Wednesday, November 27, 2019
QUE Essays - Misty, Southern California University,
University Of Southern California University Park Campus Los Angeles, CA 90089 To whom it may concern: There are few reasons I have picked this college. I also have a couple complaints. My name is Misty Horecka and I?m 13 years old. I go to Mountain View Middle School. My two complaints are not really big. My first complaint is you shouldn?t only pick people who have straight A?s. Also you shouldn?t make it so expensive to go to this school. My solutions are easy to accept. You should pick people who have A?s and B?s. Because if you do they could maybe get better in school. And my second solution is you can make it less expensive. If you made it less expensive maybe more people can afford to go to USC. Thank you for listening to my complaints. I hope you fix these problems. Yours Sincerely, Misty Horecka
Sunday, November 24, 2019
How the Photosynthetic Process Works in Trees
How the Photosynthetic Process Works in Trees Photosynthesis is an important process that permits plants, including trees, to use their leaves to trap the suns energy in the form of sugar. The leaves then store the resulting sugar in cells in the form of glucose for both immediate and later tree growth. Photosynthesis represents a beautifully wonderful chemical process in which six molecules of water from roots combine with six molecules of carbon dioxide from the air and creates one molecule of organic sugar. Of equal importance is the by-product of this process- photosynthesis is what produces oxygen. There would be no life on earth as we know it without the photosynthetic process. The Photosynthetic Process in Trees The term photosynthesis means putting together with light. It is a manufacturing process that happens within cells of plants and within tiny bodies called chloroplasts. These plastids are located in the cytoplasm of leaves and they contains the green coloring matter called chlorophyll. When photosynthesis takes place, water that has been absorbed by the trees roots is carried to leaves where it comes in contact with the layers of chlorophyll. At the same time, air, containing carbon dioxide, is taken into leaves via leaf pores and exposed to sunlight, resulting in a very important chemical reaction. Water is broken down into its oxygen and nitrogen elements, and it combines with carbon dioxide in the chlorophyll to form sugar. This oxygen released by trees and other plants becomes a part of the air we breath, while the glucose is carried to the other parts of the plant as nourishment. This essential process is what will make of 95 percent of the mass in a tree, and photosynthesis by trees and other plants is what contributes nearly all the oxygen in the air we breathe. Here is the chemical equation for the process of photosynthesis: 6 molecules of carbon dioxide 6 molecules of water light → glucose oxygen The Importance of Photosynthesis Many processes occur in a tree leaf, but none more important than photosynthesis and the resulting food it manufactures and the oxygen it produces as a byproduct. Through the magic of green plants, the radiant energy of the sun is captured in a leafs structure and made available to all living things. Except for a few kinds of bacteria, photosynthesis is the only process on earth by which organic compounds are constructed from inorganic substances, resulting in stored energy. Roughly 80 percent of the earths total photosynthesis is produced in the ocean. Its estimated that 50 to 80 percent of the worlds oxygen is generated by ocean plant-life, but the critical remaining portion is generated by terrestrial plant life, particular the earths forests  So the pressure is constantly on the terrestrial plant world to keep up the pace. The loss of the worlds forests has far-reaching consequences in terms of the compromising the percentage of oxygen in the earths atmosphere. And because the process of photosynthesis consumes carbon dioxide, trees, and other plant life, are a means by which the earth scrubs out carbon dioxide and replaces it with pure oxygen. It is quite critical for cities to maintain a healthy urban forest in order to maintain good air quality. Photosynthesis and The History of Oxygen Oxygen has not always been present on earth. The earth itself is estimated to be around 4.6 billion years old, but scientists studying geologic evidence believe that oxygen first appeared about 2.7 billion years ago, when microscopic cyanobacteria, otherwise known as blue-green algae, developed the ability to photosynthesize sunlight into sugars and oxygen. It took roughly a billion more years for enough oxygen to collect in the atmosphere to support early forms of terrestrial life. It is unclear just what happened 2.7 billion years ago to cause cynobacteria to develop the process that makes life on earth possible. It remains one of sciences most intriguing mysteries.