Saturday, August 31, 2019
Philippines and Mayor Vice Mayor
Antonio Pigafetta Magellan's Italian expeditionary ethnographer, went ashore in 1521 to parley with the ruler of Limasawa, they sat together in a boat drawn up on shore which Pigafetta called a balangai Barangay/ Balangai Word for boat also being used for the smallest unit of Tagalog society Barrio Colonial term, a political unit loyal toa local boss Heroic Leadership This perks up their readiness to serve the people's needs, whether prioritize as egular or urgent. Ferdinand Magellan A Portuguese born leader of five Spanish ships, stumbled onto islands in 1521 in his search for the lucrative spices of the Indies Enrique Slave of Magellan who returned to Spain to complete the first circumnavigation of the globe Reduccion Barangays were coaxed or coerced into towns (cabeceras) organized around a newly built church with a resident friar Visitas Small outlaying settlements equipped with a chapel to receive a visiting friar Reduccion Cabeceras District capitals Poblaciones Towns Barrios/B arangays Villages SitiosHamlets Bajo de la campana Under the church bells To bring all indios into Christian communities balo de la campana and to accurately count the population in order to collect the tribute, the combined goals of church and state carried under friar supervision. Muros wall Intramuros (Inside the wall) Were hordes of Spaniards, leading indios, and important institutions of church and Lived non-Christians, dispossessed datus at odds with the new order, and Chinese as well as foreign communities. Encomiendas Granted by King Philip II Wich is the administrative right to collect tribute and draft abor from among the inhabitants of a defined geographical area, along with the responsibility to protect them and provide religious instruction. Polo y servicios Mobilized by the cabeza de barangay.The compulsory 40-day labor per year rendered by tribute payers to the state Servicio Was performed by men and women and consisted largely of domestic service in churches and conv ents Polo Was hard labor performed by men: constructing government buildings and churches
Experiment 5, Preparation of Synthetic Banana Oil
September 30, 2012 Experiment 5, Preparation of Synthetic Banana Oil Introduction: This experiment prepares synthetic banana oil (isopentyl acetate) through the Fisher esterification method by combining isopentyl alcohol with acetic and sulfuric acid then heating the mixture under reflux for an hour. Esterification is a chemical reaction in which two reactants (an alcohol and an acid) form an ester as the reaction product. Observations and Data: When the sulfuric acid was combined with the isopentyl alcohol and acetic acid, the mixture turned red (due to residue of another chemical remaining on glassware).During the wash of the organic layer, two distinct layers appeared, a yellow and a clear. The drying process took around 20 minutes through gravity filtration. The distillation process took around 15 to 20 minutes to begin boiling at 137? C and stay at 140? C for the remainder of distillation. After reaching optimum temperature distillation was complete within ten minutes. After the experiment was completed the final product was 97% ester, 3% alcohol. Compound| Percent Total| Isopentyl Acetate (Ester)| 97%|Isopentyl Alcohol (Alcohol)| 3%| Results and Discussion We began with 16. 2 mL of isopentyl alcohol and continued through the processes of reaction, separation, and purification until a final product was achieved. There were two peak areas appearing on the gas chromatogram, isopentyl alcohol and isopentyl acetate. The area of isopentyl alcohol (2) is 0. 255cm2 where the area of the isopentyl acetate (1) is 8. 4cm2. This results in the percentage of isopentyl alcohol (3) in the final product eing 3% and the percentage of isopentyl acetate (4) 97%. The percent yield (5)of isopentyl acetate is also 97%. 1 1 1. 1. 8. 4 cm2 isopentyl acetate 8. 4 cm2 isopentyl acetate = = 2 2 (2 cm x 8. 4 cm) (2 cm x 8. 4 cm) = = 2 2 1 1 2. 2. 0. 255 cm2 isopentyl alcohol 0. 255 cm2 isopentyl alcohol (1. 7 cm x 0. 3 cm) (1. 7 cm x 0. 3 cm) 0. 255 cm2 isopentyl alcohol 0. 255 cm2 isopentyl alcohol 3% isopentyl alcohol 3% isopentyl alcohol = = 8. 655 cm2 total 8. 655 cm2 total X X 100% 100% 3. 3. 8. 4 cm2 isopentyl acetate 8. cm2 isopentyl acetate 8. 655 cm2 total 8. 655 cm2 total = = 97% isopentyl acetate 97% isopentyl acetate X X 100% 100% 4. 4. .97 actual isopentyl acetate .97 actual isopentyl acetate = = 97% yield 97% yield 1. 0 theorhetical isopentyl acetate 1. 0 theorhetical isopentyl acetate X X 100% 100% 5. 5. The results are not ideal, because the mixture would be 100% isopentyl acetate rather than containing isopentyl alcohol. Errors could have occurred in the beginning when the initial solution turned red, due to improper glassware cleaning.Product could have been lost or improperly filtered during gravity filtration. During the transfer of product from many vials, there may have been contamination. In the drying process, enough time may not have elapsed for the entire drying to occur. Experimental Isopentyl alcohol (150mmol) was mixed with acetic acid (17mL) and sulfuric acid (1mL). The solution was then heated under reflux for one hour. The mixture was then transferred into a separatory funnel and washed with 50-mL of water, drained and rewashed twice with 5% sodium bicarbonate.The layers were separated into two containers, one containing the aqueous layers of acetic acid and sulfuric acid in water and one containing the organic layer of isopentyl acetate and isopentyl alcohol. The mixture was then dried with magnesium sulfate. After dry, distillation occurred at 140? C to remove isopentyl alcohol leaving a final product of only isopentyl acetate. Laboratory Notebook Reference The data from the experiment â€Å"Preparation of Synthetic Banana Oil†is located on pages six through nine in the laboratory notebook.
Friday, August 30, 2019
My Strengths
The only reason why I can say so much about myself is I take in a lot of feedback from people who know me. Although I know that I should be a person with full self-awareness, I take into account how other people see me so I could improve in areas where I could improve (and when I think it is fair and appropriate) and subsequently lead a better life. It is one good sign of openness to the opportunities that the world can offer – the ability to take criticism, move on and know that there is nothing personal about seeking improvement in what you are doing. My friends, classmates and loved ones have always told me that I have the knack for speaking my own thoughts. I am straightforward and I like expressing my thoughts in a direct manner. I think it is a plus, because people do not really want to waste time guessing what you mean. I live to describe things as I see them, and tell things as they are. I have a great sense of humor. I find it easy to make friends laugh during casual conversations. Sense of humor is a great element in interpersonal communication, specifically in the field of marketing and campaigns. Sense of humor is also good for career-driven people who need to talk to countless people to build an excellent business network. I am also a fast, responsive learner. I am smart when it comes to numbers  it is good for business, I know. I studied in reputable schools, and that gives me an edge over people who did not get to study at all. Although my education is not a reason for bragging, it is a reason to be grateful that I know a lot of things that life outside school will not be able to teach me. I have had several part-time and summer jobs, which honed my alertness, level of customer service understanding, and entrepreneurial side. I am fully aware that every job I’ve done in the past is a lot of the reason why I am the confident person that I am today; it will also form part of who I’m going to be tomorrow, or five years down the line. To sum it up, the major details of my past  in school and in my career, ultimately, in life in general  have helped me become this strong and competent person that I am today. My Weaknesses Like most human beings, I have my own set of weaknesses. I am not tolerant of hunger. When I’m hungry, I eat. I eat peanuts or crackers, I just have to shove some edible and nutritious food down my throat and I’ll be fine. But when I’m hungry, really very hungry, I lose concentration, and experience terrible mood swings. This is the reason why I always have chocolate and crackers in my pocket. One of weaknesses, too is not putting down a book when I started reading. I also do not turn off the DVD player once I decide to watch a TV series-in DVD minimovies. On one hand, it is good that I do not stop doing something when there seems to be nothing going on. On the other hand, it is bad because I should be able to stick to schedule and I’ve got to have the courage to turn off the television when I have to, whether I’m being slaved over by my boss. Why an Employer Should Hire Me An employer should hire me because my whole life has been a preparation for a job that would make me extremely competent as an employee. An employer should hire me because I am a very fast learner and I am an excellent team player. At the same time, I am independent. You can leave me here and I’ll be fine. I will ask a few questions but that’s that. I won’t ask for spoon-feeding because I like the idea that I’m leaning in an unsupervised environment. An employer should hire me because I will take care of his business as if it’s my own. (It will spell a lot of difference.) The many mistakes that have occurred in many businesses and contacts before include their team’s unsupportive nature. I am excellent story-teller. I will make a socially-aware potential Mr. Mc Donanld?   Â
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Retail manaement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Retail manaement - Essay Example The proposed complex will have one department store and 40 other spaces of which many will be for office buildings. The boutique will encounter low competition which is a very positive factor. The Downtown Arcade also has its downside. The developers are placing an 8% corporate tax levy on all sales after $225,000. These types of taxes are common occurrences at malls, but it is a bit high and the $225,000 application tax point is too low. This area has been a business ghost town for over 50 years. There is a lot of uncertainly if the area can be transformed into a high level business activity area. The second potential location is called Tenderloin village. The place is an urban area in which there is business activity. The location has a lot benefits. The space is available for $1250 a month for a 900 square area lot. The contract is a short two year contract which gives the business owner flexibility. There are not extra charges related to large complex buildings. The landlord is a person Stephanie knows and trusts. The location has its disadvantages as well. There are three other small clothing stores in the area, so there is competition. The store is located in the basement of a home, thus the location has visibility issues and limited parking. The levels of walking traffic for this location are possibly low. The third location is called Appletree Mall which is an established mall with 8 years of existence. This location provides benefits for Stephanie’s boutique. The mall has lots of clientele and plenty of visitors. The sales of the mall went up by 12% last year. The space available is larger than the other lots with an overall space of 1200 square feet. The boutique would receive a large amount of walk-by traffic to the store which generates lots of sales. The mall is located just off an interstate highway which brings additional customers which are not necessarily residents of the region. The Appletree Mall also has its
