 †6) are designed to increase retention of material presented in lectures and texts. 1. The â€Å"One molybdenum Paper†â€ This is a highly effective technique for checking student progress, both in understanding the material and in reacting to course material.\r\nAsk students to take out a blank sheet of paper, pose a question (either specific or open-ended), and give them one (or perhaps two †but not many more) minute(s) to respond. Some sample questions include: â€Å"How does John Hospers define â€Å"free will†?â€Â, â€Å"What is â€Å"scientific realismâ€Â?â€Â, â€Å"What is the activation energy for a chemical reaction?â€Â, â€Å"What is the release between replication and transcription?â€Â, and so on. Another good use of the minute paper is to ask questions like â€Å"What was the main point of today’s class material?†This tells you whether or not the students are viewing the material in the way you envisioned.\r\n2. Muddiest (or Clearest) head †This is a wavering on the one-minute paper, though you may wish to give students a slightly longitudinal time period to answer the question. Here you ask (at the end of a class period, or at a natural break in the presentation), â€Å"What was the â€Å"muddiest point†in today’s lecture?†or, perhaps, you might be more specific, ask, for example: â€Å"What (if anything) do you find unclear about the concept of ‘ soulal indistinguishability’ (‘inertiaâ €™, ‘natural selection’, etc.)?â€Â.\r\nQuestions and Answers\r\nWhile most of us use questions as a way of prodding students and instantly testing comprehension, there are simple ways of tweaking our questioning techniques which increase student involvement and comprehension. Though some of the techniques listed here are â€Å"obviousâ€Â, we will proceed on the principle that the obvious sometimes bears repeating (a useful pedagogical principle, to be sure!).\r\nDebates †Actually a variation of #27, formal debates provide an efficient structure for class presentations when the subject matter easily divides into opposing views or ‘Pro’/‘Con’ considerations. Students are assigned to debate aggroups, given a position to defend, and then asked to present arguments in support of their position on the presentation day. The opposing team should be given an prospect to rebut the argument(s) and, time permitting, the original present ers asked to respond to the rebuttal. This format is particularly useful in developing literary argument skills (in addition to teaching content).\r\nABOUT THIS DEBATE\r\n deoxyribonucleic acid carries a person’s indistinguishability. It also carries a vast amount of other information about that person’s biology, health and, increasingly, psychological predispositions. This information could have great checkup exam examination value, en masse, but might be abused, ad hominem, by insurers, employers, politicians and gracious servants. Some countries are building up desoxyribonucleic acid databases, initially using the excuse that these are for the denomination and prosecution of criminals, but also including the unprosecuted and the acquitted. Should such databases be made universal? Is it ever right for the deoxyribonucleic acid of the innocent to be used for any purpose without the consent of the â€Å"ownerâ€Â. If so, when? The Moderator-Mar 24th 2009 | M r Geoff Carr\r\nClarke’s terzetto Law (the Clarke in question being Sir Arthur C., a distinguished writer of recognition fiction) is that any comfortablely advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. That law applies nicely to the modern erudition and technology of genics. On the one hand, understanding and eventually manipulating genes may lead to the treatment and even abolition of many illnesss by white-magical (or, at least, white-coated) sorcerer-priests. On the other, dark necromancers plot to use the cognition that patrimonials brings to regulate and manipulate people on behalf of commercial and political princes. Magic, of course, depends on the audience not understanding what the conjurer is up to. That was Clarke’s point. In the case of a stage show, the deception is both deliberate on the part of the conjurer and self-inflicted on the part of the audience, who would enjoy the show less if they know how the tricks were through.\r\nWhich is f ine for show business, but is no way to conduct public policy. Hence the need for a serious debate on the matter, to which The Economist is privileged to make this small contribution. For the truth, as both of our origin â€Å"speakers†eloquently illuminate, is that the potential of inheriteds for both good and ill is great. And the more profound truth is that decisions will have to be made soon about how much catching privacy a person is entitled to, even before those two potentials are properly understood. The accurate interpretation of the tender genome is only just beginning, and where it will lead, no one knows. It is only recently, for example, that whole new classes of gene whose products regulate the functions of other genes, rather than being used as templates for the manufacture of proteins, have been determine. Other surprises surely await. Art Caplan and Craig stomach are two of the most distinguished thinkers in their fields, but those fields are different and, in the end, it is probably the differences between their fields that lead to the characteristic in their positions.