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Social Change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Social Change - Research Paper Example The system depends on satellites to provide precise location and time data to the specified users (Helms 20). GPS-consumer products that exist in cell phones and smart phones accompany the technology. It is through this technology that turn-by-turn directions of everything that the consumer is looking for is available to the car dashboards, smart phones and iPhones among others (Kaplan and Hegarty 13). Navigation for a long time has been considered a skill up to now. It required a lot of knowledge and effort to interpret the maps in the past. The end of the 19th century and the entry of the 20th century emerged with a new technology that bridged the distance between an ordinary person and a knowledgeable navigator. (Roy and Beringer 32) This technology refers to the global positioning system. The technology has made navigation simple because with a single click on the screen; every person can find the intended way via a complex system that consists of satellites. The system works through receivers that translate satellite data and give precise positions of the features in question (Sherman 45). The first people to come up with the idea of the GPS were the military personnel and proof that the system worked in 1991.The American forces found it difficult to navigate through the desert terrain due to the lack of landmarks, the introduction of the technology made it easy for the forces to navigate with ease through any terrain that they came across with a lot of ease. The exact accuracy of this technology in the navigation sector showed the power of the GPS technology (Sonokpon 32). The technology also has a lot of impact on the economy of the country. Many companies are turning the GPS technology for collection of accurate and useful relevant geographic information data to improve their market targets (Hannon 50). A good example is the airport sector where an airline is in a position to find out the shortest possible distance between two
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
What are the starting activities that the Municipality of XXXX in Research Proposal
What are the starting activities that the Municipality of XXXX in Cyprus need to manage in order to implement successfully Citizen Relationship Management - Research Proposal Example It makes for greater convenience, accountability and reliability on part of a public organization to its citizens. This concept has yet to develop fully in Cyprus. European policymakers hope CzRM would be implemented in all governments to improve overall operations. Although CzRM has been implemented in other regions of Europe, the local authorities of Cyprus are in initial stages of investigating it for their own communities. That is one reason why conducting an investigation of the feasibility of CzRM for the Municipality of Ayia Napa in Cyprus is so important. The aim of this research project will be to suggest to the Municipality of Ayia Napa a list of starting activities for the successful implementation of CzRM according to their existing conditions and needs. These results will help the Municipality of Ayia Napa implement CzRM to increase their effective efficiency. It will ultimately help guide other municipalities in Cyprus because of developmental and operational similarities. There are challenges in CzRM system development. One is interpersonal. Niehoff and Moorman found that direct observation negatively influenced a group’s overall opinions of the monitor but positively affected their opinions of his or her fairness (1993). The other is procedural. According to Lytras, CzRM requires in-depth analysis of infrastructures and knowledge processes (2006). Nevertheless, Thai Government has studied this new stage in participative democracy. They promoted participation through e-forums. (Komolrit 2004). CitiStat is a method of data collection and analysis including behavioral feedback to help city administrators coordinate compartmentalized efforts. Ultimately, it is a technology augmenting management practice including citizens in optimizing participation CzRM connect online portals, electronic case management, call centers, physical one-stop service centers and CRM software (Schellong 2008). Participating municipalities can be in different stages
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Honesty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Honesty - Essay Example Her feelings of insecurity and mistrust were amplified by the confession of Michael about looking at other girls and praising their style, outfits, figure or some other aspect. It is seen that in the beginning Michael is not honest about exposing his feelings towards other women but later on after the heated argument with his wife he seems to get on the right track of honesty. At the end of the story, Michael honestly tells his opinions about other women and confesses that he likes one thing or the other in them. However the question here arises as to if the right track of honesty was the solution to the conflict or not. Following this essay one can figure out as to if honesty was really the solution or not. The story starts from a Sunday morning when both Frances and Michael are walking on the fifth avenue. While the couple walk on the busy street Frances notices Michael staring at other women and passes a comment on him so that he stops staring at other women. They plan on spending the Sunday together without anyone interfering when Michael is again seen to notice other girls. This makes Frances a bit offensive towards Michael leading to a heated conversation in the end. At first Michael tries to ignore the argument but later on he joins the heated conversation leading to the end of their Sunday get-together plan. Michael has not been honest to his wife when it comes to describing his inner feelings about women until the last part of the conversation takes place. This can be clearly inferred from the story when Michael denies his inner feelings about looking at every woman for a chance in these words â€Å"I look at everything. God gave me eyes and I look at women and men and subway.......inspect the universe†(lines 90-92). Michael at this instance was trying to tell Frances that he looks at women just like he looks at everything else. Frances, however seems to be true about her feelings to Michael from the very start. In the