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Campaigns and Money in American Government Essay
Campaigns and Money in American Government - Essay Example It will also provide a competitive political environment by providing a level ground for the candidates. There would be no landslide wins for the incumbents or the famous that are able to hold fundraisers (Breslwo et al, 2000). More public funding would also ensure that the influence of private contributors on the candidate or those in office is reduced. Replacing private funding with public funding would channel concerns of the general public and not a few. Last, the costs incurred during campaigns would be controlled, preventing overspending, as those funded by the public have to adhere to set limits. (Ansolabehere et al, 2000) The two challenges that face public funding the continuous presence of influence by the wealthy and the high costs of running for elections. Money is defined as speech by the court and these means that one can spend as they wish without interference from the government or anyone else and if this is done then there must be solid justification. However, accountability is required when it comes to spending resources on campaigns and these can be achieved if the government requires that each candidate provide a budget. An appropriate figure is then decided on the amount to spend based on underlying factors such as the seat one is contesting. This would increase
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Paradoxically, although modernity appeared to be a threat to Essay - 2
Paradoxically, although modernity appeared to be a threat to Christianity, it had been nurtured, in significant part, by Christianity itself - Essay Example Presumably, the threat to Christianity was associated to secular world view supported by modernity. Research shows that modernity is dominated by secular world view. The enlightenment era and the birth of modern science affected the reality of Christianity. The modernity concept suggests that is the physical world, made of energy and matter. The modern world view argues that the world is a closed system of cause and effect. It also perceives the real world to have space and time. The breathtaking achievements of science caused the western world to be impressed by the idea of modernity, science and technology. Reality has been reduced to space and time. This has made the concept of Christianity and faith doubtful has hard to grasp . Modernity has caused facts to replace the truth. This means that any proclamation of faith must be verifiable through facts or historical evidence. However, the premise of the faith in Jesus tends to suggests realities that are beyond scientific confines o f verification. A telling example is the case of mystical experiences, prayers, healing, visions and dreams. The Christian faith is inclusive and universal in terms of the requirements of becoming a faithful . The promise of faith is the same despite the background or culture setup of the believer. Studies show that qualitative change or evolution is a characteristic of modern religion. This means that development of modern religion has come through evolutionary stages just like science. Given that religion preceded science, it is evident that Christianity nurtured modernity to a significant extent3. The theories of cultural evolution and religion show that religious change does not necessarily indicate a decline of religious influence. Rather, it is a central aspect of Christian religion. History shows that Christianity evolution was not exclusive to culture. Christianity emphasizes the difference between the natural world and the supernatural world. This does not necessarily refut e the scientific gains in the natural world. Rather, Christianity insists of a truth greater than the sensual approach. The nature of science is also evolutionary. This means that science has got a striking similarity with Christianity when it comes to changes and developmental advancement. However, the fundamentals of Christianity do not change. The teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ are the inspiration behind the conduct and morals of every believer4. Science tends to be solution oriented. Most scientific solutions meet have no supernatural bearing. To a certain extent, religious symbols do not necessarily contradict secular world achievements. However, Christianity represents a deeper supernatural understanding of life. The concept of evolution, flexibility and change that is espoused by the scientific world is likely to have been heavily borrowed from Christianity5. The modern day ways of thinking and sensing may not be absolute. The overdependence of common realities that can b e relied upon by the senses is not entirely representative. This means that the common realities can be represented by science effectively. However, the higher common objects like wisdom and truth cannot be fully addressed by modernity and may be prove that God exists. According to the concept of notion of will, sight affects our understanding and perception of desire. This means that Christianity has the capability to nurture changes and perceptions. The notion suggests that the doctrine of will indicates the ability of human being to choose. This
Monday, August 26, 2019
Emerging leadership theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Emerging leadership theories - Essay Example However, Greenleaf believes that there must be a soul of the organization that does not change and is always there to help people with the change. This unchanging core that helps should be the core principles of the organization and should be determined by laws that are predetermined and are universal (Greenleaf & Spears, 2001). According to Greenleaf (2001), servant leaders live by the conscience which is the inward sense of what is morally right and wrong. The difference is that other leadership styles including servant work but the one that always endures is servant. The Servant leader has learned how to respect others and yet work toward organizational goals. The vision of that leadership is often integral to the character of that person. For example, the leader may believe that "I do Servant leadership because that is who I am." (Bell & Habel, 2009). In Servant leadership one would have a basic set of values which they would always use. In comparison, Full Range Leadership Theory (FRLT) is a rendition of the Transformational leadership style which affects the nine dimensions of leadership behavior. Transformation leadership as well as FRLT is very popular leadership styles at this time. This type of leadership is about charisma and the ability to move people forward because they want to work for you. Transformational leadership according to the literature works (Northouse, 2010), but is it as Greenleaf asks, enduring The answer to that is not really known at this time due it being a farily new style. Ethical leadership is the ability to understand ones core values and to use them to lead and advance the common good. Thos leaders that are concerned with ethical leadership have a core value of integrity. They find who they are and then the reach out and develop a vision as to how the world could be different and then use their voice to help change it. They also lead by example using values, vision, voice and virtue (, 2010). These three leadership styles do have some things that are alike and some that are different. Each one has a dimension of moving the organization forward by helping employees to understand "get aboard the train" where the organization needs to go and why. In all three cases, the employees want to follow these leaders so they do. Transformational or FRLT leaders have charisma which makes them well liked by the staff and therefore the staff likes to work for them. Ethical leaders are always doing what is needed for the common good so the staff feels cared for and in Servant leadership, it is all about the staff but from the perspective of a leader who has strong core values and is the stable part of any change. A Situation Leadership in nursing must deal with many things. It is a field of caring and sometimes in a task environment that is forgotten. That can and does happen easily when one of our own is in need. Leadership then becomes more important than ever. In this case, the nurse was diverting drugs. At first, this is a strongly ethical issue for us that are quite difficult to figure out. One must remember, however, that a Servant leader has a strong core that does not change, even
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Respiratory therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Respiratory therapy - Essay Example He did not see a doctor although he was advised to. At the point when his fever reached 38.3 C (101F) and he was experiencing shortness of breath he drove himself to the hospital. O: Patient was well-nourished, and in respiratory distress n 2l/min oxygen by nasal cannula. His blood pressure was 165/90, heart rate of 120 bpm, respiratory rate of 33/min and oral temperature of 39.5 C (105F). "He demonstrated a frequent strong "hacky" and productive cough of white and yellow sputum. His skin appeared pale and damp." At the pronunciation of the 99 phrase the increased tactile and vocal fremitus were observed over the right lower lung along with bronchial sounds in the same region. His oxygen saturation was 87% and his arterial blood gases were as follows: "pH 7.56, PaCO2 24 mmHg, HCO3 -24 mmol/L, PAo2-56mmHg. His chest X-ray shows a right lobe infiltrated with pneumonia, air bronchograms, and alveolar consolidation. His white blood cell count was 21,000mm^3. S: The therapist performing the rounds, 6 hours later, noticed that the patient complained that his doctor is too "young" and that he feels worse when he came to the hospital, although at this time his vitals were better O: high blood pressure at 135/85, hr=90bpm, and resp, rate=19/min; oral temperature was 37.3C or 99F.; he also had strong nonproductive cough; chest ray indicated a partial resolution of the pneumonia, his bronchial breath sounds were audible and his SPO2 and ABGs values improved
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Junk food Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Junk food - Assignment Example The researchers in this research paper set out to find out and verify whether the availability of junk food in schools was the reason that led to the obesity in these children. The research only focused on the children from fifth grade and only during school hours and depended on reports from the children and their parents on issues to do with exercises when at home which were bound to be biased or incomplete in some ways. The sample was of 9,380 children who were all in fifth grade in both public and private schools and who had started school in 1998. Data collected from them was that of BMI at the beginning and the end of the research period and the difference calculated. Data was also collected from parents, teachers and other school sources on things such as the children’s cognitive skills and abilities, their social wellbeing, emotional and physical wellbeing and development and especially on their physical activity both in school and at home which may change the results of the BMI in the long run. The data was collected in 2003 and 2004. Other than collection of data on BMI and physical activity, it was also collected on the amount of junk food consumed and the number of calories the junk food contained (Datar and Nicosia, 2012). The results indicated slight increases in BMI in these children from the calories intake of the junk food consumed in school. The physical activity also was very minimal both in school and at home based on the reports from the teachers, parents and the children themselves.
