Saturday, December 28, 2019
Stem Cell Research Essay examples - 2493 Words
Stem cells are biological cells found in all multi cellular organisms. They have a unique feature of a remarkable potential to self renew and form other specialized types of cells in addition, they are able to produce more stem cells found in the human body. Scientists confirmed the existence of three different types of stem cell, the embryonic stem cell, adult stem cell and the induced stem cell. Among these three stem cells, the embryonic stem cells are regarded as the cells with the highest potential because they can cell divide themselves to form over the 220 different types of cells found in the human body. While this is the case in embryonic stem cells , the adult stem cells are termed as insufficiently functional because these cells†¦show more content†¦In an article written by Johnson Williams (2008) about Stem Cell Research and the ethical issues, it states that the main controversial point in the stem cell research is that as much as the embryonic stem research (E SR) can be used to save a life during treatments, it requires that there be the destruction of embryos. Johnson Williams (2008) add that â€Å"Government research using embryonic stem cells in America was prohibited in the U. S. by the Dickey Amendment to the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Appropriations Act which was proposed in 1996. The amendment ensured that there was no permit to use federal funds to support any research that created embryos for research purposes or whatsoever be involved in the destruction and damaging of the embryos, the act was then signed into law by President Clinton.†The Bush administration established a compromise federal policy in 2001 which allowed the use of federal money in support of ESR on cell lines created. The term lines included: (1) the donor should be aware of every detail about the research and should give his/her own consent; (2) the embryos collected should be used for reproductive purposes; (3) the money to fund the research would only apply to any lines created before the announcement that is, before the date of the policy. According to former President Bush, this step would ensure that the federal money would not be viewed as a way of encouraging the destruction of embryos in theShow MoreRelatedStem Cell Research : Stem Cells1338 Words  | 6 Pages Stem Cells Stem cells are cells that are found throughout the human body. They reproduce over a long period of time without changing. Stem cells can produce specialized cells, such as brain, muscle or lung cells. Stem cells in the last few years have recently made a big debut because medical professionals have discovered so many unique qualities to stem cells. They are on the cutting edge of medicine because of all their uses and the qualities that make them so unique from any other cell in theRead MoreStem Cell Research : Stem Cells1416 Words  | 6 PagesSTEM CELLS In this report, I mainly focused on Stem-Cells. You will read about Stem-Cells and its history from the moment this term was known. Also, you will know the Sources, properties, and the types of Stem-Cells. In addition, you will know some of the pros and cons researches about Stem-Cells. Stem-Cells are cells that have the ability to divide and multiply and renew itself. †¢ Sources of Stem-Cells: 1- The first source is Bone Marrow. 2- The second source isRead MoreStem Cell Research : Stem Cells941 Words  | 4 PagesStem cells have the extraordinary power to develop into several body cell types during early growth and development. (Stem Cell Basics). Stem cells are either embryonic: from a human fetus, or somatic: from an adult (Stem Cell Basics).These cells can be used to rebuild body tissue, treat diseases, and even cure others. They can be more effective in treatment of illness than the common treatment, such as therapy or medication. Stem cells are potentially more medically effective than traditional treatmentsRead MoreStem Cells And Stem Cell Research1310 Words  | 6 Pagesnonspecialized cells which have the potential to create other types of specific cells in order to survive? Those cells are called Stem Cells and they are very crucial to develop organisms. Stem cell research is a subject that most people in the world have a different viewpoint on. Some view the issue of stem cell research and ste m cell therapy as morally wrong and a crime against humanity, others view the study of stem cells as the next step in modern science (Reeve.) I think in some twisted way, stem cellRead MoreStem Cell Research : Stem Cells1261 Words  | 6 Pagescure diseases. Now we have stem cell therapy. Stem cells promise future cures for many currently considered to be â€Å"incurable†diseases, but with more research, we can overcome the controversy surrounding this this