Friday, November 15, 2019
Negative Impacts of Information Technology
Negative Impacts of Information Technology THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON SOCIETY Technology is the application of knowledge to the practical aims of human life or to change and manipulate the human environment. In this century, technological advancement has made our lives easier and more comfortable. We enjoy higher incomes and better standard of living as a result of progress and development, but rapid advancement of technology has impacted our society globally. According to Power 22, â€Å"In 2008, just 16 percent of world’s working population qualified as hyper-connected, but the study predicted that 40 percent of us would soon meet the criteria.†Technology has always improved from time to time, and there will be more people rely on technology. In the future, technology will be replacing many things and people’s life will be easier. However, many people are seeing the benefits of technology only and never look at its impacts. By the way, excessive usages of technology will effects people’s daily life. There are many negative effec ts of technology which will effects people’s daily life such as language proficiency, social life and health. Although technology has helped us in many fields, but there are still many people do not realise the fact that technology has negative affects society. The first main point for the negative impacts of information technology on society is poor language proficiency. Language proficiency is the ability of an individual to speak or perform in an acquired language. This is a very serious matter to be concern about this developing information technology on society. This is because the modern technology allows the students to communicate with their families and associates instantly using application such as Line, WeChat and WhatsApp. This application will make life easier to communicate between each other. However, this will cause them to ignore the spelling of different words and the usage of proper grammar. Furthermore, with the increasing amount of information on the web, Internet users may come across inaccurate information and lead to misinformation or even slightly skewed way of thinking. This may confused the student understanding through some information. Students in this generation love to communicate with their friends and tend t o make new friends when they are on social networks. However, some of them will face problems when it comes to real world face-to-face communication. They wouldn’t know the differences between communication in social networks and also when they communicate face-to-face. Moreover, they will have problems in communication because they could not pronounce different words correctly. According to Erica Loop (2014) â€Å"As an adult, you may know that Mr. Bob’s bio facts are far from true, but that doesn’t mean that your child has the same understanding.†With the poor language proficiency, one might misunderstand the information available on the web. They have to know the good and bad of our technology in this society. As a conclusion, technology does helps people in learning but people misused it in a wrong way. We shall appreciate our technology in this generation and use it wisely but not getting affected into it and have problems in language proficiency. T o avoid these problems, we have to lessen the communication on social networks and try to communicate with people around us more often. Besides, technological improvement will cause a huge impact on social life. This is because consumers rely on communication devices such as smart phone, I-pad, I-pod, Tab for most of their daily tasks. This causes them neglect quality time with their family members as they are busy trying out the new gadgets or new applications available in the market or getting updated to the current trend on the social networks. For example, nowadays teenagers will keep looking and pressing the screen or button on their communication device while they do activities such as eating, watching TV with their family. Sometimes, they pay more attentions to their devices than to their family. The more advanced technology becomes, the more it seems to have control over our lives. Technology has changed human experience nowadays. Nowadays, people spend more time online than ever before and their social life is affected by internet. They like to read the news from the internet instead of newspaper. Also, they also like to chat by using their devices rather than facing each other. This is because they feel that it will save time and money, but this will cause them to be addicted to technology. The addiction comes from not realising that they already found are what they were looking for. According to Siege, 22, â€Å"the internet has radically changed nearly every level of human experience in an incredibly short amount of time.