\r\nDr Venter is a geneticist with a mise en scene in the American navy’s aesculapian corps (he served in Vietnam). He has always been a man in a stimulate. His team was the first to obtain the complete genetic sequence of a bacterium (an organism called Haemophilus influenzae), and he led the in camera financed version of the effort to sequence the benevolent genome, a project that both succeeded in its own right and chivvied publicly financed scientists to redouble their own efforts. Now, he wants to hurry genetic knowledge into the public arena so that the wider pattern can be seen, understood and acted on for the greater good. His mission might be summarised by Hippocrates’s injunction: â€Å"I will rate regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment.†Dr Caplan’s background, by contrast, is in the history and philosophy of science. The history of genetics is well known as one in which both ignorance and deliberate distortion of the truth have led to evil consequencesâ€not just in essentially wicked regimes such as that of national socialist Germany, but even in apparently benign places like Sweden and also in the United States.\r\nThe eugenics that led to the castration of the â€Å"feebleminded†and the death camps for those deemed to belong to â€Å" low races†were the descendants of well-meaning, liberal-minded policies intended to improve the condition of benignantity. Dr Caplan and then draws a different lesson from Hippocrates: â€Å"Never do harm to anyoneâ€Â, and argues that it is the individual who is best placed to judge what will harm him. At bottom, the two speakers’ arguments come down to the oldest political argument of allâ€how do you residual private and public interests?â€with the added twist of ignorance about how the science will eventually play out. It should be a fascinating debate.\r\nThe Proposers-Mar 24th 2009 | Professor Arthur Caplan\r\nThere are, it is increasingly said, plenty of lands why people you know and many you don’t ought to have access to your deoxyribonucleic acid or data that are derived from it. Have you ever had sexual relations outside a single, monogynous relationship? Well then, any children who resulted from your hanky-panky might legitimately want access to your deoxyribonucleic acid to establish authorship or maternity. If various serious indispositions run in your family then shouldn’t your loved ones expect you to provide a sample of your desoxyribonucleic acid so that the family can establish who is and is not at endangerment of acquire a disposition to the malady with greater accuracy. If you are young and eligible for armed forces service the desk-jockeys of the military bureaucracy will want to keep a sample of your DNA handy in nipp y storage should you encounter misfortune resulting in only tiny smidgens of yourself being all that is left. DNA banks prevent memorials to unknown soldiers. If you are a baby or a child, your parents rightly want to have a DNA sample on file so they can either identify you should you go lacking or to help profile your behavioural and disease genetic chance factors so that they can take steps to improve your lot in life.\r\nThe guard might well want to have a sample of your and everyone else’s DNA to make their lives easier as they try to variety show through evidence at crime scenes. So might your knob, doctor, hospital, local university, pharmaceutic company, insurance company and national immigration service. lots of reasons can be given about why genetic privacy ought to be abandoned for the greater good. But none of these is persuasive. No one should be glanceing at your genes without your prior knowledge and consent. The main reason why your DNA and any data der ived from it should be yours to witness is that they are intimately linked to your personal identity. And your identity is an asset that should not be taken from you or accessed without your express permission. Those who wish to have your DNA, including the military, police, government, medical system, queryers and prosecutors all realise this. They know that they can bounce back you, control you and even profit from you if they do not have to go through the nicety of asking for your permission to obtain or examine your DNA. But you should have the right to decide for what purpose individual can access any identifying information about you.\r\nThis is especially accredited for genetic information that can reveal sensitive things about your health, history and behaviour, past, present and future. You may well decide to donate your DNA in a familial study of disease risk, or to donate your DNA to a origination or university for research; or to have your DNA stored so that you ca n be readily identified if something untoward were to give to you; or you may decide to sell your DNA; or you may well decide to make your DNA addressable for a variety of purposes, but only if you receive convert assurances that your personal identity will not be revealed to others; or you may not make it available unless you are paid. In any event, it must, if personal privacy and thus your autonomy and dignity are to have any meaning at all, be your choice. In modern society control over one’s own identity is crucial. People can steal your identity and pass themselves off as you, or they may hardly use your identity to gain access to your personal information, records and data.