topic and help people live longer, improve their quality of life, and save many many lives. To understand the big hype about stem cells, one must know what a stem cell is. Stem cells have specialized functions that have the potential to become any type of cell in the body. According toRead MoreStem Cell Research : Stem Cells999 Words  | 4 PagesSTEM CELLS WORKING TO SPECIALIZE INTO CARDIAC CELLS Once the stem cells are delivered near the damaged areas of the heart, the regeneration of cardiac (heart) cells is possible. There is a lack of understanding on how or why specifically the stem cells turn into heart cells. â€Å"Recent studies indicated that the benefits associated with adult stem cell injection might come from paracrine effects, the effect of a nearby cell sending chemical and electrical signals to the stem cell, and not from myocardialRead MoreStem Cell Research : Stem Cells1416 Words  | 6 PagesDana Moua English IV 25 April 2016 Stem Cell Research What are stem cells? Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that are found in multicellular organisms. The reason for scientist’s interest in stem cells is because of the possible applications of using them. These stem cells can be used to regrow organs/tissues. By using stem cells, scientists may be able to find cures for different cancers, certain genetic diseases, and different physical trauma damages. They can be used to treat a varietyRead MoreStem Research On Stem Cell Research1747 Words  | 7 PagesEnglish 111-36 25 November 2014 Stem Cell Research Stem cell research has cultivated a new, miraculous study in the health field. The study has led to an increase in curing diseases over the past couple of decades. Before stem cell research, diseases were destroying and devastating lives continuously on end. With the use of stem cells in modern time, diseases are no longer taking control of lives. The innovation in biomedical technology, such as stem cell research, has greatly impacted the understandingRead MoreStem Cell Research : Stem Cells1999 Words  | 8 Pagesregenerative medicine, commonly known as stem cell research. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells within the body that have the capability to specialize into any tissue. They are most commonly found in cord blood, bone marrow, organ donations, placenta, and embryos . Stem cells are seen by some as a new miracle treatment, encouraging many countries to invest in their research. The transfer of information, often shared through scientific reports and research, puts this topic in a highly internationalRead MoreStem Research On Stem Cell Research1271 Words  | 6 Pages! ! ! Stem Cells Research ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Jabaree Shipp English III NCVPS Mrs.Gallos 8, December 2014 ! ! ! ! ! ! Throughout most of our lifetime on Earth many have pondered the thought of how they and the things around them have been created. They wondered what makes grass grow to what makes themselves grow mentally and physically. Through extensive research and major advancements in technology over these years, decades, and centuries we still have no answer to our own questions. But, we do however
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Comparison Between Street And Street Artist - 1414 Words
Introduction: In order to compare and analyse two-forms of art one must first identify their key similitudes and differences. In this case the comparison of a Visual artist such as Pablo Picasso whose work is broadly referred to under the label of Fine art, against a second visual artist or street artist who in contrast tends to be referred to and labeled as a Criminal or a vandal, such as Banksy this is mainly due to the characteristics and environment in which their artwork is displayed. As it is customary for fine art most of Picasso’s work can be found within a museum or art gallery in the form of an oil painting, this makes such artwork accessible to only certain sectors of the global populous. In contrast, street art as its name describes can be found in the streets of various cities and can be appreciated by anyone who travels trough the vicinity in which such artwork is located, rendering it accessible to a much larger social stratum. However, such practice has been vastly outlawed in various countries forcing street artist to cover their identities which in term separates them further from their audiences. Social environments: Art in general is perceived as the social, cultural and economic environments of an artists, more importantly the representation created by such artist of his life and the environments surrounding it. Due to this, it is important to define such environments when attempting to analyse or compare works of art. Picasso: Born in 1981 PabloShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book