Friday, August 23, 2019
The complexity of Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
The complexity of Management - Essay Example In this paper, the proponent clearly illustrates situations that identify existing complexities within an organisation. Marketing versus accounting department In most instances, there is always an ongoing clash between the accounting and marketing department. This is because of the meaning of accounting in an organisation seems to be broad (McSweeney, 1995). In order to understand this in detail, there is always a good reason to believe that each department has essential role or function to play in an organisation. In line with this, it is necessary that these specific functions have to be elaborately discussed in detail in order to find out why there is an ongoing complexity that exists within an organisation. A salesperson was having a hated argument with an accounting staff. The problem was actually within the bound of how they tried to handle customer service. The salesperson was so aggressive about creating a sale with the customer and he was always ready to shortcut the process just to be able to close the deal. However, the accounting staff understood her function clearly well. In other words, she was so aggressive about the implementation of what has been agreed within their department. As a result, there was a strong clash of personal interests of each department that went on between the accounting staff and salesperson. ... In other words, some rules employed by the company may be altered just to be able to prioritise what is deemed important for the achievement of the ultimate goal of the company. The ultimate goal is to have excellent financial performance that will enable the company to continue operation. However, there may be always a compromise in the process. The accounting department is such a complex component of an organisation because it primarily involves finances in general. It involves the general role of an organisation to handle every necessary aspect in financial activities that will make the entire flow of the organisation run smoothly. For instance, cash flow is important and even return of investment is necessary in order that the operation will continue to have healthy performance. These activities are necessary and they are handled by the accounting department in general. However, their tasks have specific goals and objectives that in the process will run against the objectives of other departments. For instance, the sales department is there to help the accounting department reach the objective in obtaining healthy cash flow. The sales department is there in order to help the company reach its full potential in obtaining high return of investment that the bottom line is to have a positive healthy cash flow. However, this does not run smoothly as always as it might be expected. There are some specific concerns. For instance, the company may declare terms and conditions of payments. Some customers may ask about longer terms especially when they are trying to place high orders that are far from what is expected. Some companies may not have looked on this in advance but the accounting department may be strict about its
Material science Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Material science - Research Paper Example GBS has also been found to be a major means of deformation for polycrystalline materials leading to the belief that GBS controls superplasticity properties. GBS refers to the displacement occurring when two grains subjected to external stress slide over one another in which the movement occurs at or in closer proximity to the common interface between the grains (Langdon 598). The occurrence of grain boundary sliding has been demonstrated by several scholars over the years. Grain boundary sliding has increasingly become an area of interest among material scientists. Two different forms of GBS have been suggested. The first form of GBS suggested by Rachinger in 1952 involves the displacement of nearby grains in which the grain’s original shape and size is retained despite being evidently displaced over each other (Mayo and Nix 2). This phenomenon has been demonstrated as a form of deformation in polycrystalline materials under creep situations where the number of grains within the measured length increases in the same direction as the external tensile stress (Rachinger 81). Rachinger GBS exists under two different situations namely; conventional creep where the size of the grain d exceeds that of the equilibrium sub-grain as well as in superplasticity where the grain size is smaller than the equilibrium size of the sub-grain (Langdon 598). Both GBS GBS also exists in form of Lifschitz sliding which represents the offsets in the boundaries that occur due to stress and does not increase the number of measured grains (Langdon 598). The main difference between the two GBS forms is that while Lifschitz is an accommodation process by itself, Rachinger sliding entails accommodation through intragranular grip (Nieh, Sherby and Wadsworth 40). The two GBS types have been unified through rate equations which are consistent with empirical observations (Vastava and Langdon 2339). Grain boundary sliding also plays a significant role in superplasticity.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Corporate Risk Management Essay Example for Free
Corporate Risk Management Essay Risk refers to the uncertainty that surrounds future events and outcomes. It is the expression of the likelihood and impact of an event with the potential to influence the achievement of an organization’s objectives. Risk management is a systematic approach to setting the best course of action under uncertainty by identifying, assessing, understanding, acting on and communicating risk issues. The Corporate Risk Management framework is a systematic, integrated approach with a focus on managing financial risks to enhance shareholder value. The Corporate Risk Management processes are indentification of the risk, measurement , policy, process and execution. Those processes are utilised by corporate enterprises to manage the risk of fortuitous loss. Once corporate risks have been identified and their impact on the firm measured, risk management attempts to control the size and frequency of loss, and to finance those fortuitous losses which do occur. Those are the main definition about the subject, which are to be discussed in this document. Risk Management is an ongoing activity and should be carried out as a part of day-to-day business. The management of risk can only take place within an organisational framework that is inclusive of all parts of the corporate infrastructure. Without this framework, risks cannot be efectivelly discussed, communicated, compared and managed in a coherent way across the whole organisation. Risk should be a feature of any management discussion of any uncertain circumstances including new initiatives of any kind and the implementation of significant projects Risk management deals with insurable and with uninsurable risks and is an approach which involves a formal orderly process for systematically identyfying, analysing and responding to risk events throughout the life of a project to obtain the optimum or acceptable degree of risk elimination or control. Risk management is an essential part of the project and business planning cycle which requires acceptance that uncertainty exists, generates a structured response to risk in terms of alternative plans, solutions and contingencies ,is a thinking process requiring imagination and ingenuity and generates a realistic attitude in an investment for staff by preparing them for risk events rather than being taken by surprise when they arrive. Risk management involves identifying risks, predicting how probable they are and how serious they might become, deciding what to do about them and implementing these decisions. Corporates finance is the specific area dealing the financial decisions corporations make and the tools and techniques used to make the decisions. Categories of corporate financial decision making are : objectives of investment decision, financial decision and financial techniques. Corporates need a more advanced risk management approach in order to benefit from a competitive advantage from strategic risk management. They should manage risks proactively via an integrated approach with a focus on measurable financial risks. Quantitative techniques, such as cash flow-at-risk and earnings-at-risk, are necessary to look at the combined effect of risks on the formulated business objectives. Identification of risks, analysis of implications, response to minimise the risk and allocation of the contigencies are part of the process of managing the corporate risk. The objective to managing the corporate risk is to understand the risk that is known to be associated with the corporate strategy plan. This corporate risk management plan will enable the communication of the risks and risk treatments to be passed down to the strategic business units that may be impacted by the risk and maintenance of the corporate risk register. Altough risks are evaluated at the corporate level, the power they maintain over governments and consumers is phenomenal. Corporate risk startegy often implies planned actions to respond to identified risks. A typical corporate risk strategy includes the following: * accountabilities for managing the corporate risk. * A corporate risk register will be maintained as a record of the known risks to the corporate strategy plan; the types of mitigating action recorded. * Treatment plans are identified that form part of the corporate strategy and will be communicated to the SBUs, so they in turn may manage the risk which may affect them. A first estimate of potential effects can be determined using assumption analysis, decision tree analysis and the range method. These models can then be used to evaluate the effectiveness of potential mitigating actions and hence select the optimum response. Mitigating actions can be grouped into four categories and potential action : * Risk avoidance * Risk reduction * Risk transfer * Risk retention Corporate management, often referred to as corporate strategy, is concerned with ensuring corporate survival and increasing its value not just in financial terms but also by variables such as market share, reputation and brand perceptions. Thus the scope of corporate risk management is wide ranged to support the corporate strategy. A senior corporate manager owns the process and has the staff to resource the analysis and administrative activities. A board member champions the process ensuring access to information and resources. A core group of corporate broad members and strategic business unit executives can draw additional input from stakeholders such as shareholder representatives, representatives from major customers, partners and suppliers and external experts. At the corporate level a corporate strategy plan is often produced. The plan objectives are: * Create and maintain a strategy that achieves the corporate intent, corporate commitments and expectations of the customers, shareholders and other stakeholders. * Incorporate and maintain the commitments and the requirements of business sectors, specifically strategic business units and process owners that support the strategic direction. * Communicate the strategic direction and relevant objectives and target to each strategic business unit. * Manage strategic change to maintain or gain competitive advantage. The risk management process can be viewed as the application of traditional management techniques to a particular problem. Risk management is a continous loop rather than a linear process so that, as an investment or project processes, a cycle of identification, analysis, control and reporting of risks is continuously undertaken. Steps in the risk management process include: * setting risk-return goals, * identification and evaluation of the causes of potential expense or revenue fluctuation, * choice and balance of loss control and loss finance tools, and * implementation, monitoring and review. There are many opinions about those processes. For example Chapman and Ward believe that there are eight phases in the risk management process. Each phases is associated with broadly defined deliverabe, and each deliverable is discussed in terms of its purpose and the tasks required to produce it. Phases and deliverable structures: * Define : the purpose of this phase is to consolidate any relevant existing information about the project, and to fill in any gaps uncovered in the consolidation process. * Focus : the purpose of this phase is to look for and develop a strategic plan for the risk management process, and to plan the risk management process at an operational level. * Identify : the purpose of this phase is to identify where risk may arise, to identify what might be done about the risk in proactive and reactive terms, and to identify what might go wrong with the