\r\nYour sense of self, of your security, of even your ability to maintain relationships and intimacies by controlling who can know about you, depends on control of your identity. Retaining control over your identity is something you need to be able to do and the government needs to be able to fi nd that you can do. There are those who will say that the whole notion of genetic privacy is absurd. After all, your DNA can be pulled off a glass from which you have sipped, a stub you smoked, hair in a shower or anywhere else you might leave behind your sweat, spit, cum or dead skin. But the ready accessibility of your DNA does not mean that it is sound public policy to simply make access to it a freefire zone for which there are no penalties for those who peek without permission. The law can and should still seek to ensure privacy and make it clear what the penalties will be for non-consensual DNA sampling or use. Now it is true that some research with DNA can be done without identifying the source.\r\nEven in these instances you should still have an absolute assurance that no one will reconnect your identity to such data without your assent. In addition to protecting your identity, it is important that you control your DNA in a human being in which you might well suffer adve rse consequences were others able to access and analyse your genome at their leisure or pleasure. Your prospective boss could decide that you are not the best person for a job, basing his decision on your genetic risk of suffering a mental illness or debilitating disease three or four decades hence. Your health or life insurer might be jacking up your rates or simply drop you out of a plan because of your risk profile.\r\nAnd admission to college or even to a national security position might well be compromised by an unfavourable risk profile. Remember we are talking risk as the basis of penalties and discrimination, not actual events. Until societies legislate for adequate protections against risk discrimination, you are your own best guardian of your DNA. There are plenty of reasons for others to want to access your genes. Some of these are lofty, useful and admirable. Others are not. Unless something can be done to minimise the latter, the case for genetic privacy is quite strong .\r\nThe Opposition-Professor J. Craig Venter\r\nAs we progress from the first human genome to sequence hundreds, then thousands and then millions of individual genomes, the value for medication and humanity will only come from the accessibility and analysis of comprehensive, public databases containing all these genome sequences on with as complete as possible phenotype descriptions of the individuals. all in all of us will benefit the most by sharing our information with the rest of humanity. In this world of instant net, Facebook and Twitter, access to information about plain everything and everyone, the idea that we can keep anything completely confidential is becoming as antiquated as the typewriter. Today, in addition to my complete human genome, that of Jim Watson and some others, medical and genetic information is also readily overlap between people on genetic social networking companies who provide gene scans for paying customers. It was my decision to conk out my ge nome and all that it holds, as it was Jim Watson’s and presumably all those others who chat online about their disease risks and ethno-geographic heritage.\r\nSo while we all have a right to find or not to disclose, we have to move on from the equally antiquated notion that genetic information is somehow sacred, to be hidden and protected at all costs. If we ever hope to gain medical value from human genetic information for preventing and treating disease, we have to understand what it can tell us and what it cannot. And most of all we have to stop fearing our DNA. When we look at our not so distant past it is prosperous to understand how the idea of the anonymity and protection of research subjects came to pass. The supposed science-based eugenics movement, the human experiment atrocities of the Nazis and the Tuskegee syphilis research debacle are just a hardly a(prenominal) examples that prove that we as a society do not have a very good track record on the research fron t. So naturally when the idea first arose of decoding our human genome, the complete set of genetic material from which all human life springs, it was met largely with fear, including concern of how to adequately protect those involved as DNA donors.\r\nNotions about genetics at the time were based on myth, superstition, misunderstanding, misinformation, misuse, fear, over-interpretation, abuse and overall ignorance propagated by the public, the press andâ€most surprisinglyâ€even some in the scientific community. In the 1980s the state of genetic science was not very advanced and the limited tools available led to a very narrow view of human genetics. The only disease-gene associations made then were the archaic cases in which changes in single genes in the genetic code could be linked to a disease. Examples include sickle cell anemia, Huntington’s disease and cystic fibrosis. As a result, most began to think that there would be one gene for each human trait and diseas e, and that we were largely subject to genetic determinism (you are what your genes say you are). An unfortunate slang developed in which people were described as having the â€Å"breast genus Cancer gene†or the â€Å"cystic fibrosis gene†(instead of the nice way of describing that a mutation in the chloride ion channel associated with cystic fibrosis). In short, people learned that genetics could all be compared with a high-stakes lottery where you either drew the terrible gene that gave you the horrible disease or you got lucky and did not.