†With advanced technology, human tend to rely on technology devices in short time. Moreover, the revolution made many previously impossible things that include accessing personal data and information of Internet users that they might never meet. Through the internet, people could post and share links, statuses, pictures, comments and even vent their feelings to other internet users. They can also look through other users’ personal information which would include vital information such as age, birthday, and marital status to know more about the particu lar person. This will give way to cybercrime. For example, illegal acts, privacy invasion, and even confidential information stealing. Although technology do have their advantages, but as with many revolutionary inventions, they can radically change our lives, for better or worse. Moreover, the advancement of technology not only negatively affected our language proficiency and social life but also our health. Most teenagers and white-collar worker spend numerous hours in front of computer screen without any intense physical activity which may lead to injuries such as lumbar injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome. It is undeniable fact that computer is a vital machine for many different jobs and activities, even in learning, for adults, adolescents and children. However, the long hours of computer can contribute to increasing chance for an injury. â€Å" The more tech-time that a child engages in, the less likely it is that will get in his daily dose of physical activity†. For example, if children play too much computer games, they might experience physical and psychological problems. With higher technology, people are prone to addicted and lazy. This is because people are too dependent on the technology available today. People no longer need to leave their home for entertainment purpose and they can find the answer to anything with the web browser, Google. With the advancement of mobile phone, people do not even bother to memorise phone numbers anymore. Also, mobile phone users can download games, video and music to keep them entertained. As time pass, they forget about the people around them and addicted to the small gadgets on their hand. For instance, when we are at the restaurant, what we usually see is teenagers busy with their gadgets and even children, they no longer running around and make noise as the gadgets kept them accompanied. With excessive usage of electronic gadgets, it will weaken people’s memory and harm their eye sights. â€Å"I think modern information technology greatly simplifies our life, because a lot of what we no longer need to keep in mind, but basically there are a number of things that we will not search in the Internet every time we need it, so computer or smart phone can replace human memoryâ⠂¬ . People no longer need memorise things they need as their computer or smart phone can assists them in this matter. For example, when shopping for grocery one can simply list down on their smart phone and get it at the mall. Consequently, this will lead to a weaker memory as people rarely store information in their mind. When we look at things that are closer to our face we are likely to blink lesser than when we look at distant objects. This will cause our eyes to be drier when we spend long hours using electronic gadgets and consequently harm our eye sight. If we do not manage our usage of technology wisely, it eventually will weaken our immune system. In a nutshell, we believe the advancement of technology has negatively impacted our language proficiency, social life and health. Poor language proficiency should be countered by having more communication through internet using proper grammar and correct spellings of different words, having face-to-face communication more frequently or reading more newspaper to improve the language proficiency. We should manage our usage of technology devices by reducing the usage of smartphone for long hours, learn how to communicate and mingle with people around us and make it a habit to write in proper sentences using correct spelling and grammar. Next regarding social life, we should spend quality time with our family and friends. Moreover, try not to store most of our personal information as it might harm our safety. Lastly, regarding to health, if forced to work for long hours in front of the computer screen, we should take breaks in between to stretch our body and relax our eyes. Furthermore, society must be able to utilise technology while not allowing it to handicap social interactions, particularly for those who are easily influenced during our formative years. Our world must learn to embrace technology without allowing it to negatively impact the creation of functional adults in society. According to Greg Satell (2013), â€Å"Technology, like most human things, is a double edged sword, involving gain and loss, merit and demerit.†In conclusion, the more advanced technology becomes, the more it seems to have control over our lives.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Five Main Sets of Value Paradigms :: Papers