responses. Here, all the risks and responses should be identified, with threats and opportunitiess classified, characterised, documented, veified and reported. * Structure : the purpose of this phase is to test the simplified assumptions, and to provide a more complex structure when appropriate. Benefits here include a clear understanding of the implications of any important simplifying assumptions about relationships between risks, responses and base plan activities. * Ownership : at this phase client/contractor allocation of ownership and management of risk and responses occur, such as the allocation of client risks to named individuals, and the approval of contractor allocations. Here, clear ownership and allocations arise; the allocations are effectively and efficiently defined and legally enforceable in practice where appropriate. * Estimate : this phase identifies areas of clear significant uncertainty and areas of possible significant uncertainty. This acts as a basis for understanding which risks and responses are important. * Evaluate : at this stage synthesis and evaluation of the results of the estimation phase occurs. Diagnosis of all important difficulties and comparative analysis of the implication of responses to these difficulties should take place, together with specific deliverables like a prioritised list of risks or a comparison of the base plan and contingency plans with possible difficulties and revised plans. * Plan : at this pase the project plan is ready for implementation. The main processes involved in project risk management are: * risk identification, risk quantification and analysis, * risk response, selection of risk response options, * outputs from the risk response process, * outputs from the risk response process, * risk management within the project life cycle, * the tasks and benefits of risk management, * the beneficiares of risk management. Risk identification consists of determining which risks are likely to affect the project and documenting the characteristics of each one. Risk identification should adress both the internal and the external risks. The primary sources of risk which have the potential to cause a major effect on the project should also be determined and classified according to their impact on project cost, time schedules and project objectives. Inputs and outputs of the Risk Identification Process . Inputs to risk identification are given as product or service description; other planning outputs (work breakdown structure, cost and time estimates, specification requirements) historical information. Outputs to risk identification are sources of risk; potential risk events; risk symptoms; imputs to other processes. After identification risks should be ’validated’, for instance, the information on which they are based and the accuracy of the description of their characteristics should be checked. The purpose of risk identification is to identify and the project or service components, the inherent risks in the project or service, to capture the most significant participants in risk management and to provide the basis for subsequent management, to stabilise the groundwork by providing all the necessary information to conduct risk analysis. Risk quantification and analysis involves evaluating risks and risk interactions to assess the range of possible outcomes. It is primarily concerned with determing which risk events warrant a response. A number of tools and techniques are available for the use of risk analysis and quantification and the analysis process. Risk response involves defining enhancement steps for opportunities and responses to threats.  Risk avoidance involves the removal of a particular threat. This may be either by eliminating the source of the risk within a project or by avoiding projects or business entities which have exposure to the risk. Since the significance of a risk is related to both its probability of occurence and its effect on the project outcome if it does occur, risk reduction may involve either lowering its probability or lessening its impact ( or both ). Projects may be seen as investment packages with associated risks and returns. Since a typical project or business involves numerous stakeholders, it follows that each should ’own’ a proportion of the risk available in order to elicit a return. Basically, risk transfer is the process of transferring risk to another participant in the project. Transferring risk does not eliminate or reduce the criticality of the risk, but merely leaves it for others to bear the risk. Risk Retention .Risks may be retained intentionally or unintentionally. The latter occurs as a result of failure of either or both of the first two phases of the risk management process, these being risk identification and risk analysis. If a risk is not identified or if its potential consequences are underestimated, then the organisation is unlikely to avoid or reduce it consciously or transfer it adequately. Corporate risk refers to the liabilities and dangers that a corporation faces. Risk management is a set of procedures that minimizes risks and costs for businesses. The job of a corporate risk management department is to identify potential sources of trouble, analyze them, and take the necessary steps to prevent losses There are several steps in any risk management process. The department must identify and measure the exposure to loss, select alternatives to that loss, implement a solution, and monitor the results of their solution. The goal of a risk management team is to protect and ultimately enhance the value of a company. With corporations, financial risks are the biggest concern. Just as with standard insurance policies for physical damage, some financial risks can be transferred to other parties. Derivatives are the primary way that corporate risk is transferred. A derivative is a financial contract that has a value based on, or derived from, something else. These other things can be stocks and commodities, interest and exchange rates or even the weather when applicable. The three main types of derivatives that corporate riskmanagers use are futures, options, and swaps. Corporate risk is especially prominent during difficult times in the economy. Risk management teams will take less chances when the economy is less forgiving. They will do everything necessary to avoid additional risks, which in some cases can contribute to a decrease in credit availability and less overall spending. * Corporate Risk Management ,second edition, Tony Merna Faisal Thani 2008 * Analysis Evaluation,second edition, Neil Cowan 2005 * *
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Definition Of Industry And Porter Economics Essay
Definition Of Industry And Porter Economics Essay This chapter presents a basic explanation of how the pharmaceutical industry will be defined and which models will be used to analyse it. 2.1 Definition of Industry The most important definition of industry was given by Michael Porter in 1979: a group of competitors producing substitutes that are close enough that the behavior of any firm affects each of the others either directly or indirectly. [1] Later, Porter defined the term more precisely as a group of companies offering products or services that are close substitutes for each other, that is, products or services that satisfy the same basic customers needs. [2] This new definition emphasizes the importance of industry borders and industrys role as a market supplier or producer of goods and services, as distinguished from a market, defined as a consumer of goods and services. Furthermore, inside every industry there are groups of companies that follow similar strategies, defined by Michael S. Hunt in his unpublished 1972 Ph.D. dissertation as strategic groups. [3] Between these groups there are differences in entry barriers, bargaining power with buyers and suppliers and skills and resources [4] . Strategic groups compete against each other within the industry as a result of these differences. 2.2 Models to Analyze the Industry and Its Environment The literature agrees that comprehension of the industry structure is essential to developing a firms strategy and has a greater effect on the firms performance than whether it is business-specific or corporate-parent. [5] The comprehension of the structure requires analyses of the industrys life cycle. It also requires step-by-step political, legal, technological, social and economic analyses as well as the five driving forces of business, provided by Michael Porter. By utilizing these analysis techniques, it is also possible to anticipate changes in industry competition and profitability over time. 2.2.1 Industry Life Cycle Analysis During its development an industry passes through different phases, each characterized by a different environment that obliges competition to assume different forms. Through studying the life cycle, the industry realizes its stake in the market and its influence on consumers. The industry life cycle model includes four different phases: introduction, growth, maturity and decline. [6] The introductory phase is characterized by low demand, resulting in higher prices as a consequence of the firms inability to realize economies of scale. This situation gives rise to low profit margins and losses are expected due to substantial investments in new categories. Market penetration may be obstructed by a lack of technologies and competencies. Strategy is focused mainly on RD and production, with the goal of enhancing novelty and quality. Competitors, attracted by the rising demand, attempt to replicate the new product. [7] In the second phase, growth, the use of the product is extended, demand grows, prices decline due to economies of scale, barriers to entry are lower and the threat of new entry is high. At this phase the technology is usually not exclusive property of one or more firms, and the primary reaction to competition is marketing expenditure and initiatives; profits are not very high because prices decline as competitors enter the market. There is a transition period, or shakeout, between the second and the third phases. The shakeout involves finding and using all investment opportunities, because the market is near saturation and demand grows more slowly. [8] In the third phase, maturity, market growth is low or nonexistent, and the focus shifts to gaining market share; demand is represented only by the substitution of products, investment in RD decreases and there is little innovation. In this phase firms seek cost reductions, and competition is based primarily on advertising and quality because of the low differentiation between products. Big firms acquire smaller players, while others are forced to exit. As a conseguence of high barrier to entry, the threat of new entrants are low. [9] The last phase is decline, so called because of the continued decline in demand. Industries arrive at this stage for a variety of reasons. These include a change in social behaviors, demographic changes, international competition, technological innovations and increased customer knowledge. The buying process is based primarily on price rather than innovation. As a result, profit and revenues decline, and the industry as a whole may be supplanted. [10] 2.2.2 PEST Analysis The term PEST is an acronym of several factors Political, Economic, Social and Technological that influence business activities at any given moment. Due to the fact that each aspect may have an independent impact on the industry, it is essential that each be individually identified and analyzed through the PEST Analysis. [11] The political aspect of analysis encompasses various factors that influence business activities in a given country at several levels: national, subnational and supranational levels. [12] These include trade policies control imports, exports and international business partners, government ownership of industry, attitude toward monopolies and competition and trade policies. Hence, failure to consider these policies may result in loss of revenue due to taxes or penalty fees. Government stability is also very important, because it eradicates the risks associated with wars and conflicts. For an industry to thrive, political stability must be uncompromised; otherwise, sales and business activities will be uncertain, and investors will lose interest. The internal political issues in any country influence the running of industries. Politics based on race or religion may define the course for certain industries, especially if an industry falls short of political expectations. Elections and changes in leadership also influence an industrys strengths and opportunities and thus should be considered during the analysis. In addition to internal issues, international pressures and influences may affect some industries, such as environmental degradation or product safety. Another factor is terrorism. Though uncommon in many countries, poor or unstable governance may attract terrorist activities, vengeful or otherwise, which can have adverse