French Photography 1800-1960 1654 Words  | 7 Pagesexhibit features photographs by artists including Ilse Bing, Brassai, and Henri Cartier Bresson. Entering into the exhibit is like taking a trip through time; depending on if you turn left or right at the entrance to the exhibit, you can travel forward through time from the early to the mid 1900s or you can travel backwards. The exhibit is organized by eight different periods and the attitudes that were most prevalent during them. The categories are: Paris and Environs, Street Life, Commerce, Labor, LeisureRead MoreWith The Recent Election Being Highly Controversial And1378 Words  | 6 Pagesto face social and political issues rap music and its artist have been a source to document the oppression that is still occurring within the country. Documenting racism and oppression by using politically charged lyrics is a method the rap community is particularly familiar. As tim e went on rap artists began to become more politically informed and began to shine through their lyrics to become sources to start a national dialogue. 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European oil on canvas painting created by Pierre-Auguste Renoir in 1875 during the impressionism movement (â€Å"Philadelphia Museum of Art†). The painting is currently housed in the Philadelphia Museum of Art (â€Å"Philadelphia Museum ofRead More Rap Vs Poetry Essay1383 Words  | 6 PagesBlack poets. It is argued as to wether or not rap is a viable form of poetry. Both discuss similar subjects, write in the same style and use the same type of language in their writings. When looking at a poem or reading rap lyrics, distinguishing between the two can be difficult, if not impossible.Both Black rappers and Black poets write about the same subjects. For example the rap group NWA, and the poet Alice Walker, both cover the topic of being from a minority race. Alice Walker states in oneRead MoreCharles Baudelaire And John Wieners1548 Words  | 7 PagesA Comparison Between the Responses of Charles Baudelaire and John Wieners to Modernization In order to compare the poetry of Charles Baudelaire and John Wieners within the context of modernity, one must recognize the discrepancy between their time periods. Baudelaire was born in Paris in 1821, and much of his work was published after the February Revolution of 1848. John Wieners, on the other hand, was born in 1934 –67 years after Baudelaire’s deathâ€â€near Boston, Massachusetts. Both poets exploredRead MoreThe, New Jersey, York Jersey And Asbury Park1429 Words  | 6 PagesAsbury Park, New Jersey, in comparison to Philadelphia, PA. All of which, are cities that are not the nicest, but with the help of murals are becoming more welcoming places. Newark, New Jersey, is the home to 100’s of murals lining the streets. Travelling up route 21 along the Amtrak train-station resides over one mile of hand painted murals, the second longest mural in the country. This mural is known as The â€Å"Portraits†Mural. It was painted by 17 different artists and depicts multiple stylesRead MoreAnalysis Of Tableau And Incident By Countee Cullen726 Words  | 3 PagesThe Harlem Renaissance allowed for the expression of many African American artists such as Countee Cullen to illustrate the indifference of blacks and whites through poetry. Cullen wrote Tableau as well as Incident, which share a tone of power. The racial interaction between a black and white boy in the two poems both contradict and have similarities. Developing their separate themes comes with the comparison of the two races and how they treat one another. Countee Cullen uses figurative languageRead MoreTupac Amaru Shakur s Change Essay1307 Words  | 6 Page sgeneration, but current American society. Tupac Amaru Shakur was born on June 16, 1971 in East Harlem, New York, in the United States. Tupac was the top rapper of his time, not only for his music, but also being a socially conscious artist. Tupac’s credibility as an artist stems from him being â€Å"born†from the Black Power Movement due to the fact his mother was an active member, in addition, his aunt Assata Shakur a well-known Black Panther Party female activist who even today is still on the FBI’s MostRead MoreInfluence Of Tourism On The Destination Being Advertised By Wendy Hesford And Brenda Brueggemann1652 Words  | 7 Pagesoften glaze over the potential dangers or drawbacks of the destination being advertised as a method to entice travelers to visit. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Personal Essay Summary Example For Students