The Five Main Sets of Value Paradigms According to the text there are 5 main sets of value paradigms: values from a perspective of traditional certainty, values from a perspective of post modern Relativism, values from an environmental perspective, the new-age perspective and values from an eclectic perspective. So lets examine that fundamentals of each paradigm to get a better view. The first and probably the most formal of all the paradigms is the perspective of traditional certainty. This set of values is more or less religious in nature, with the majority of its followers espousing monotheistic or one-God beliefs. Despite all the differences between the ideologies of monotheistic cultures, the one truth that holds constant is that of â€Å"divine order†. This cultural universal constant contends that everything has intrinsic value and therefore must be studied and protected. And out of the chaos that comes with our daily mundane existence, there will ultimately be a supreme order, which everything adheres to. The values of postmodern relativism on the other hand are completely different. This paradigm concentrates almost exclusively on the mundane and materialistic aspects of life. Postmodern relativism can be divided into two major parts: the pragmatic/weak form and the nihilistic/or strong form. In the pragmatic view, one’s main goal in life is to strive for all the luxuries that the world can offer and achieve personal happiness. A pragmatic believes that there is no ultimate reality, but chaos. But despite this seemingly bleak overview of the world, they still believe that we must strive to be decent and merciful to other people. To quote David Greegor â€Å"we must act as though we still believe in absolute values favoring a â€Å"good†in which we no longer believe†. According to the nihilistic or strong form of postmodern relativism there is no real meaning to anything. They espouse a sort of â€Å"anything goes attitude†wherein they believe whatever h appens happens and there is nothing more. According to this view, the world around us is just an illusion and the fundamental building blocks of all that is considered real, are in fact more real than the entities they make up. Ultimately a nihilistist’s fate will fall into the hands of entropy and once again turn toward chaos. Values from an environmental perspective are somewhat different from all the others mentioned here. The environmental perspective stresses that nature is a main source of many of the values we see everyday.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Ha Jin †The Bridegroom Essay
Described as utopian in nature, the Chinese culture is often in pursuit for the perfect individual, a harmonious and structured society where the citizens as a whole create the ideal culture. In a collection of short stories entitled The Bridegroom, author Ha Jin documents this aspect of reality in homeland China. Primarily for the purposes of instruction and satirical verse, Ha Jin, shows how people are trying to find themselves in a society that focuses on the ‘whole’ of the country rather than the individual. He is able to interconnect this theme of individualism through four major stories in the book while presenting ‘Chineseness’ or satire of fictional verse as a way to focus on the changes throughout China and the political discourse that its citizens face. In the short story Alive, Ha Jin depicts individualism, or the loss thereof and its impact on a Chinese family. Headed to Taifu City to collect money at a coalmine, main character Tong Guhan develops amnesia after an earthquake devastated the community and impaired the memory of its citizens. Since the government felt that all people must work together for the betterment of the community, people like Guhan were forced to re-marry, adopt an orphan, and start a new life. For the Chinese government, this was a unique opportunity to create a new movement and â€Å"since this was an emergency [measure], love wasn’t taken into account; so long as the couple didn’t dislike each other, a marriage certificate was issued to them (29). Although as time progresses, Guhan happens to pass by the smell of dumplings and in a flash, instantly remembers his past life. At that point, he decides to return to Muji City where he encounters his original family. What can only be considered as satire, Ha Jin structures this story around wit in his literary style of writing. Who would conceive that the smell of dumplings could suddenly force an individual to remember the past? The amnesia and the government’s reaction to the aftermath of the earthquake show the loss of individualism. Furthermore, the dumpling’s echo Ha Jin’s desire to structure the story around unconventional circumstances and assert a sence of identity to Guhan’s character. The Chinese government was organized and wanted to do what they thought was right for the state as a whole. Unfortunately for Guhan, he was loosing his identity and individualism for the greater good of China. Abnormal behavior is never more apparent than in the story titled In the Kindergarten. When Shaona becomes the second child of her household, she is forced to live outside the city limits in a rural foster home. It is my assumption that Ha Jin is referring to the second child as a male since they are heavily praised in the Chinese Culture. The story depicts how children at a young age do whatever they want to do, inherit bad language and often misbehave. Social conformity and propaganda have yet to be ingrained, as quoted when Weilan, another student in the kindergarten is caught saying â€Å"Big asshole†(47) to another student, who in reply says, â€Å"Say that again, bitch! He went up to her, grabbed her shoulders, pushed her to the ground, and kicked her buttocks†(47). Compared to Alive, this story focuses on the Chinese attempt to secure conformity for all of its citizens. In my opinion, the Kindergarten story is what Chinese life is like prior to the events in the short story Alive. It shows the purity of children at an early age and how social norms are not necessarily inherited; they are learned. Main characters Beina and Haung Baowen join hands in matrimony as a marriage of convenience in the story, Bridegroom. Ha Jin uncovers the truth behind homosexuality in China and the need for Baowen to