effects on the industries operating in that country. All these issues may stunt industrial growth and discourage stakeholders from making significant investments. [13] The economic aspect of analysis includes many factors. The first factor to consider is the current economic situation and trends in the country in which the industry is based. Companies should note inflation and economic decline so that when it comes to investing, they can avoid being financially affected. Failure to do this results in an economically blind platform that may cause the industrys sudden collapse. Another factor to consider in analysis is taxation rates. When there are high taxation rates in a given country, price-based competition may affect a given industry in the international market. International economic trends are also very important, because they define currency exchange rates, imports and exports. Other factors to consider are consumer expenditure and disposable income and, finally, legal issues, including all trade legislation in a given country and other legal regulations that inhibit or encourage expansion of business activities. Also to be considered are co nsumer protection laws, employment laws, environmental protection laws and quality standardization regulations. Law regulating industrial competition, market policies and guidelines also have a significant impact on the stability of industry and future expansion opportunity. [14] When considering the social aspect, factors including demographic changes, shifts in values and culture and changes in lifestyle are important to note so as to strategize on expansion and growth [15] . Certain factors, such as media and communities, influence an industrys growth and returns. Brand name and corporate image are also very important in influencing growth and returns since they shape customer loyalty and shareholder investment. The medias views on certain industrial products should be incorporated into the analysis, as should consumer attitudes and sensibility to green issues, that is, issues that affect the environment, energy consumption and waste and its disposal. A companys information systems and internal and external communications should also be analyzed to ensure that it keeps pace with its competitors. Other factors are the policies regulating education, health and distribution of income, all of which, in the long run, influence consumer use of products [16] . The technological aspect of analysis encompasses a variety of factors. In addition to developing technologies, all associated technologies, along with their innovation potentials, speed of change and adoption of new technology, should be analyzed for a proper evaluation of the industry. Other technological factors are transportation, waste management and online business. The level of expenditure on RD should also be considered in order to secure the industrys competitive position to prevent losses and collapse [17] . 2.2.3 Porters Five Competitive Forces Analysis Porters model, as described by Kay, is an evolution of the Structure-Conduct-Performance paradigm conceived by Edward Mason at Harvard University in the 1930s and detailed by Scherer in the 1980s. [18] , [19] The model aims to determine the intensity of industry competition, major issues in determining strategy and whether an industry is attractive or not. [20] Porter identified five competitive forces that act on an industry and its environment: threat of entry, intensity of rivalry among existing competitors, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of buyers and bargaining power of suppliers. [21] The first competitive force, threat of entry, refers to the threat of new entrants in an established industry or acquisition to gain market share. Reactions of participants and barriers to entry are the main factors used to establish whether the threat is high or low. Six major entry barriers have been identified: capital required to compete in the industry (especially in risky industry, such as advertising or RD) switching costs access to distribution channels economies of scale cost disadvantages independent of scale, such as patents, access to know-how, access to limited resources, favorable locations, government subsidies or policies and learning or experience curves product differentiation expected retaliation from existing firms against the new entrants Strong barriers to the entry of new firms enable a few firms to dominate the market and thereby influence prices. The second force is intensity of rivalry among existing competitors. Rivalry takes place when one or more firms inside an industry try to improve their position using tactics such as price competition, new product introduction or new services. Rivalry depends on several factors: number and size of competitors, industry growth, product characteristics (which determine whether the rivalry is based on price or differentiation), cost structure, exit barriers, diverse competitors, operative capacity and high strategic stakes. If an industry is inhibited, then firms will experience difficulties when trying to expand. The growth of foreign competition and the corporate stakes should also be included in the analysis. Threat of substitutes is the third forces. Substitutes are those products manufactured by other industries but serving the same purposes as the initial product. These substitute products cause the demand to decline. The implications are reduced profits and reduced market command by the original capital investor. This is of particular importance when the buyer has no switching costs and can easily compare products in terms of price and efficiency. Bargaining power of buyers is the fourth force. High bargaining power positions weak firms inside the industry, forcing price down, enhancing competition between industry players and resulting in bargaining for higher quality or services. This power is particularly high under certain conditions, such as few and specific buyers, undifferentiated products, low switching costs, the possibility of backward integration and information about demand and the availability of market price to the buyers. Furthermore, bargaining power is high if product quality is not a crucial factor of decision-making and if what the buyer is acquiring is a modest fraction of his total costs. Bargaining power is even higher when the buyer is a retailer or a wholesaler able to influence the consumers purchasing decision. The fifth and last force is the bargaining power of suppliers. This can act on the industry in several ways: raising prices, lowering quality or privileging some buyers. Supplier power can be divided into several elements. One of these elements is supplier concentration. Suppliers are in a stronger position when there are few suppliers, switching costs are high, the industry they are serving account for a small fraction of their business or their products are an important part of the buyers business. The bargaining power of suppliers is low or nonexistent when there are substitute products. Lastly, purchase volume and the suppliers influence on cost are very important.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Importance Of Employee Productivity
Importance Of Employee Productivity Abstract Employee productivity is very important for the success of the company in todays global competitive environment. Organizations now realized that key asset is the human capital. Employees get stress in the working environment and this slows down their productivity. There are different factors like poor air quality, open space, noise pollution, temperature, lighting, interior together effect the productivity of employees. The objective of the repot is to increase the productivity in the workplace with a particular focus on the design and interior of the office. The design of the office gives solution to all the elements which contribute in the slow productivity of employees. Environmentally responsible material and furnishings were selected to protect the health and well-being of both employees and global ecosystems. Introduction This is the era of globalization. The business environment in America is growing by giving tough competition to each other in all aspects (Marilyn, 2001). To stay in the market and deal with these changing trends, the organization or firms are focusing on internal operations like productivity, team work, and resources. They now realized that their key asset is human capital. Around 50% of North Americans work in offices, and a large percentage of these work in open-plan offices. Because people spend up to 90% of their time indoors, and much of it in their workplaces, the physical environment in offices should be carefully designed and managed. The physical conditions that tenant experience are important determinants of satisfaction, comfort, well-being, and effectiveness. Changes in modern business practices have considerably changed the way we work in the office (Kate Charles etal). When doing modern knowledge work, employees are required to analyze and integrate complex information , create new ideas, learn new skills continuously, and work in collaboration with colleagues. According to Marilyn (2001) the employees recognized their power and are now searching for new ways of giving their maximum productivity. Companies have come to realize the importance of comfort in the workplace environment in order to retain quality personnel, increase productivity, and maintain a competitive edge (Luparello, 2004). It is very important to increase comfort level of employees in order to increase profit for organization, firm and corporations. Another study was done by Ernesto (1997) in which he analyzed that on an individual level, most people experience some degree of stress in their daily lives and in their workplaces. To deal with this growing problem of work-related stress, employers must identify the specific sources of stress and take clear measures to address them (Allie, 1996). Good workplace design can make a big difference in staff satisfaction, attraction, motivation, and retention. It can also affect the level of knowledge and skills of workers, how innovative and creating they are, and how they respond to business and technological change. Poor workplace design, by contrast, is linked to lower business performance and higher level of stress experienced by employees (Amble, 2005). Vangen (1999) notes that the design of the workplace may be a significant driver in reducing employee stress. Consequently, by addressing such issues as poor acoustics, poor lighting, and poor indoor air quality, employers can go a long way towards reducing workplace stress. Karen (2004) during his research noticed that companies will look toward designs that will provide, open, technologically advanced, flexible, comfortable, and secure spaces-all the necessary components to attract and retain high caliber employees and maximize productivity. Welch (1996) focused on stress re duction issues. There are numerous, well-studied strategies that employers can apply, including anti-stress seating zones, ergonomic furniture, physical fitness centers (DiNubile Sherman, 1999). Knisley (2005) gave the idea that lighting level must be separated for individual workstation so they can perform better. However, it is important to note that this area of study is still in its relative infancy, and there is much research to be done on the subject (Beehr, 1998). An office building must have flexible and technologically advance working environment that are safe, healthy, comfortable, aesthetically pleasing, and accessible. It must be able to accommodate the specific space and equipment needs of the tenant. Special attention should be made to the selection of interior of the office. Karen (2004) during his research noticed that companies will look toward designs that will provide, open, technologically advanced, flexible, comfortable, and secure spaces-all the necessary comp onents to attract and retain high caliber employees and maximize productivity. Aims and Objectives The core objective of this repot is: To increase the productivity in the workplace with a particular focus on the office design. To explore interior design techniques that may reduce employee stress and enhance productivity while using environmentally responsible materials and furnishings Justification It is very important to understand the work place environment where workers are exposed to stress. Therefore, all the workers involved in the business are the major constituent of an organization. As the time passes workers gain experience and became more important tool of the organization. It is evident from different researches done in past that poor working environment is one of the cause of stress. It is very important to give them healthy work environment so they remain more useful for longer period. Office design has a direct correlation with high efficiency of workers. According to a report by the Rocky Mountain Institute in Boulder (Training, 1997), employees could do a much