Personal Essay Summary Notes for 3/12/2001 meeting: IFMP: SLB0014Website is centered on end users and stake holders for audienceIFMP is redesigning their current siteAll modules will be a link off the IFMP home site and there will be a link for the IFMP home site off of the module sitesThere will be links off of every module site to go to the other modules, standard links throughout all the sitesCONTENT:Travel Manager LoginApplication accessTraining/CBT News (Bulletin, requesting @Larc function) Allow third party documents to post as wellIssues module levelFAQs module levelHot Tips (to be included in the News bulletin)Points of contactFeedbackRoll out stats on overall ifmpOperational status on all pagesPolicies and proceduresRelated linksMarketing; change management, messages from senior management or usersCreate mail aliases for all that is appropriateACCESSLarc domainStatus piece is publicly accessiblehttp://ifmpstatus or status.larc.nasa.govSTATUSoperational status should be a standard footer throughou t all modulesrollout schedule status should be a graphic (table)Date changed identified by colorDELIVERABLES3/21: Three prototypes to include 2 pages eachB-tree diagramMeeting: 2pmNotes for 3/12/2001 meeting: IFMP: SLB0014Website is centered on end users and stake holders for audienceIFMP is redesigning their current siteAll modules will be a link off the IFMP home site and there will be a link for the IFMP home site off of the module sitesThere will be links off of every module site to go to the other modules, standard links throughout all the sitesCONTENT:Travel Manager LoginApplication accessTraining/CBT News (Bulletin, requesting @Larc function) Allow third party documents to post as wellIssues module levelFAQs module levelHot Tips (to be included in the News bulletin)Points of contactFeedbackRoll out stats on overall ifmpOperational status on all pagesPolicies and proceduresRelated linksMarketing; change management, messages from senior management or usersCreate mail aliases f or all that is appropriateACCESSLarc domainStatus piece is publicly accessiblehttp://ifmpstatus or status.larc.nasa.govSTATUSoperational status should be a standard footer throughout all modulesrollout schedule status should be a graphic (table)Date changed identified by colorDELIVERABLES3/21: Three prototypes to include 2 pages eachB-tree diagramMeeting: 2pmWords/ Pages : 329 / 24
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Through a close analysis of The Crying Game, Essay Example
Through a close analysis of The Crying Game, Paper Through a close analysis ofThe Crying Game, examine Judith Butler’s impression of the performativity of gender There look to be many similarities between Neil Jordan’s 1992 filmThe Crying Gameand Judith Butler’s theory of the performativity of gender as promulgated in her seminal bookGender Trouble, which has been one of the most heatedly contested rational surveies on feminism published in the past 50 old ages. Both managed to do major contention by turning the traditional impression of gender on its caput and both invite the audience/reader to inquiry society’s devising of ‘man’ , ‘woman’ , ‘masculinity’ and ‘femininity’ . The undermentioned analysis seeks to demo how Butler’s ideas managed to pervade Jordan’s movie, which is – it should be noted – a much more complex film than a mere survey of gender issues. First, nevertheless, a definition of the ‘performativity’ of gender must be attempted so as to set up a conceptual model for the balance of the treatment. We will write a custom essay sample on Through a close analysis of The Crying Game, specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Through a close analysis of The Crying Game, specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Through a close analysis of The Crying Game, specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Judith Butler’s theory on gender should be interpreted within the broader societal and political context of feminist theory that came in two distinguishable ‘waves’ during the 1960’s and the 1970’s. After procuring the needed political accomplishments gained by the progresss of the first moving ridge, the 2nd, more radicalised moving ridge of feminism sought to dispute historical impressions of adult male and adult female in western society, â€Å"which maintains male laterality by co?opting adult females and stamp downing the feminine. These statements link dominant western signifiers of reason with male power and control over adult females and nature, which is associated with force, subjugation and destruction.