become protected under the guise of marriage to Beina. To the Chinese society, â€Å"Homosexuality originated in western capitalism and Bourgeois lifestyle. According to [our] law, it’s dealt with as a kind of hooliganism†(96). In this story, Baowen was caught in a club called â€Å"Men’s World†that was a type of salon that only admitted men. He was subsequently arrested and sent to a mental hospital to cure his supposed illness instead of serving a jail sentence. While in the mental hospital, Ha Jin structures the story around Baowen’s accounts of electro-shock therapy as a way to stop homosexual acts and maintain harmony and uniformity amongst the Chinese citizens. Ha Jin is specific about the torture when he mentions how â€Å"Baowen was noiseless in the electrified water, with his eyes shut and his head resting on a black rubber pad at the end of the tub. He looked fine, rather relaxed †¦ Then the nurse gave him more electricity†(106). Unfortunately, Haung repeated the crime of homosexual acts and was subsequently sent to prison. Ha Jin uses this brutal story to show how the government intends to mold its citizens into a ‘family unit’ or community. For the government, there is an image, or structure in which an individual is to conform to so that the community as a whole is structured. The irony is that there is no real mention or word for individualism although it is apparent that the oppressive social values that Ha Jin illustrates through the story of Baowen, shows how a government can undermine a person’s happiness and individualistic nature. In the story, Women from New York, Chin Jinli goes to America to seek a better life for her family. Unfortunately, her trip back to China is faced with the harsh realities of life under Communist China and their perception of American culture; believing that â€Å"Wall Street was paved with gold bricks†(173). Jinli’s family does not take well to her New York trip since she obtained money and wanted to get her teaching job back. To them, â€Å"She looked like a different woman, wearing a gold necklace, her lips rouged, her eyelashes blackened with ink, and even her toenails dyed red †¦ In a way, her makeup and manners verified the hearsay that she had become the fifteenth concubine of a wealthy Chinese man in New York City†(172). Fearing that she had disrupted the delicate balance of harmony, the Chinese government refused her job. Her family shunned her and at every attempt to be become re-acclimated, Jinli’s family looked at her as an outsider. Ultimately, Jinli found herself as an individual, counter to the Chinese, who were so encapsulated in a one-person, one-idea state. It is without notice that Ha Jin interconnects the four stories with fictional accounts of individualism and the struggle the Chinese people have gone through to maintain it, or even imagine it. Form the stores of Guhan’s dumplings, to the accounts of Baowen’s troubled battle of homosexuality, Ha Jin identifies the characters, shares their life story and defines a commonality all through the use of satire.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Feral Child Essay
Feral Child Essay Feral Child Essay Smith 1 Noah Smith Ms. Pino HSP3U 11 October 2014 Mizoram’s Wild Flower Common children’s movie characters such as The Jungle Book’s Mowgli, or the character Tarzan may not seem very realistic, but in fact it is quite the opposite. These fictionalized characters millions of people have grown to love bear a striking resemblance to some real life humans. The concept of a human being raised in the wild secluded from the rest of the modern world may seem like the works of inspired Disney writers. But it is what creates such inspiration that continues to baffle and intrigue scientists around the globe. What happens to a child when it is abandoned to its own devices at an early age can be shocking, but nonetheless the stories behind such circumstances are not the work of fiction. But much rather real world happenings. The story of Chhaidy, a girl native to India is one that sheds light on the clear importance of early life socialization. Chhaidy was born in Theiva, a small village in Mizoram. She was brought up into the Maras, an Indian tribe of once revered headhunters. At age four the village of 150 homes was rocked by the disappearance of two of their children. The jungle surrounding their village had swallowed up Chhaidy and her male cousin. Five days later after near constant searching for the pair, only one returned to the village. Chhaidy was never able to be traced, it was not until 38 years later that she was finally rediscovered in the neighbouring state Myanmar. Chhaidy was Smith 2 discovered living naked in a cemetery and was adopted by a family where she lived for four years. Eventually Chhaidy was returned to her biological parents. Now 42 years old she is faced with the daunting task of resocialization. Having lost all but two words of her native tongue (Mara Dialect), she is forced to readapt to her once home. One day at the age of four Chhaidy and her cousin Beirakhu were playing in the jungle fields adjacent to their village. The duo eventually could not find their way home, due to the sever weather conditions of the jungle a massive rain storm forced the children to find shelter. The locals lost hope for the survival of the children as the chances of these two young ones surviving the night in the harsh conditions of the jungle alone were difficult to generate hope from. But the hope was revived when they searching villagers discovered the boy next to