better job if employers paid attention to the work environment. Factors increasing workers productivity The following factors will reveal the way in which the physical, technological, and logical systems work together to promote work process and increase employee productivity while decreasing their stress: Open space and productivity Nowadays, there is a blurring of the hierarchy in the organization, and people are working in a more collaborative environment. Evidence abounds that a more open environment can facilitate team members contributions to productivity. Work spaces are designed to increase informal interaction, not just to save cost and space (Wah, 1998). One of the ways to enhance an open environment and increase interaction between employees is by using the cubicle, which was introduced in the 1970s. However, one problem with using a cubicle is that employees may feel some level of stress due to lack of privacy (Bencivenga, 1998). At the same time, the need for occasional privacy can be accommodated in a variety of ways: separate telephone rooms, conference rooms, and glass walls that can be shaded if necessary (Asirvatham, 1999). Indoor air quality In practical terms, poor air quality can make it harder to concentrate and work effectively leading to symptoms such as headaches, drowsiness or eye, nose or throat irritation. The indoor air quality is determined, to a large extent, by the buildings ventilation system. Researchers have recorded that approximately one third of all employee sick leaves are due to symptoms caused by poor air quality (Mendell et al, 1999). A single source of contamination, in the form of a contaminated carpet, was found to have a marked impact on the typing speed and error rate of occupants in an office building (Wargocki et al, 2002). Evidence indicates that, while the physical attributes of the workplace such as air quality and lighting can have an impact on the productivity of occupiers, it has been known for some time that what might be termed the psychosocial aspects of the working environment can also be significant contributors (or inhibitors) towards greater productivity. These aspects may relat e to the ability to interact with colleagues, the degree of social equity and community in the workplace and the provision of a stimulating visual environment. Access to windows and view, opportunities for interaction and control of ones immediate environment are some of the factors that contribute to improved workplace satisfaction. A substantial portion of the US population suffers from communicable respiratory illness, allergy, asthma symptoms, and symptoms of sick building syndrome. There is evidence that changes in the building design, operation, and maintenance can significantly reduce these illnesses. A decrease in these health problems would lead to lower health costs: a reduction in sick leave, and shorter periods of illness, which might increase work productivity. These benefits can be economically translated into billions of dollars (Fisk, 2000). Lighting Daylight provides important benefits to workers, including better visual acuity, a connection to nature, and enhanced productivity (Means, 2002). According to the Steelcase Workplace Index survey (released Dec. 1, 1999), 56% of the office workers responding said that poor lighting in the workplace caused them tired or watery eyes, while another 30% said it caused headaches Therefore, daylight was used throughout the office to promote productivity. In addition, a combination of indirect and direct electrical lighting was used to provide an even, glare-free ambiance, while task lighting was added to increase light levels for specific tasks (Steffy, 2002). Slater (1984) found that task lighting had the greatest impact on performance compared with down lighting and side lighting. The design of office environments must place emphasis on providing each occupant with access to natural light and views to the outside. Knisley (2005) found that in todays dynamic workplace, employees are shifti ng among a variety of tasks during a typical day. A high light level is needed for reading documents with small text, a medium light is more appropriate for meetings, and an even lower level is required for keyboard tasks on a computer. In addition, each employees personal light requirements may differ based on age, vision, or preference. The open office area would have pendant ambient lighting that would provide primarily indirect lighting but also some direct lighting to create an even, glare-free environment. In addition, task lighting will be added to each desk as needed. Lighting in conference rooms would be manually dimmable to provide light adjustment that supports different activities. Accent lighting will be installed to emphasize certain decorative features on the walls. In addition, daylight sensors would be installed to control electrical lighting level based on daylight contribution and thereby maximize efficiency. The following discusses some specific solutions for the lighting: In addition, a study conducted by the Commission for Architecture the Built Environment and the British Council for Offices found that even simple things such as good lighting and adequate daylight can reduce absenteeism by 15 per cent and increase productivity by between 2.8 per cent and 20 per cent (Amble, 2005). Windows have also been found to play an important role in employee stress. There is a relationship between lack of windows in the workplace and employees feelings of job dissatisfaction, depression, and tension. A view of natural elements such as trees, vegetation, plants, and foliage was found to buffer the negative impact of job stress (Leather Di Beals, 1998). Control noise levels. Cooper, Dewe, and ODriscoll (2001) suggest that poor noise conditions can have a severe impact on a workers physical health and psychological well-being.Unpredictable noise has been found to increase arousal levels but such noises also require more attention and cause distraction. Telephones ringing, doors banging, mobile phones ringing and coworkers shouting across the room could all be termed unpredictable noise, unless they occur with such frequency as to become the norm. Technical Connectivity Technology has become an indispensable tool for business and industry. Given that technology is driving a variety of changes in the organizational and architectural forms of office buildings. The design made must include easy access to this technology. Temperature It should not be too surprising to learn that performance levels of workers, whether in the office or factory environment, drop off when it gets too hot or too cold yet that is the finding of many research projects conducted over extended periods of time. In other words, there is an optimum temperature or band of temperatures to maximize performance. This is true particularly when considering the effects of temperature on physical performance although the link is less evident when considering effects on mental performance. To put it another way, the band of temperature that secures optimum mental performance is wider. Despite this finding, building management systems are typically operated to achieve a narrow spread of acceptable temperatures in the office environment. Wyon (1974) found that typewriting speeds were approximately 40-50% slower when temperatures rose from 200C to 240C. In a later study, Wyon et al (1979) concluded that certain office-based tasks can be improved by tem peratures up to 260C. Interestingly, when other tests were performed (assessing creativity, spelling, vocabulary and manual dexterity), the researchers found no material difference in performance as the temperature levels changed within a broad range. What the above research shows, if anything, is that the ideal temperature for a specific office-based activity may not be ideal for another activity or, occupiers are more resilient than is imagined and can cope adequately with a range of temperatures The vast majority of health research has focused on Building Related Illnesses (BRI) and the relationship to indoor air quality and the thermal environment. Occurrences of Building Related Illness can be very costly to an organization, especially when symptoms are associated with reduced work performance, absenteeism, or temporary abandonment of the building. Not surprisingly, one of the driving forces behind the sustainable design movement is the improvement of indoor air quality Use mobile furniture Adjustable and mobile furniture is a good option for growing businesses with limited space; you can easily reconfigure cubicles and workstations and rearrange your office to accommodate growth, partition departments, or separate equipment areas and other noisy parts of the office. Mobile furniture was selected to provide flexibility in accommodating team meetings and gatherings of different sizes and to adjust more easily to future changes (Sterk, 2005). The furniture should be extremely durable to avoid early replacement Relaxation, and exercise rooms An important component of stress management programs is relaxation centers that are analogous to fitness centers (Ernesto, 1997). The purpose of these facilities is to provide employees with an area, equipment, and qualified staff to encourage learning and practicing stress management and relaxation techniques. Special relaxation rooms are also mentioned by Stevens (2001). These rooms are totally enclosed and soundproof Therefore, the design strategy included support spaces such as meditation, exercise, and relaxation rooms. These rooms would provide employees with comfortable, stress-free venues to enhance creativity and productivity. The meditation room would have a view to the outside landscaping as suggested by Leather Di Beals (1998), who found that a view of natural elements such as trees, plants, and foliage could buffer the negative impact of job stress. Both the meditation and relaxation rooms would also be insulated and soundproof to limit noise distractions. Conclusion Based on the research cited in this study, it is clear that the stress levels, health, and productivity of people in their workplace can be greatly influenced by the environment and physical work space they occupy on a daily basis. It is important to continue to educate the business community regarding the direct benefits of providing an improved work environment. Good working environments can help employers recruit and retain well-qualified employees, and any improvements in the well-being of employees are in the best interests of the employers themselves. Before embarking on a design project, the designers must review the literature to identify the design theories and research that will guide design decisions (i.e. researchbased design). In this project there were two areas of interest: 1). reducing stress among employees and 2). Creating greater productivity for the company. Of equal importance is the need to educate the community about the benefits of using environmentally respon sible furnishing and finishing materials, which are now widely available. Increased use of these materials not only benefits the individuals in the workplace, it contributes to protection of global ecosystems. The research that supports this study suggests that a company that provides a well-designed work environment not only enhances the wellbeing of its employees but also increases productivity and may ultimately reduce its healthcare costs. Furthermore, it will set an example in the community as an environmentally responsible employer and member of that community. Recommendations An outcome of the research includes a series of recommendations targeted the designs of work place. Hire professional designers or engineers to ensure compliance with safety standards and codes. Provide designs in accordance with good practice as well as applicable building, fire, health codes and regulations. Conduct preliminary hazard analysis and design reviews to eliminate or mitigate hazards in work place. Provide engineering controls in place rather than rely on personal protective equipment or administrative work procedures to prevent mishaps. To reduce auditory distractions, put fax machines, copiers and other noisy office equipment in a separate area surrounded by cubicle walls Try to keep noisier employees, such as customer service representatives or salespeople who spend a lot of time on the phone, away from those who require quiet work spaces. Consider using panel systems, carpeting and ceiling tiles to absorb sound and provide privacy. During the planning stage, identify all necessary technological systems (e.g., voice/cable/data systems such as audio/visual systems, speaker systems, Internet access, Consider and accommodate for wireless technologies
Monday, August 19, 2019
abraham Essay -- essays research papers