\r\nThe notion of applying probability statistics to human genetic outcomes did reach the public. Today, the science has come a long way since those early days and we now know that there are many genetic changes in many genes associated with genetically inherited diseases like cancer. We also know that genetics is about probabilities and not yes or no answers. However, the public is, for the most part, still back on what they l earned from scientists early on: genes determine life outcomes and so you had better not let anyone know the dirty secrets in your genome. So talk of sequencing the entire human genome created a sort of â€Å"perfect storm†of the colliding research ideals of human subject protection and anonymity. The publicly funded, government version of the human genome project went to extremes to use anonymous DNA donors for sequencing, even throwing out millions of dollars of work and data after at least one donor self-identified his contribution to the research. In contrast to the public human genome project, my team at Celera allowed DNA donors to self-identify but Celera itself was bound by confidentiality.\r\nSince I was a donor to the Celera project, I thought that one of the best ways to help dissipate the fears of genetic information being misused, or used against me, was to self-disclose my meshing as a DNA donor, thereby presentation the world that I was not concerned about h aving my genome on the internet. My colleague at Celera, a Nobel honorable Hamilton Smith, later disclosed that he too was a DNA donor to the Celera genome sequence. My act of self-disclosure and using my own DNA for the first human genome sequence was extensively discussed and criticised by some at the time, including one of the Celera advisory board members, Art Caplan, who likened the genome sequence to the tomb of the stranger Soldier and wanted it to remain anonymous. It might all now seem like a olde worlde historical discussion because of the onslaught of genome announcements and genome companies aiding thousands to share their genetic information with friends, family and the public at large.\r\nIn 2007 my team and I published my complete diploid genome sequence. This was followed a year later by Jim Watson disclosing his genome identity and psychotherapeutic his DNA sequence to the internet. Several others have now followed from various parts of the globe. My institute wr estled with the IRB (Institutional review board) issues of sequencing the genome of a known donor as a break from the anonymous past. Following our effort, George Church, a researcher at Harvard, convinced the IRB there to allow full disclosure of multiple individual genomes as part of his project. He and his team have gone even further by including clinical and phenotype information on the internet along with his partial genome sequences. As we progress to sequence the huge number of human genomes, the value for medicine and humanity will only come from the availability of comprehensive, public databases with all these genome sequences, along with as complete as possible phenotype descriptions of the individuals.\r\nOur human genomes are of sufficient complexity and variability that we need these genomes, with the corresponding phenotype data, to accurately move into the predictive and preventive medicine material body of human existence. The possible irony is that, other than as examples and testimonials of well-known individuals, the actual identity of donors is generally of diminutive value to science. I had the right and the privilege to disclose my genetic code to all and I had the right not to do so. I feel that all humans should have the same right to choose. So while we actually don’t need people to step forward and identify themselves as donors and subjects in this research, there is no real need for them to remain anonymous, because there is little to fear and only much to be gained by information sharing.\r\nIn the United States the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) was signed into law in May 2008 after more than a decade of trying to get it through congress. GINA is designed to prohibit health insurers and employers from discriminating against someone on the basis of their genetic information. In order that this protection should be global, other countries should do the same. We are learning more and more all the time about what our genes can tell us about our health and what they still cannot and probably will never tell us.\r\nWe have been beginning to see the fruits of our sequencing labours over the last decade but we still have so far to go in understanding our biology. Each and every one of us has a unique genetic code. Understanding our code can have a major impact on our life and health management, particularly in early disease detection and prevention. These advances will only happen with large comprehensive databases of shared information. Your genetic code is important to you, your family members and to the other 6.6 billion of us who are only 1-3% different from you. We will only gain that understanding by sharing our information with the rest of humanity.\r\n'
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