a stream in a very disturbed state. No trace of Chhaidy was found. After the boy recovered, he told the tale of their survival. In which they stumbled upon a women living in the forest who took them in. Hopes were high until the boy brought them back to where he believed the house was. The hope quickly faded away as house nor women was discovered. For the next 38 years, Chhaidy lived in near complete isolation in the jungles of India. Rumors and tales of a dubbed â€Å"Jungle Girl†spread like wild fire from camp to camp, but no hard evidence was ever given to support the claims of this naked wild child. It is rumored that Chhaidy did in fact have some human interaction when she would stumbled upon a village. Some would feed a cloth her before having this mysterious girl run back off into the wild. It is believed that during her life in the wild Chhaidy went as far as the border of China. When she was discovered, the jungle girl was wearing tattered clothing native to China. Which supports the claims of her minor human Smith 3 interaction. After being found living naked in a cemetery, the child was adopted into a family where she lived for four years. Again tales of a â€Å"Jungle Girl†being found spread through the nearby communities, eventually reaching as far as her biological parents. Their hope was renewed when they heard of this girl. The parents travelled to the village to see if this girl was in fact their long lost child. The mother was skeptical at first, but after closer examination. She
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Beethoven Essays (1583 words) - Age Of Enlightenment, Free Essays
Beethoven Essays (1583 words) - Age Of Enlightenment, Free Essays Beethoven There resounds a proverbial question, If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear, does it make a sound as it falls? Capricious as this query may appear I have had occasion to entertain just such a notion when, as a youth, I found an exploratory journey down a deep woods path abruptly halted by the greeting of an enormous fallen tree. The colossal obstacle lay across my path and presented itself a motionless, silent guardian that protected that which lay beyond from my further intrusion. What a monumental disturbance must have been witnessed by the forest as this giant came crashing down! I wondered how the tree came to be there in the first place or what of the countless forms of life that had sprang forth from its protective purview over the decades of the trees history. I wondered what might have led to the demise of the strong anchoring system that had so obviously sustained the uprightness of this tower for so long. Not to mention what a scurry for life itself must have taken place by the multitude of creatures that were no doubt within the danger zone as tons of falling wood rushed earthward. Notwithstanding the magnitude of this event and the obvious lasting effects that resulted, I still wondered if the falling tree had made a sound? When the life of Ludwig van Beethoven first encroached upon my path, much the same sensation was experienced. No doubt I had heard of the composers name, but then so had I foreknowledge of trees, both fallen as well as standing ones. However, what of this particular composer. Had I ever entertained conversation with him? Had I known of his particular work, achievements, or failures? What difference had been made by this long extinguished life, at least where I was concerned? So here I stood. Yet another fallen giant before me in an apparently posture of complete silence leaving me to contemplate what, if any, true sound had been made as it fell. Every inquiry has its beginnings and Beethovens began in Bonn, Germany on December 16, 1770 (Cross 45). Though he had somewhat of a musical heritage with both his father and grandfather being performers themselves, it appears to have been that the emotion of greed more probably served as the conduit for molding of the youth. Johaan Beethoven, Ludwigs drunkard father, had become aware that his son possessed musical talent. Though apparently not particularly moved to enrich the young childs life, Johaan saw Ludwig as a potential Mozart style child prodigy of which could be capitalized on for financial gain. It is ironic that the same greed over Mozarts success inspired the creation of one genius, Ludwig Beethoven, yet aided in the demise of another, Wolfgang A. Mozart himself. It was this greed that enticed a drunken Johaan to pull young Ludwig from his bed in the middle of the night and then force hours of practice on the violin with abusive beatings being the corrective measure for mistakes the exhausted child might make (Cross 46). Johaan felt that if Mozart could be so successful at such a young age, then so could Ludwig. Consequently, it was precisely this same envy over Mozarts ability that motivated adversaries of the likes of Salieri to continually undermine the potential advancement of Mozarts work, and thus, contributing to his poverty and ultimate premature poppers funeral (Cross 522-23). Johaans greed took the form of envy while Salieris took that of fear. However, both were greed in its purest form and most likely had equal effect on Beethoven. Johaans greed resulted in abu sive, yet not unproductive, practice. The final product of this was technical ability as well as much emotion, both of which furthered Beethovens compositions. On the other hand, Salieris greed contributed to Mozarts early death. In his later years Beethoven greatly feared that he too would face a premature death as his idle, Mozart, had done. This pushed productivity out as Beethoven constantly felt a sense of urgency to make his destined contribution to the musical world. Beethoven had made his concert debut at the age of eight and had already tenured as a performer in the Electorate