          Abraham, a very important hero from Genesis, was the first person to believe in a single God. He was the first to show devoted faith to God and risk everything to follow God. He always found strength in his faith in God, but sometimes his unyielding, strong faith was a weakness that almost got good people hurt.      Abraham is one of the most important people in the Old Testament because he was the first person to believe in and be called by God. â€Å"The Lord said to Abram, ‘Go forth from the land of our kinsfolk and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. All the communities in the earth shall find blessing in you.†’ (Genesis 12:1-3). This is God’s call to Abraham and God promises to give Abraham all of those things if Abraham will do what God tells him to do. Abraham does what God says not knowing what he might have to do in the future and only knowing that he is leaving almost everything behind him. Abraham has no real reason to believe in God other than what God said to him. Promises from a god that nobody knows and that one person has only briefly spoken with is not much to base leaving everything behind to do what this God says. Another risk Abraham takes i...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Civil War Essay -- essays research papers
The Civil War During both the civil war and civil war reconstruction time periods, there were many changes going on in the Union. The Emancipation Proclamation, as well as legislation such as the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments, was causing a new awakening of democracy; while the renouncing of secession by the South marked a definite triumph for Nationalism. As well, the government was involved in altercations of its own. During reconstruction, the legislative and executive branches eventually came to blows over the use of power. The nation was being altered by forces which caused, and later repaired, a broken Union. The first of these "forces", was the expansion of democracy. As early as 1862, Lincoln was taking a major step in that direction. On September 22, Lincoln announced the freeing of all slaves in areas not in Union control. Although the proclamation did not free all slaves everywhere, it was the action that would push Congress to pass the thirteenth amendment in 1865. The amendment, ratified later in 1865, stated that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude . . . shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." It seemed democracy had triumphed by giving freedom to slaves, but the amendment was not complete. It only stopped slavery, and made no provisions for citizenship; therefore, blacks were still not considered United States citizens. The fourteenth amendment was the democratic expansion that fixed that problem. Originally passed to "put a number of matters beyond the control or discretion of the president," the ame ndment also made "All persons born or naturalized in the United States . . . citizens of the United States." It also provided that, "No State shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States." This not only gave new meaning to black men's freedom, but it also gave a new and broader meaning to citizenship. Those drafting the amendment hoped that the broadness of would cover "unanticipated abuses", yet, the general phrasing was only an advantage to abusers. There is no listing of the "privileges or immunities" offered to U.S. citizens. In fact, there is not even a clarification of what rights a "citizen" has. These generalities, and the abuses that went with them, prompted ... ...civil rights bill. The bill would have given blacks a considerable new amount of freedom from discriminatory southern actions. Johnson took his stand against the radical Republicans in congress when the fourteenth amendment was first passed. While Congress required ratification of the amendment as part of reconstruction, Johnson denounced the amendment and advised states not to ratify it. "the battle between the executive and legislative branches settled into a predictable rhythm: Congress would pass a bill, the president would veto it, Congress would override it." This "rhythm" continued until Johnson violated the Tenure of office act, which required senate approval to remove presidential cabinet members. Johnson violated the act by removing Secretary of War Edwin Stanton. The House of Representatives approved articles of impeachment and in May 1868, Johnson was impeached by the House. The senate, by one vote, did not remove him from the office of president. Neither side had won that battle for power; Johnson had lost his ability to be an effective president, yet it had been established that impeachment could not be used as a congressional political weapon.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Linguistics and Interjections Essay
In Western philosophy and linguistic theory, interjectionsâ€â€that is, words like oof, ouch, and bleahâ€â€have traditionally been understood to indicate emotional states. This article offers an account of interjections in Q’eqchi’ Maya that illuminates their social and discursive functions. In particular, it discusses the grammatical form of interjections, both in Q’eqchi’ and across languages, and characterizes the indexical objects and pragmatic functions of interjections in Q’eqchi’ in terms of a semiotic framework that may be generalized for other languages. With these grammatical forms, indexical objects, and pragmatic functions in hand, it details the various social and discursive ends that interjections serve in one Q’eqchi’ community, thereby shedding light on local values, norms, ontological classes, and social relations. In short, this article argues against interpretations of interjections that focus on internal emotional states by providing an account of their meanings in terms of situational, discursive, and social context. p a u l k o c k e l m a n is McKennan Post-Doctoral Fellow in Linguistic Anthropology in the Department of Anthropology at Dartmouth College (Hanover, N.H. 03755, U.S.A. []). Born in 1970, he was educated at the University of California, Santa Cruz (B.A., 1992) and the University of Chicago (M.S., 1994; Ph.D., 2002). His publications include â€Å"The Collection of Copal among the Q’eqchi’-Maya†(Research in Economic Anthropology 20:163–94), â€Å"Factive and Counterfactive Clitics in Q’eqchi’-Maya: Stance, Status, and Subjectivity,†in Papers from the Thirty-eighth Annual Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society (Chicago: Linguistics Society, in press), and â€Å"The Interclausal Relations Hierarchy in Q’eqchi’ Maya†(International Journal of American Linguistics 69:25–48). The present paper was submitted 1 vi 01 and accepted 27 xii 02. 1. A longer version of this article was presented at the workshop â€Å"Semiotics: Culture in Context†at the University of Chicago in January 2001. Chris Ball, Anya Bernstein, John Lucy, and Michael Silverstein all provided very helpful commentary. This article also greatly beneï ¬ ted from suggestions made by Benjamin S. Orlove and several anonymous referees. Western philosophy and linguistic theory have traditionally considered interjections at the periphery of language and primordially related to emotion. For example, the Latin grammarian Priscian deï ¬ ned interjections as â€Å"a part of speech signifying an emotion by means of an unformed word†(Padley 1976:266). Muller (1862)  ¨ thought that interjections were at the limit of what might be called language. Sapir (1921:6–7) said that they were â€Å"the nearest of all language sounds to instinctive utterance.†Bloomï ¬ eld (1984[1933]:177) said that they â€Å"occur under a violent stimulus,†and Jakobson (1960: 354) considered them exemplars of the â€Å"purely emotive stratum of language.†While interjections are no longer considered peripheral to linguistics and are now carefully deï ¬ ned with respect to their grammatical form, their meanings remain vague and elusive. In particular, although interjections are no longer characterized pure ly in terms of emotion, they are still characterized in terms of â€Å"mental states.†For example, Wierzbicka (1992:164) characterizes interjections as â€Å"[referring] to the speaker’s current mental state or mental act.†Ameka (1992a:107) says that â€Å"from a pragmatic point of view, interjections may be deï ¬ ned as a subset of items that encode speaker attitudes and communicative intentions and are contextbound,†and Montes (1999:1289) notes that many interjections â€Å"[focus] on the internal reaction of affectedness of the speaker with respect to the referent.†Philosophers have offered similar interpretations. For example, Herder thought that interjections were the human equivalent of animal sounds, being both a â€Å"language of feeling†and a â€Å"law of nature†(1966:88), and Rousseau, pursuing the origins of language, theorized that protolanguage was â€Å"entirely interjectional†(1990:71). Indeed, such philosophers have posited a historical transition from interjections to language in which the latter allows us not only to index pain and express passion but also to denote values and exercise reason (D’Atri 1995).2 Thus interjections have been understood as a semiotic artifact of our natural origins and the most transparent index of our emotions. Such an understanding of interjections is deeply rooted in Western thought. Aristotle (1984), for example, posited a contrastive relationship between voice, proper only to humans as instantiated in language, and sound, shared by humans and animals as instantiated in cries. This contrastive relation was then compared with other analogous contrastive relations, in particular, value and pleasure/pain, polis and household, and bios (the good life, or political life proper to humans) and zoe (pure life, shared by all living things). Such a contrast is so pervasive that modern philosophers such as Agamben (1995) have devoted much of their scholarly work to the thinking out of this tradition and others built on it such as id versus ego in the Freudian paradigm. In short, the folk distinction made between interjections and language 2. D’Atri (1995:124) argues that, for Rousseau, â€Å"interjections . . . are sounds and not voices: they are passive registerings and as such do not presuppose the intervention of will, which is what characterizes human acts of speech.†Proper maps onto a larger set of distinctions in Western thought: emotion and cognition, animality and humanity, nature and culture, female and male, passion and reason, bare life and the good life, pain and value, private and public, and so on (see, e.g., Lutz 1988, Strathern 1988). In this article I avoid such abstracting and dichotomizing traps by going straight to the heart of interjections: their everyday usage in actual discourse when seen in the context of local culture and grounded in a semiotic framework. I begin by characterizing the linguistic and ethnographic context in which I carried out my research and go on to relate interjections to other linguistic forms, showing how they are both similar to and distinct from other classes of words in natural languages. Next I provide and exemplify a semiotic framework, generalizable across languages, in terms of which the indexical objects and pragmatic functions of interjections can best be characterized. Then I detail the local usage of the 12 most commonly used interjections in Q’eqchi’ and show the way in which they are tied into all things cultural: values, norms, ontological classes, social relations, and so on. I conclude by discussing the relative frequency with which the various forms and functions of interjections are used. In short, I argue against interpretations of interjections that focus on emotional states by providing an account of their meanings in terms of situational, discursive, and social context. Linguistic and Ethnographic Context While I am attempting to provide as wide a theoretical account of interjections as I can, thereby providing a metalanguage for speaking about similar sign phenomena in other languages, I am also trying to capture the grammatical niceties of Q’eqchi’ Maya and the discursive and social particularities of one Q’eqchi’-speaking village in particular. Before I begin my analysis, then, I want to sketch the linguistic and ethnographic context in which I worked. Q’eqchi’ is a language in the Kichean branch of the Mayan family, spoken by some 360,000 speakers in Guatemala (in the departments of Alta Verapaz, Izabel, and Peten) and Belize (Kaufman 1974, Stewart 1980). 3 Lin ´ guistically, Q’eqchi’ is relatively well described: scholars such as Berinstein (1985), Sedat (1955), Stewart (1980), Stoll (1896), and Chen Cao et al. (1997) have discussed its syntax, morphology, phonology, and lexicon, and I have detailed various morphosyntactic forms (encoding grammatical categories such as mood, status, evidentiality, taxis, and inalienable possession) as they intersect with sociocultural values and contextual features and as they illuminate local modes of personhood (Kockelman 3. Typologically, Q’eqchi’ is a morphologically ergative, head-marking language. In Q’eqchi’, vowel length (signaled by doubling letters) is phonemic; /k/ and /q/ are velar and uvular plosives, respectively, and /x/ and /j/ are palato-alveolar and velar fricatives, respectively. All other phonemes have their standard IPA values. 