†[ 1 ] Therefore, while Butler’s positions are undoubtedly radical, they should besides be read within this dominant feminist clime of deep?seated alteration that characterised the 2nd half of the 20th century in the West, which sought to intentionally make divisions between heterosexual work forces and heterosexual adult females in order to foster the womens rightist cause. This is besides the ground behind the confederation between extremist feminism and the homosexual and sapphic communities, which was forged at this clip and which is straight relevant to the performativity of gender as seen inThe Crying Game. Butler’s positions pervert from the feminist norm with respects to the manner in which she formulates the thought of holding to ‘perform’ the parts of adult male and adult female in modern-day society. In this sense, she sees both maleness and muliebrity as being manufactured by civilization and she workss the thought that if this civilization were struct ured along less visibly male?female lines, so the two genders would act in a discernibly different mode. This is the thought which is used inThe Crying Gameto which attending must now be turned. The Crying Gameis a film that is every bit much about the Troubles of the IRA as it is a movie about trans?gender analysis. The secret plan concerns the karyon of a little set of Irish terrorists who kidnap a British soldier ( Forest Whitaker ) for the intent of interchanging him in order to procure the release of confined IRA secret agents in UK gaols. The pack is led by Maguire ( Adrian Dunbar ) and besides contains Jude ( Miranda Richardson ) and Fergus ( Stephen Rea. ) It is the character of Fergus who will go the chief focal point of the movie as first he finds himself unable to the kill the British soldier, Jody and later he embarks upon detecting the dead man’s lover, Dil ( Jaye Davidson ) to whom he finds himself instantly attracted. This burgeoning relationship between Fergus and Dil is fraught with tenseness as Fergus feels tortured by guilt for the decease of Jody ( although Fergus lets him travel, the soldier is still by chance killed by a British armored combat ve hicle ) . This tenseness is an indispensable cinematic precursor to the movie’s cardinal secret plan turn, which comes as a major surprise to the sing audience. Before traveling towards a critical assessment of the disclosure that occurs within the relationship of Dil and Fergus, reference must be made of the manner in which Neil Jordan manages to work the traditional impressions of adult female in movie. By picking an androgynous looking histrion to play Dil, the manager tricks the audience into believing a traditional heterosexual relationship between a adult male and a adult female is about to take topographic point – a relationship rendered tragic by the loss both characters have already suffered. This yoke, in movie history, has normally seen the adult male scoring the adult female who acts as the aesthetically beautiful centerpiece of the action. â€Å"In the synthetic whorehouse of the film, where the ware may be eyed infinitely but neer purchased, the tenseness between the beauty of the adult female, which is admirable, and the denial of the gender which is the beginning of that beauty but is besides immoral, reaches a perfect impasse.†[ 2 ] Therefore, when it easy transpires that Dil is non yet another illustration of the cinematic female beauty but is in fact a adult male, the sense of daze is all the more marked. As with Butler’s thought on the performativity of gender, Jordan stops abruptly of saying this development as a fact ; alternatively, it is left unfastened to speculate as a philosophical inquiry: does Dil’s biological science mean that he is a adult male no affair what or does the fact that he has assumed a female function mean that he has transgressed the gender divide to go a adult female in the cultural sense? This is a cardinal line of enquiry in extremist womens rightist political orientation and 1 that has no direct reply. For case, although diehards would reason that no?one can of all time change by reversal the gender of their birth progressives would likewise province that gender is a concept of society and that both males and females should be freely able to take non merely their gend er but besides their gender. This is a direct descendant of Judith Butler’sGender Troublewhere the writer argues the instance that work forces and adult females both perform the functions of masculine and feminine without of all time oppugning its cogency in this manner. â€Å"Gender is †¦ a building that on a regular basis conceals its generation ; the silent corporate understanding to execute, bring forth and prolong distinct and polar genders as cultural fictions is obscured by the credibleness of those productions – and the penalties that attend non holding to believe in them.