Sunday, November 3, 2019
EB Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
EB - Essay Example on the Scarborough campus. This, we hope, will provide a major step forward in the development of student facilities. This research also serves to fulfil partial requirements of my degree programme. 1.2 Background to research The Scarborough campus does not currently have a school bus and so the implementation of such a system would help to alleviate some of the problems that students currently face students in their efforts to arrive on the campus in time for classes. A properly run bus system would reduce lateness and provide a convenient means of getting from home to the campus. The bus will also help in transporting students between Scarborough campus and the main campus. However, the system would only make sense if it is feasible 2.0 Research Description and Methodology 2.1 Plan of research The research is in the form of a survey. ... The questionnaire was designed to allow for five alternative choices in most cases. There was only one question requiring a yes or no answer. Only two questions were designed using the Likert scale with choices ranging from 1 to 5 with 1 being the weakest/lowest and 5 being the strongest/highest. Delanshire & Petrosky, 1998 indicates that: â€Å"Whenever you use checklists or rating scales, you simplify and more easily quantify people’s behaviors and attitudes. In the process you may lose valuable information.†(qtd. in Leedy and Ormrod, 2005, pg187). However, it is hoped that no valuable information is lost here. 2.2 Discussion of methods The research looks at key variables that will help determine the feasibility of the bus system such as where students live, the circumstances under which they would want to take a bus, how often they travel by bus, get an idea of the timetable which would suggest frequency of use and the price that students consider reasonable. These questions were derived from the consideration of factors that would make the system feasible. If there are no students who are in need of the service, it will not be workable. 3.0 Data Collection 3.1 Data Collection procedures Data was collected with the use of questionnaires which were emailed to the respondents. After they were returned the data was collated and analysed using graphs and charts. The questionnaire is included in the Appendix. 3.2 Sampling Method The sample was not randomly selected because of the time constraint. It was administered to classmates and a few other students. Therefore, we know that the sample chosen was biased. 4.0 Findings 4.1 Overall Findings Questionnaires were emailed to a total of 50
Friday, November 1, 2019
Forensic test Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Forensic test - Assignment Example The paper tells that many forensic materials collected are usually small and minute and therefore a more sensitive test is reliable. A forensic test should also be specific to avoid compromising. It should not cross check with other test as this increases the tests’ validity. The ideal forensic test needs to be quick. Many individuals would like to know the results of their tests as fast as possible due to the anxiety usually facing such cases and therefore a quicker test becomes more ideal. The test should be simple to conduct, reliable and repeatable. This is necessary whenever there is need for verification. Gunn also perceives an ideal forensic test to be affordable and the equipment and reagents should be readily available. The ease with which the equipment and apparatus can be accessed for the test also makes a forensic test to be ideal. Continuous gradual decay process and disorganization of tissues and structures after death is known as decomposition. There are a numbe r of factors affecting and influencing the sequence and the rate of decomposition. These factors may include temperature, humidity and the media through which the body has been exposed to. The media may include soil, water or preservatives. Tissues rich in blood vessels are always the first ones to suffer autolysis while those ones lacking blood vessels suffer autolysis later. This is the destruction of cell structure and tissues without any bacterial action. In case of lack of oxygen in the body, anaerobic respiration takes place and this leads to formation of lactic acid which makes the body to decompose a condition referred to as necrosis (Cengage, 2006). High temperature conditions increases the rate of reactions and this increases the rate of decomposition of a body. This is because energy is available for the decomposition process. A body placed in a cold media like freezing ice or water undergoes decomposition at a lower rate due to deactivation of bacteria by the freezing or lower temperatures. Similarly preservatives play a function of reducing water or liquid levels in a body thereby denying bacteria favorable medium to work on. A body buried under soil decomposes faster because of lack of oxygen hence more lactic acid formed due to anaerobic respiration and this leads to necrosis. A body lying on top of soil undergoes decomposition at a slower rate due to the availability of oxygen hence lea lactic acid formed. Works cited Cengage, G. (2006,
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