2002, 2003a, b). This article is therefore part of a larger project in which I examine how intentional and evaluative stances are encoded in natural languages and the relations that such stances bear to local modes of subjectivity. Alta Verapaz, the original center of the Q’eqchi’-speaking people who still make up the majority of its population, has had a unusual history even by Guatemalan standards. In 1537, after the Spanish crown had failed to conquer the indigenous peoples living there, the Dominican Friar Bartolome de Las Casas was permitted to  ´ pacify the area through religious methods. Having succeeded, he changed the name of the area from Tezulutlan (Land of War) to Verapaz (True Peace), and the Dominicans were granted full control over the areaâ€â€the state banning secular immigration, removing all military colonies, and nullifying previous land grants. In this way, for almost 300 years the area remained an isolated enclave, relatively protected by the paternalism of the church in comparison with other parts of Guatemala (King 1974, Sapper 1985). This ended abruptly in the late 1800s, however, with the advent of coffee growing, liberal reforms, and the inï ¬â€šux of Europeans (Cambranes 1985, Wagner 1996). Divested of their land and forced to work on coffee plantations, the Q’eqchi’ began migrating north into the unpopulated lowland forests of the Peten  ´ and Belize (Adams 1965, Carter 1969, Howard 1975, Kockelman 1999, Pedroni 1991, Saa Vidal 1979, Schwartz 1990, Wilk 1991). In the past 40 years this migration has been fueled by a civil war that has ravaged the Guatemalan countryside, with the Q’eqchi’ ï ¬â€šeeing not just scarce resources and labor quotas but also their own nation’s soldiersâ€â€often forcibly conscripted speakers of other Mayan languages (Carmack 1988, IWGIA 1978, Wilson 1995). As a consequence, the past century has seen the Q’eqchi’ population spread from Alta Verapaz to the Peten and ï ¬ nally to Belize, Mexico, and even the  ´ United States. Indeed, although only the fourth largest of some 24 Mayan languages, Q’eqchi’ is thought to have the largest percentage of monolinguals, and the ethnic group is Guatemala’s fastest-growing and most geographically extensive (Kaufman 1974, Stewart 1980). The two key ethnographies of Q’eqchi’-speakers have been written by Wilk (1991) and Wilson (1995), the former treating household ecology in Belize and the latter upheavals in village life and identity at the height of the civil war in highland Guatemala during the 1980s. In addition to these monographs, there are also a number of dissertations and articles on the history (King 1974, Sapper 1985, Wagner 1996), ecology (Carter 1969, Secaira 1992, Wilson 1972), and migration (Adams 1965, Howard 1975, Pedroni 1991) of Q’eqchi’-speaking people. The data for this article are based on almost two years of ethnographic and linguistic ï ¬ eldwork among speakers of Q’eqchi’, most of it in Ch’inahab, a village of some 80 families (around 650 people) in the municipality of San Juan Chamelco, in the department of Alta Verapaz. At an altitude of approximately 2,400 m, Ch’inahab is one of the highest villages in this area, with an annual precipitation of more than 2,000 mm. It is also one of the most remote, access to the closest road requiring a three-hour hike down a steep and muddy single-track trail. Its relatively high altitude and remote location provide the perfect setting for cloud forest, and such a cloud forest provides the perfect setting for the resplendent quetzal, being home to what is thought to be the highest density of such birds in the world. Because of the existence of the quetzal and the cloud forest in which it makes its home, Ch’inahab has been the site of a successful eco-tourism project the conditions and consequences of which are detailed in my dissertation (Kockelman 2002). While the majority of villagers in Ch’inahab are monolingual speakers of Q’eqchi’, some men who have served time in the army or worked as itinerant traders speak some Spanish. All the villagers are Catholic. Ch’inahab is divided by a mountain peak with dwellings on both of its sides and in the surrounding valleys. It takes about 45 minutes to hike across the village. At one end there is a biological station kept by the eco-tourism project and used sporadically by European ecologists, and at the other there is a Catholic church and a cemetery. In the center there is a small store, a school for primary and secondary grades, and a soccer ï ¬ eld. The surrounding landscape is cloud forest giving way to scattered house sites, agricultural parcels, pasture, and ï ¬ elds now fallow. All villagers engage in corn-based, or milpa, agriculture, but very few have enough land to fulï ¬ ll all of their subsistence needs.4 For this reason, many women in the village are dedicated to chicken husbandry, most men in the village engage in seasonal labor on plantations (up to ï ¬ ve months a year in some cases), and many families engage in itinerant trade (women weaving baskets and textiles for the men to sell) and eco-tourism (the women hosting tourists and the men guiding them). Dwelling sites often contain a scattering of houses in which reside an older couple and their married sons, all of whom share a water source and a pasture. The individual families themselves often have two houses, a relatively traditional thatched-roof house in which the family cooks and sleeps and a relatively new house with a tin roof in which they host festivals and in which older children and ecotourists may sleep. Because of eco-tourism and the inï ¬â€šux of money and strangers that it brings, there has been an increase in the construction of such tin-roofed houses, and, as will be seen, many of my examples of interjections come from such construction contexts. My data on the use of interjections among villagers in Ch’inahab comes from 14 months of ï ¬ eldwork carried out between 1998 and 2001. The data collection con4. Before 1968, what is now Ch’inahab was owned by the owner of a plantation. Q’eqchi’-speakers who lived in the village of Popobaj (located to the south of and lower than Ch’inahab) were permitted to make their milpa in this area in exchange for two weeks of labor per month on the ï ¬ nca (Secaira 1992:20). Only in 1968, when a group of villagers got together to form a land acquisition committee, were some 15 caballerÄ ±as (678 ha) of land purchased from the owner  ´ for 4,200 quetzals (US$4,200). This land, while legally owned by the entire community, was divided among the original 33 villagers as a function of their original contributions.
IQ Testing and Group Intelligence Testing
In defining intelligence, there has always been the question of whether intelligence is measured as a remarkable occurrence or if it has many variables that are combined. For example, is it how â€Å"smart†a person is? Or is it their ability to perform well on standardized tests? Are they measuring a person†s intelligence? Or just some arbitrary quantity of the person†s IQ? Or is it a mixture of survival, mathematical, social and other abilities. There are many debates regarding whether measuring intelligence is determined from test scores and results, or if it is measured by the person†s ability to process and problem solve. Uses of intelligence testing in an educational setting, intelligence and achievement tests are administered routinely to assess individual accomplishment. They are used to improve instruction a! nd curriculum planning. High schools use these tests to assist in the students future educational planning and help decide what college or type of college to attend. Elementary schools utilize screening and testing procedures to help determine readiness for writing and reading placement. Intelligence can be measured, by intelligence tests, among them the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Scale. These tests are intended to determine an individual†s intelligence quotient (IQ). Intelligence tests usually provide an estimate of global cognitive functioning as well as information about functioning within more specific domains. Intelligence tests are quite stable compared to measures of other human traits. However, the degree of stability increases with age such that early childhood and preschool measures of intellectual function are far less predictive of later functioning than assessments taken during middle childhood. The stability of intelligence test scores may! change as a function due to important environmental factors. Therefore, intelligence test scores are descriptive of a child†s functioning at that point in time when taking a test. The test scores could also be effected by environmental factors, child†s psychiatric status or educational program. Components of a good intelligence test are (a) Validity; does the test really measure intelligence and not something else? (b) Reliability; does the test produce consistent measures? (c) Norms; are the participants being fairly compared? Components that make an intelligence test flawed are (a) Poor validity; tests may be sensitive to social factors. (b) Poor norms; comparing people who are different. (c) Poor application; tests measure something that the school or job has nothing to do with. Theories of Process Psychometric Model Psychometric approach is defined as psychology that deals with the design, administration, and interpretation of quantitative tests ! for the measurement of psychological variables such as intelligence, aptitude, and personality traits. There are various psychometric approaches to intelligence. The following paragraphs describe three different theorists and their psychometric model. First is Charles Spearman, who believed that intelligence is a combination of two parts. According to his two-factory theory of intelligence, the performance of any intellectual act requires some combination of g, (general intelligence factor) which is available to the same individual to the same degree for all intellectual acts. (Specific factors) or s is specific to that act and varies in strength from one act to another. S is specific knowledge such as verbal reasoning or spatial problem solving. Spearman equated g with mental energy. If one knows how a person performs on one task that is highly saturated with g, one can safely predict a similar level of performance for another highly g saturated task. The prediction of perfor! mance on tasks with high s factors is less accurate. Thus, the most important information to have about a person†s intellectual ability is an estimate of their g or mental energy (Plucker 1989). Guilford†s theory includes 150 abilities, arranged in three dimensions; contents, operations, and products. Guilford†s three-dimensional Structure of Intellect classified intellectual acts into 120 separate categories. These categories are operations dimension, products dimension and material or content dimension. He developed firm convictions regarding the ability of individual difference among people. Guilford believed that intelligence is much too complicated to be subsumed by a few primary mental abilities and g factor. His systematic theory gave rise to what is known as informational-operational psychology. Information-Processing Informational theorists believe human cognition is best understood as the management of information through a system with limit!ed space or resources (Bukato and Daehler 1998). Thurstone†s theory is based on seven primary mental abilities. In the area of intelligence, his theory maintains that intelligence is made up of several primary mental abilities rather than just the g and s factors. He was among the first to purpose and demonstrate that there are numerous ways in which a person can be intelligent. Thurstone†s Multiple-Factors Theory identified these seven primary mental abilities; Verbal Comprehension, Associative Memory, Word Fluency, Number Facility, Reasoning, Spatial Visualization, and Perceptual Speed. Thurstone†s theory has been used to construct intelligence tests that yield a profile of the individual†s performance on each of the ability tests, rather than general that yield a single score such as an IQ. Two theorists that promote informational processing models are Sternberg and Gardner. Sternberg†s triarchic theory consists of three parts; cognitive components of intelligence, experien! They are divided into three major sub-theories: Componential is encoding, combining and comparing stimuli, and evaluating one own performance. Contextual is the adaptation to one†s environment. One of Sternberg†s most important contributions to intelligence theory has been the redefinition of intelligence to incorporate practical knowledge. As Sternberg insists, â€Å"real life is where intelligence operates†and not in the classroom†¦The true measure of success is not how well one does in school, but how well one does in life (Trosky, 1998)â€
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