†[ 3 ] Fergus’ response to the realization that Dil is a cross-dresser is typically male and typical of society’s general horror at such evildoings of gender and gender. His first response is to plug Dil in the face and abjure his old statements of fondness. He exits the scene, go forthing Dil lying bloodied on the floor. Fergus’ disgust is mirrored in the daze felt by the modern-day film audience, which was manifested in mass protests from Christian and conformist communities when the movie was released both in the UK and abroad. The manager makes certainly non to over or under dramatise the disclosure of Dil’s evildoing of gender, preferring alternatively to allow the balance of the secret plan play out to the background of the daze of the ongoing relationship between the two chief characters. With the apparition of the IRA out of the blue re?appearing towards the terminal of the movie, the audience is transported off from the impression of the performativity of gender to see how Fergus is able to lift above his initial feeling of disgust to salvage Dil from prison after the shot of Fergus’ old companion, Jude. Interestingly, Dil is compelled to slay Jude when it transpires that she had enjoyed a sexual relationship with Jody while the soldier was in her imprisonment. Therefore, there is no uncertainty that – after all that has transpired – Dil still identifies herself as a adult female and is straight challenged by the more evidently feminine Jude. At this point, reference must b e made of the difference between Butler’s impression of the performativity of gender and the sort of transgender constructs encapsulated in retarding force and cross?dressing. â€Å"In the bulk of the plants that have followed in Butler’s aftermath, retarding force ( as the parodic passage of gender ) is represented as something one can take to make: the imputation is that one can be whatever type of gender one wants to be, and can execute gender in whatever manner one illusion. This is what you might name a voluntarist theoretical account of individuality because it assumes that it is possible to freely and consciously make one’s ain individuality. Whilst in many ways this voluntarist history of gender public presentation is in direct contrast with Butler’s impression of performativity, it is besides, at least in portion, a effect of the ambiguity of Butler’s ain history of the differentiation between public presentation and performativity inGender Trouble.†[ 4 ] Appropriately, Neil Jordan neer alludes to whether or non Dill is voluntarily offending gender or whether it is a biological necessity for adult male to hold morphed into adult female. This mirrors Butler’s ambiguity and the ambiguity that pervades every facet of the impression of traversing gender, which is one of the more intellectually ambitious constructs for any society to cope with. Ultimately, though,The Crying Gameterminals with a intimation of the director’s positions on the topic. During the concluding scene, which is set old ages later, Dil asks Fergus why he took the incrimination for her. Telling an earlier scene, Fergus answers, â€Å"It’s in my nature.†This implies that there is no pick with respects to gender, gender and public presentation. We are what we are. Decision The Crying Gameis a ambitious movie that operates on a assortment of degrees. Politicss, race and gender are all topic to scrutiny without being dealt with in a moralistic manner. Judith Butler’s impression refering to the performativity of gender is similarly a multifaceted survey that has greatly influenced feminist political orientation and has clearly infiltrated the head of manager Neil Jordan. In the concluding analysis, there can be no uncertainty that there is a strong nexus between the two without any simple, broad?based decision being put frontward by either party. In both cases, it is left up to the reader and spectator to do their heads up refering gender and the wider issue of whether it is nature that constructs our sexual being or whether it is cultural fostering that subconsciously encourages us to play the functions of heterosexual work forces and adult females. This is a hard reasonable equilibrating act to keep, yet it is besides finally reasonable as bothTh e Crying GameandGender Troublearrive at the sentiment that there can be no one tax write-off that manages to fulfill everyone. The decision, like the pick of gender and gender, must in the terminal be entirely subjective. Bibliography Butler, J. ( 1990 )Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of IdentityLondon: Routledge Carter, A. ( 1978 )The Saideian Woman and the Ideology of PornographyNew York: Harper A ; Row Featherstone, M. ( Ed. ) ( 2000 )Body AlterationLondon: Sage Shaviro, S. ( 1993 )The Cinematic Body: Theory out of Bounds, Volume 2Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press Stallybrass, P. and White, A. ( 1986 )The Politics and Poetics of TransgressionLondon: Routledge Sullivan, N. ( 2003 )A Critical Introduction to Queer TheoryEdinburgh: Edinburgh University Press Weedon, C. ( 1987 )Feminist Practice and Poststructuralist TheoryLondon and New York: Blackwell Movies The Crying Game( Neil Jordan ; 1992 )
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